Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 146 Document Number: D06623
Presentation at a conference, "Concentration in agriculture: how much, how serious and why worry" at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, February 4, 2003. 18 pages.
Namibia: Wageningen University and Research Centre
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 136 Document Number: C20803
Burton Swanson Collection, from "Integrating multiple landuse for a sustainable future", 15th European Seminar on Extension and Education, Wageningen International Conference Centre, The Netherlands, August 27-31, 2001
Cartmell, D. Dwayne II (author) and Naile, Traci L. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 157 Document Number: C25600
Retrieved March 19, 2007, Presented to the Agricultural Communications Section, Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Annual Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, February 3-6, 2007. 16 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 93 Document Number: C06962
In: Proceedings of the VIth World Conference on Animal Production, Helsinki 1988. Helsinki, Finland : Finnish Animal Breeding Association, 1988. p. 258
12 pages, If we are to attain a sustainable future, humanity will need to make drastic changes towards a life based on sustainability in all areas, especially in the economic sector, including food production. The task of educating for sustainability needs to include food producers (farmers and livestock breeders). This article describes an educational experience carried out within the framework of a proposal presented in the “Second Call for Grants to Promote University-Company Projects” at the Technological Campus of Algeciras (Spain). It consisted of conducting in-depth interviews with farmers and livestock breeders, identifying the practices in the daily management of their farms, and having them participate in an education and training event in which they shared their knowledge. It was not an easy task because food producers have systematically been attacked by currents of opinion that blame them for causing greenhouse gas emissions. We adopted an approach based on empathy and on encouraging sustainable food production practices.
Lindner, James R. (author / Texas A & M University), Chizari, Mohammad (author / Tarbiat Modarres University), and Bahmani, Solaymon (author / Tarbiat Modarres University)
Publication Date:
Iran: Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 138 Document Number: C20921
Burton Swanson Collection, pages 79-86, from "Emerging trends in agricultural and extension education", AIAEE 2001, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference, April 4-7, 2001, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 93 Document Number: C06952
In: Proceedings of the VIth World Conference on Animal Production, Helsinki 1988. Helsinki, Finland : Finnish Animal Breeding Association, 1988. p. 112-124
10 pages, Goat farming is a major livelihood activity for most smallholder farmers in Botswana. To ensure sustainable livelihoods for these farmers, a shift from the prevalent traditional and subsistence system to a more market-oriented one is considered necessary. Market participation is widely viewed as an effective means of addressing poverty which is particularly rampant in most rural areas of Botswana and other developing countries. Little evidence is however available on the link between market participation and household welfare, especially among livestock and, in particular, small stock farmers. This paper evaluates the effect of market participation on household welfare among smallholder goat farmers. Estimating an endogenous switching regression model, the results show a positive and significant effect of market participation on household income for both participant and non-participant farmers. This effect was found to be more pronounced among the non-participants had they decided to sell. The results suggest that goat farmers should be encouraged to engage in market participation other than their traditional ways of keeping goats. This implies that existing policies and programs that increase market participation and encourage market-oriented farming should be revised in order to provide efficient and sustainable support. Furthermore, the study recommends that information on goat markets should reach rural areas where most farmers reside and are unable to access technology.
19 pages, via online journal, Dairy farms pose many hazards to farmers and their employees, including the risk of injury caused by handling animals. On many farms, there is a lack of consistent information and training related to farm safety topics, including stockmanship, or safe animal handling. The purpose of this qualitative research was to explore effective communication strategies that support the application of stockmanship practices and more broadly support health and safety measures and the adoption of new behaviors by farmers and their employees. Research was conducted in three stages via in-depth farm tours and in-person interviews, a qualitative survey, and follow-up phone interviews with dairy farmers. Findings identified four values and moral norms important to dairy farmers and four barriers to implementation of farm safety practices. The research also revealed publications and in-person meetings as key channels of communication and on-farm consultants as important influencers. From the research findings, three major recommendations emerged. These include using a train the trainer educational model, engaging with professionals and encouraging farmer-to-farmer communication, and leveraging digital resources.
Lombardi, Ginevra Virginia (author), Berni, Rossella (author), Rocchi, Benedetto (author), and Department of Economics and Management, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Department of Statistics, Computer Science and Applications, University of Florence, Italy
Journal article
Publication Date:
Italy: Elsevier Ltd.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 163 Document Number: D08145
Jensen, Helen H. (author), Schroeter, John R. (author), and Associate Professor, Center of Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University; Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Iowa State University
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 90 Document Number: C06449
James F. Evans Collection, see also C03730, In: Kinnucan, Henry W.; Thompson, Stanley R.; and Chang, Hui-Shung, eds. Commodity advertising and promotion. Ames, IA : Iowa State University Press, 1992. p. 58-69
Payne, Tracy (author), Stevens, David (author), and Casey, Marie (author)
Publication Date:
New Zealand
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D02429
Page 52 - Abstract of a paper presented at the International Conference of the Australasia Pacific Extension Network (APEN), Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand, August 26-28, 2013. 100 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 93 Document Number: C06953
In: Proceedings of the VIth World Conference on Animal Production, Helsinki 1988. Helsinki, Finland : Finnish Animal Breeding Association, 1988. p. 125-137
Peterson, Jane W. (author) and Scharpe, Jennifer (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C29322
Posted at, Paper presented at the 2009 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication convention, Boston, Massachusetts, August 5-8, 2009.
16 pages, The U.S. Midwest is a major producer of grain, meat, dairy, eggs, and other major agricultural commodities. It has also been increasingly impacted by climate change-related extreme weather over the last decade as droughts, extreme rains, floods, and, most recently, a severe derecho have damaged crops, livestock, and livelihoods. Climate and agricultural scientists and other stakeholders are concerned that without major shifts away from degrading practices toward regenerative systems, long-term sustainability will be compromised. We used cumulative logistic regression to analyze data from a 2020 survey of 1,059 Iowa farmers to examine (1) how farmers are adapting to increasingly variable and extreme weather-related to climate change and (2) whether selected factors were associated with different kinds of adaptive (e.g., increased use of cover crops) or potentially maladaptive (e.g., increased use of pesticides) actions. Our results found that many farmers have been taking adaptive and maladaptive actions. Stewardship ethics, attitudes toward adaptive action, and integration in conservation-related networks were consistent, positive predictors of increases in adaptive practices. On the other hand, faith in crop insurance as a coping strategy, farm scale, and other factors were associated with some maladaptive actions, with several positive predictors of adaptation also being positive predictors of maladaptation, use of pesticides and drainage in particular. This research contributes to the growing literature on climate risk management and adaptation in agricultural landscapes by providing empirical evidence of the factors related to farmers' adaptive and maladaptive actions.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: A-Farm M RS.12; Folder: RS.12.E.047 Document Number: D03170
145 pgs; Cover detaching, ripped, John Harvey Collection; Rare Serial Collection
20 pgs., Several U.S. federal government agencies collect and disseminate scientific data on a national scale to provide insights for agricultural trade, research, consumer health, and policy. Occasionally, such data have potential to provide insights to advance conversations and actions around critical and controversial issues in the broad agricultural system. Such government studies provide evidence for others to discuss, further interpret, and act upon, but to do so, they must be communicated well. When the research intersects with contentious socio-political issues, successful communication not only depends on tactics, but as this study illuminates, it also depends on relationship quality between research producers, study participants, and end-users. USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) conducted first-of-its kind national studies on cattle and swine producers’ use of antimicrobials. The use of antimicrobials in animal agriculture is considered a critical and controversial issue pertaining to antimicrobial resistance. In recognition of the anticipated wide-ranging interests in these studies, APHIS sought to understand stakeholders’ perceptions and experiences of the federal government research process and products with aim of improving their science communication and relations. This study reports on findings from in-depth interviews with 14 stakeholders involved in the antimicrobial use studies to make recommendations for improving communication and relations between the agency and its stakeholders. From this research, we draw implications that are transferrable to numerous types of government science communication efforts within agricultural sectors.
17 pages, The rise in the demand for animal products due to demographic and dietary changes has exacerbated difficulties in addressing societal concerns related to the environment, human health, and animal welfare. As a response to this challenge, Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) technologies are being developed to monitor animal health and welfare parameters in a continuous and automated way, offering the opportunity to improve productivity and detect health issues at an early stage. However, ethical concerns have been raised regarding their potential to facilitate the management of production systems that are potentially harmful to animal welfare, or to impact the human-animal relationship and farmers' duty of care. Using the Five Domains Model (FDM) as a framework, the aim is to explore the potential of PLF to help address animal welfare and to discuss potential welfare benefits and risks of using such technology. A variety of technologies are identified and classified according to their type [sensors, bolus, image or sound based, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)], their development stage, the species they apply to, and their potential impact on welfare. While PLF technologies have promising potential to reduce the occurrence of diseases and injuries in livestock farming systems, their current ability to help promote positive welfare states remains limited, as technologies with such potential generally remain at earlier development stages. This is likely due to the lack of evidence related to the validity of positive welfare indicators as well as challenges in technology adoption and development. Finally, the extent to which welfare can be improved will also strongly depend on whether management practices will be adapted to minimize negative consequences and maximize benefits to welfare.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 119 Document Number: C13541
7 p., APEN (Australasia Pacific Extension Network) 2001 International Conference, Oct3-5, 2001, at University of South queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
13 pages., Via online journal., Developing public and policy maker understanding of agriculture and natural resources is a national research priority of the American Association for Agricultural Education. Because of cultural and geographic distancing from agriculture, consumers' ability to obtain firsthand knowledge of agriculture may be limited to a handful of experiences including local, county, and state fairs. As such, agriculturalists' opportunities to communicate with the public about production agriculture may be limited to these experiences. Youth livestock exhibitors fill a gap in the agricultural education system. While a body of research exists about agricultural literacy among youth and adult groups, few studies exist concerning the impact of youth livestock show exhibits upon fairgoers. This study employed a survey research method using semantic differential scales with a then-now approach. Fairgoers, who had been through the youth livestock exhibits at the California State Fair, were asked about their attitudes toward the exhibits. Findings led to the conclusion viewing livestock exhibits and interacting with youth exhibitors resulted in fairgoers having more positive attitudes toward animal agriculture. Interaction between fairgoers and livestock exhibits should be encouraged and exhibitors should be prepared to view interactions with fairgoers as opportunities to educate about agriculture.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 93 Document Number: C06958
In: Proceedings of the VIth World Conference on Animal Production, Helsinki 1988. Helsinki, Finland : Finnish Animal Breeding Association, 1988. p. 254
Hyland, John J. (author), Jones, Davey L. (author), Parkhill, Karen A. (author), Barnes, Andrew P. (author), Williams, APrysor. (author), and School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography, Bangor University, Gwynedd, LL57 2UW, UK
Journal article
Publication Date:
United Kingdom: Springer Science+Business Media, Van Godewijckstraat 30 Dordrecht 3311 GX Netherlands
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 164 Document Number: D08215