USA: Oxmoor Press, a subsidiary of The Progressive Farmer Company, Birmingham, Alabama
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D10009
Copy also located in the James F. Evans Collection, 114 pages., An edited collection written to "build something of the spirit that has always pervaded the lives of rural people." Features brief stories, poems, and commentaries. Sections include love of the land, joys of country living, the farmer and his family, creeds for farm living, the soil and growing things, cotton, animal friends, the business of farming, and the lighter side.
11pgs, Nigeria’s current economic plan targets diversification through leveraging the power of the private sector in order to enable and fast‐track business investments and job creation. This paper reports a study of a model of a poultry outgrower scheme ‐ Akwa Prime, used in catalysing private investments in the poultry sector of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The scheme shares the potential of combined strength of the state and that of the private sector in stimulating increased production and integrating of small livestock farmers to the national economy. The study’s specific objectives were to examine the extent of smallholder farmer involvement in contract negotiations including price setting; the role of the key participants, particularly the regulatory function of the state in an out‐grower scheme construct; and the impact of the scheme on socioeconomic improvement of smallholder farmers. This research was conducted with 42 smallholder independent broiler poultry farmers who are registered members of the Akwa Prime outgrower scheme and receiving a range of input support and good production practices aimed at optimization. Findings show a positive impact of the scheme on small independent poultry farmers’ productivity, profitability and survival. Contract negotiations and key participants role were fully documented. Participating farmers were found to have high income and stocking density while the cost of day old chicks and other production inputs provided by the scheme accounted for 99.1% (R2=.991) of the variation in farmers income. This positive change on the bottom line of small independent poultry farmers indicate the prospects for greater deployment of out‐grower model to stimulate agriculture productivity and growth. However, despite some benefits there were major bottlenecks including compromised role of the state, imposed buyback price on farmers and late offtaking of the finished stock. The implication of this finding is that small poultry farmers left alone with their independent business choices may not stimulate much diversification driven by agriculture.
AgriMarketing Update via online issue of Entrepreneur. 5 pages., Describes a college student contest involving video clips related to livestock production.
Via online. 1 page., Reports on efforts by an animal rights organization to change the Wisconsin license plate slogan, "Wisconsin's Dairyland," to "America's Cow Hell." Focus is on "factory farming," "animal abuse" and production of veal.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 192 Document Number: D04635
Table of Contents and Summary, James F. Evans Collection; Cited Reference, Melbourne, Australia: School of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Melbourne
Pages 71-72 in Extension Circular 541, Review of Extension Research, January through December 1961, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Summary of thesis forthe master of science degree, North Dakota State University, Fargo. 1961. 104 pages.
Via UI Library subscription., Study aimed to provide tools to improve the quality of journalism regarding ethical issues that concern our relationship with nonhuman animals. Explored the role of news media (two years of coverage by the New York Times newspaper, U.S., and El Pais, Spain) in constructing perceptions of nonhumans used for food and their treatment. Results showed that both newspapers played a major role in concealing the nonhumans' cruel treatment, but a distinction can be drawn between the crude speciesism of El Pais and the camouflaged, more deceptive style of the New York Times.
Feuz, D.M. (author / South Dakota State University), Wagner, J.J. (author / South Dakota State University), and Fausti, S.W. (author / South Dakota State University)
Research paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 106 Document Number: C09275
AGRICOLA IND 87058773, A sample survey was conducted to evaluate five newsletters produced by the Queensland Department of Primary Industries for graziers in western Queensland. The results revealed that readership of the newsletters was high and information had been useful in decision making on properties. Recurrent themes arose in the features respondents most liked in their newsletter. Graziers liked information relevant to their situation, new ideas, practicality, variety, timeliness, clarity of expression and diagrams which assisted understanding. Many graziers recognized intrinsic value in the communication; that newsletters were regular, personal, and locally produced also made them highly valued. The results highlighted the important role of these newsletters and enabled minor distribution problems to be addressed. They also indicated subject areas which could be accorded higher priority.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D01224
Pages 117-149 in Steven A. Wolf (ed.), Privatization of agricultural information and agricultural industrialization. CRC Press, Boca Raton, New York, New York. 299 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C16998
Pages 117-149 in Steven A. Wolf (ed.), Privatization of information and agricultural industrialization. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. 299 pages, This chapter originated as part of a workshop held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on October 25-26, 1995. Theme of the workshop: "Privatization of information and technology transfer in U.S. agriculture: research and policy implications."
Busse, M. (author), Schwerdtner, W. (author), Siebert, R. (author), Doemberg, A. (author), Kuntosch, A. (author), König, B. (author), and Bokelmann, W. (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Germany: Elsevier
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 161 Document Number: D07796
Johnson, Larry D. (author / Department fo Agricultural and Extension Education, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 97 Document Number: C07909
abstracted from M.S. thesis, 1990; search through volume, In: Jacquelyn Deeds and Demetria Ford, eds. Summary of Research in Extension (1992-1993). Mississippi State, MS: Department of Agricultural Education and Experimental Statistics, Mississippi State University, July 1994. p. 5.