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    701. The Food Safety Modernization Act: implications for U.S. small scale farms

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    702. The Forum, Deerfield, NH: seeking sustainability in hyperlocal journalism

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    703. The Latin American Consortium on Agroecology and Development (CLADES) - fostering rural development based on indigenous knowledge

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    704. The People's Communication Charter: global communications and people's rights

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    705. The Sandiwa: lessons from research and experience

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    706. The Sunday Punch: case study of a successful Philippine community newspaper

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    710. The adaptive consumer: shifting attitudes, behavior change and CSA (community supported agriculture) membership renewal

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    711. The bio-economy concept and knowledge base in a public goods and farmer perspective

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    713. The comparative appraisal of various sources of information by Illinois dairy farmers

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    714. The construction of origin certification: knowledge and local food

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    718. The effects of online video on consumers’ attitudes toward local food

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    721. The future of the United States

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    722. The global in the local: A case study on deforestation in a Ukrainian journalistic field

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    726. The impact of local: exploring availability and location on food buying decisions

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    727. The impact of sugarcane expansion in Brazil: Local stakeholders' perceptions

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    728. The importance of dissemination of information in the effectiveness of an agricultural extension agent

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    729. The influence of four film use methods on community planning

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    730. The influence of place meanings on conservation and human rights in the Arizona Sonora borderlands

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    731. The information highways are still unpaved: the internet and West African community radio

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    732. The information needs of communities: the changing media landscape in a broadband age

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    734. The missing link

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    735. The most important food labels among online shoppers when shopping for fresh produce

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    737. The one to watch: radio, new ICTs [information and communication technologies] and interactivity

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    739. The reconstruction of local food knowledge in the Isle of Skye, Scotland

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    740. The role of extension in developing the use of rangelands

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    741. The role of food hubs in local food marketing

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    742. The role of social media in local government crisis communications

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    743. The role of the country weekly as a social institution and how it is performing that function

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    745. The shop-locally discourse in Jefferson County, Kansas

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    747. The situation and solutions for using indigenous knowledge of local people in adaptation to floods in An Giang Province, Vietnam

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    749. The straight scoop: an expert guide to great community journalism

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    750. The training and demonstration system of agricultural extension : a Nigerian experience

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    753. The use of local knowledge in agricultural extension: A systematic review of the literature

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    754. The use of newspapers and radio in the agricultural extension service

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    755. The use of online social networking by rural youth and its effects on community attachment

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    756. The use of wireless capability at farmers markets: results from a choice experiment study

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    757. The value in evaluating and communicating program impact: the Ohio BR&E Program

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    758. The viability of theater for development communication

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    760. Theater as a mechanism for increasing farm health and safety knowledge

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    762. There is so much to do!

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    763. These 10 prototypes represent new ways to promote community

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    764. These college students taught digital skills to journalists in rural Missouri

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    766. This blog is worth exploring to get better insight into rural journalism

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    767. To free ourselves we must free ourselves

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    771. Traditional and modern (or improved) rural water supplies: stories from Ethiopia and Niger

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    772. Traditional food as a strategy in regional development: the need for knowledge diversity

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    773. Training on location : communication workshops spread the message

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    774. Translate to innovate

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    776. Transportation and money: bringing farm-to-table to the airport

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    777. Trees and no forest: how advocacy paradigms obscure public understanding of the food system

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    778. Try these strategies to promote local summer produce

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    779. Twentieth century weekly community newspapers in the United States

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    780. U. S. and Canadian consumer perception of local and organic terminology

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    781. U.S. public views on climate and energy

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    782. US regional cooperative stresses member relations

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    783. USDA launches "Know your farmer, know your food" initiative to connect consumers with local producers to create new economic opportunities for communities

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    785. Understanding Consumer Intent to Buy Local Food: Adding Consumer Past Experience and Moral Obligation Toward Buying Local Blueberries in Florida Within the Theory of Planned Behavior

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    786. Understanding and use of market news by Wisconsin farmers

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    790. Urban food initiatives in north west England: Manchester Veg People, FarmStart, and Land Army

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    791. Urban gardening realities: the example case study of Portsmouth, England

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    792. Use made of Green Acres service letters by dairymen in Herkimer County, New York

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    793. Use of extension news sent directly to Iowa weeklies versus releases through county extension offices

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    796. Using indigenous technical knowledge (ITK) to enhance agroforestry extension and improve agricultural production in Kenya

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    797. Using video as a replacement or complement for the traditional lecture/demonstration method in agricultural training in rural Uganda

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    798. Utah farm-chef-fork: building sustainable local food connections

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    799. Value of beef steak branding: hedonic analysis of retail scanner data

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    800. Valuing quality attributes and country of origin in the Korean beef market

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