Iwamoto, Hiroyuki (author / Tokyo University of Agriculture)
Publication Date:
February 7-10, 2012
Japan: Australian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 140 Document Number: D06130
Previously thought to be Doc C01226 or D00954 (wrong doc numbers), Contributed paper prepared for presentation at the 56th AARES annual conference, Fremantel, Western Australia, February 7-10, 2012
10 pages., Via ebook., Research on public markets in small provincial towns is scarce,
particularly on the role they play in maintaining a relationship with the local
culture, environment and production. This paper examines consumers’ habits and
preferences for food shopping in three European regions with respect to the
purchase of fish products. The goal is to investigate consumers’ preferences for
local fish to highlight the motivations that lead to different choices. A multiple
correspondence analysis explores the motivations behind purchasing preferences,
showing the complex process that drives individual consumer choices. Based on
504 interviews conducted in cities and areas adjacent to the cities of Girona,
Reggio Calabria, and Lipari, we found no evidence of converging habits and
homogenization on preferences. It supports the perspective in which the interplay
between local culture and consumption of local products is strictly associated.
Gifford, Claude W. (author / Economics Editor, Farm Journal magazine)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 71 Document Number: D10765
Find this presentation in Document No. D10766. Claude W. Gifford Collection. Beyond his materials in the ACDC collection, the Claude W. Gifford Papers, 1919-2004, are deposited in the University of Illinois Archives. Serial Number 8/3/81. Locate finding aid at https://archives.library.illinois.edu/archon/, Pages 126-134 in Farmer Cooperative Service (August 1970), Cooperative bargaining: selections from the proceedings of the national conferences of Agricultural Bargaining Cooperatives. Service Report 113. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Claude W. Gifford Collection.
Farmer Coopeative Service (author / U.S. Department of Agriculture)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 71 Document Number: D10766
Claude W. Gifford Collection. Beyond his materials in the ACDC collection, the Claude W. Gifford Papers, 1919-2004, are deposited in the University of Illinois Archives. Serial Number 8/3/81. Locate finding aid at https://archives.library.illinois.edu/archon/, Service Report 113, Farmer Cooperative Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 154 pages. Claude W. Gifford Collection.