Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12154
Infographic online from meat trade association website. 1 page., Presents highlights of a "Power of Meat" survey conducted by 210 Analytics on behalf of Food Marketing Institute. 1 page.
James F. Evans Collection, The Ajzen-Fishbein (1980) model to predict intent to perform behavior was used to assess the intent to consume beef among a stratified random sample of 400 Texas women. It was found that attitudes toward consuming beef do not predict directly intent to consume beef, but the subjective norm does. Specifically, the respondent's husband and friends strongly affect her intention to consume less beef. Thus, knowing the subjective norm permits prediction of her intentions because such intentions are not under attitudinal control. These findings call for an intensification of research efforts on food consumption on social influences such as referent others. (original)
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 34 Document Number: D10692
Claude W. Gifford Collection. PACER Project., Claude W. Gifford Collection. Six preliminary reports, 2 pages each., The PACER project was conducted in collaboration with the Office of Communication, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Preliminary reports intended for distribution to selected policy-makers within the Department. Titles:
"Public opinion about food prices"
"Public opinion about selling farm products abroad"
"Public opinion about farmers as users of energy"
"Public opinion about meat prices"
"Public opinions about causes of inflation"
"The audience of 'Across the Fence'"
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12140
Online via AgriMarketing Weekly. 2 pages., Findings of a survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults commissioned by Proagrica indicated that 39% of U.S. consumers considered going vegetarian or vegan since the COVID-19 pandemic began. These attitudes were apparent in relation to both grocery shopping and eating out. Health was cited as the main reason for considering changes in diet, followed closely by the cost of meat.
Analyses suggest that the likelihood of cutting fresh meat consumption increases with greater attention given to television messages, as well as with the presence of young children in the household and with increasing age of the consumer.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 172 Document Number: C29127
Archived June 24, 2009, via Food Safety Network. 2 pages., "When consumers go online for information about the production practices that put meat on their tables, they are more likely to see the kind of one-sided content featured in the documentary 'Food, Inc.' than content reflecting the views of conventional producers or major food brands." Report of research by v-Fluence.
25 pages., Online via UI e-subscription., Researchers investigated consumer attitudes toward vegetarianism, using two studies involving interviews with vegetarians and meat eaters. Text analysis revealed that "emotionally calibrated consumers were 'moral vegetarians' who find meat repulsive and make ethical food choices." Cognitively calibrated consumers were found to be 'health vegetarians' who "scanned the nutrition information, avoided meat due to health restrictions, and embraced vegetarianism for healthy life." Findings prompted suggestions for promoting vegetarianism.
Clement, Wendell E. (author), Havas, Nick (author), Hunter, James Scott (author), and Market Development Branch, Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; Market Development Branch, Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; Market Development Branch, Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 34 Document Number: B03627
Washington, D.C. : U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Research Division, 1958. 58 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture. Marketing Research Report no. 292)
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 159 Document Number: C25923
BBC News. 2 pages., Survey shows "Many British people are unaware that the ingredients for produce such as bacon, porridge, bread and beer come from farms."
18 pages., While in vitro animal meat (IVM) is not yet commercially available, the public has already begun to form opinions of IVM as a result of news stories and events drawing attention to its development. As such, we can discern public perceptions of the ethics of IVM before its commercial release. This affords advocates of environmentally sustainable, healthy, and just diets with a unique opportunity to reflect on the social desirability of the development of IVM. This work draws upon an analysis of ethical perceptions of IVM in 814 US news blog comments related to the August 2013 tasting of the world’s first IVM hamburger. Specifically, I address three primary questions: (1) How does the public perceive the ethics of IVM development? (2) How acceptable is IVM to the public relative to alternative approaches to reducing animal meat consumption? and (3) What should all of this mean for the ongoing development and promotion of IVM? Ultimately, it is argued that there is a strong need for facilitation of public dialogue around IVM, as well as further research comparing the acceptability of IVM to other alternatives.
19 pages., Via online journal., While in vitro animal meat (IVM) is not yet commercially available, the public has already begun to form opinions of IVM as a result of news stories and events drawing attention to its development. As such, we can discern public perceptions of the ethics of IVM before its commercial release. This affords advocates of environmentally sustainable, healthy, and just diets with a unique opportunity to reflect on the social desirability of the development of IVM. This work draws upon an analysis of ethical perceptions of IVM in 814 US news blog comments related to the August 2013 tasting of the world’s first IVM hamburger. Specifically, I address three primary questions: (1) How does the public perceive the ethics of IVM development? (2) How acceptable is IVM to the public relative to alternative approaches to reducing animal meat consumption? and (3) What should all of this mean for the ongoing development and promotion of IVM? Ultimately, it is argued that there is a strong need for facilitation of public dialogue around IVM, as well as further research comparing the acceptability of IVM to other alternatives.
Via ProQuest Historical Newspapers. 1 page., American Newspaper Publishers Association protests efforts by government agencies, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture, to control advertising content inappropriately. Article cites an example: "A 1933 order by the animal industry bureau of the Agriculture Department deleting from Jones's dairy farm advertising a jingle, 'Most little pigs to to market, The best little pigs go to Jones's,' on the grounds that it was misleading."
Carr, Chad (author), Abrams, Katie (author), Roberts, Grady (author), Philipps, Kylie (author), Velinsky, Victoria (author), Eubanks, Larry (author), Scheffler, Jason (author), and Johnson, Dwain (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
United States: Extension Journal, Inc.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 203 Document Number: D12301
11 pages, Massive open online courses (MOOCs) offer a unique platform through which Extension can provide valuable education. We explored The Meat We Eat, a MOOC designed to create a more informed meat consumer and increase perceptions of transparency surrounding meat production. Compared to pretest respondents (n = 490), students who completed the posttest (n = 226) had an improved attitude toward meat and slaughter, an improved perception of the meat industry’s transparency, and increased knowledge. These findings suggest the relevance and value of MOOCs as Extension activities for improving knowledge and attitudes toward animal agriculture and other topics.