Pelican, Suzanne (author), van den Heede, Fred A. (author), and van den Heede: Center for Academic Development, College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM; Pelican: Nutrition and Dietetics Training Program, Indian Health Service, Santa Fe, NM
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 97 Document Number: C07905
James F. Evans Collection, Ham, Mimeographed, 1994. 1 p. Presented at the Society for Nutrition Education, Portland, OR, July 16-20, 1994., Although marketing offers nutrition educators a number of useful tools and techniques (e.g., market segmentation and focus groups) for reaching audiences more effectively, we shouldn't limit our goals to those of marketing. The ultimate goal of education is different than that of marketing. Education seeks to build a context or a framework into which learners can "fit" new information. In contrast, marketing seeks to sell something to consumers. Even social marketing -- which promotes healthy behaviors -- seeks to "sell" those behaviors, not to educate learners to become independent decision-makers. Of course, most nutrition educators want to influence people's behavior, but don't we also want to challenge learners to think autonomously? Admittedly, education at this level may seem difficult or impossible in some settings. However, if nutrition education is to play an important role in achieving health objectives in the year 2000 and beyond, we mst ask whether our ultimate goal should be to "sell" behaviors to consumers or to teach citizens how to evaluate information so they can behave according to their own judgments.
Sligo, F.X. (author), Massey, Claire (author), and Department of Communication and Journalism, Massey University
Massey University, New Zealand Centre for SME Research
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 16 Document Number: D10440
13 pages., Via online journal., This study reports on New Zealand dairy farmers’ access to and use of information as mediated through conditions of risk and trust within the context of their interpersonal social networks. We located participants’ reports of their information use within their perceived environments of trust and risk, following Giddens's [1990. The consequences of modernity. Polity Press, Stanford, CA] typology of trust and risk in pre-modernity and modernity. The research participants were constant users of interpersonal and print information from numerous sources, and monitored their incoming data in the light of strategic needs, reflecting their roles as both farming practitioners and business owners. Socio-spatial knowledge networks (SSKNs) combine individuals’ explanatory cognitive models of information acquisition and use with a micro-geographical analysis of their interpersonal networks. The participants showed characteristics of pre-modern, modern and even post-modern society in respect of their use of complex interactional forms, as well as a blending of individualistic and communitarian practices and concerns in their professional and personal lives.
2 pages., Research summary online via the North American Association for Environmental Education., This study involved journalists who participated in science journalism training at the University of Rhode Island's Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting between 1999 and 2015. Researchers collected data on the effectiveness of such training by surveying 111 participating journalists about their perceptions of the training. Researchers also analyzed the content of stories published by 20 journalists before and after they participated in a week-long immersion workshop. "Results showed a number of small but positive effects..." Journalists who participated found interpersonal interactions with scientists to be the most valuable tool for their science reporting.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: KerryByrnes4; Folder: Green Revolution Game File Document Number: D01644
Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, Simulations for teaching and learning,2 pages
22pgs, To explore the structures and processes within agricultural advisory organisations that may enhance absorptive capacity (AC) and determine how organisations develop their AC.
7 pages., Via online journal., Virtual plant walk maps were developed for an ornamental plant identification (ID) course, with the goal of providing an additional study resource to potentially enhance student learning. The maps provided students an opportunity to revisit plants covered in lecture and laboratory sections at their own convenience, using either a computer or mobile device. Each map plotted the locations of the plants from the corresponding list and provided photographs of specimens, plant family, common and scientific names, and plant type information. At the end of the course, a survey was given to collect information about student use and perceptions of the virtual plant walk maps for two fall semesters (n = 87). Survey results indicated 63% of the students used the virtual plant walk maps as a study resource. Students who used the maps reported accessing the maps an average of 3.2 times between receiving the maps and taking the plant ID quiz in laboratory. Students mainly used the maps to study the most current plant list and accessed previous plant list maps to a lesser extent. About 67% of students who used the virtual maps, used the maps to visually review the plants online only, although 31% of students used the maps for both visual review and to physically retrace the plant walk to view the live specimens. Of the students who did not use the maps, most found other study resources/methods more useful or they forgot about the maps as a resource. When asked to rate usefulness of the maps on a scale from slightly useful (1) to very useful (3), 43% of students indicated that the virtual maps study tool was very useful, 25% indicated the maps were useful, and 8% indicated that the maps were slightly useful. A significant dependence between student use frequency and student usefulness ratings of virtual plant walk maps was observed. As students’ use of the virtual maps increased, they perceived the maps to be more useful to their studies in preparing for ID quizzes. No differences between plant ID quiz scores were associated with virtual plant walk map use, learning style, or use by learning style. Our survey indicated that students used the virtual plant walk maps as a resource and perceived the maps as a useful tool in preparation for ID quizzes.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 117 Document Number: C13004
Journal Title Details:
2 pages
RIRDC completed projects in 1998-99:human capital, communications and information systems, Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation (RIRDC), Barton, ACT, Australia, 1999
12 pages., Via open access online., Authors examined the difficulty of teaching contemporary students of journalism to report on complex topics like science and the environment. They subjected 120 undergraduate students to a strategy that combined visual representations of abstract concepts, media texts, and experiential peer interactions. Findings indicated positive outcomes on comprehension and demonstrations of critical analysis from this pedagogical approach.
9 pages, via online journal, This article provides an overview of Extension's Military Families Learning Network. The network is an example of Extension's commitment to building virtual learning networks in the support of targeted professional and lay audiences. The network uses well-established and emergent pedagogical approaches focusing on adult-centered learning while employing state-of-the-art online learning technologies. We present a four-dimensional model of learning activities to illustrate how the network offers different options for and approaches to adult-centered learning and training. The Military Families Learning Network can serve as a model for broader adoption of such entities across the Extension community.
Byrnes, Kerry J. (author) and Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: KerryByrnes2 Document Number: D00886
Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, A Thesis Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts, Department of Communication,108pp
This study presents an efficient version of test for the hypothesis that education plays a key role in influencing agricultural productivity based on a switching regression model. In the present setting, farmers’ ability to deal with disequilibria is allowed to change with education, which thereby provides a concrete evidence of the effect of education on selected East Asian production agriculture. The results suggest that there exists a threshold for education to be influential to agricultural productivity change when the selected East-Asian economies are categoried by their degree of economic development. Moreover, for the group of economies where education constitutes a major determinant of productivity growth in both the technological progression and/or stagnation/recession regimes, the effect of education is found to vary from economy to economy and from regime to regime. Generally speaking, however, those East-Asian economies tend to reach their turning point in short time despite of the mentioned differences. This result therefore leads to important policy implications concerning giving an impetus to human capital investment in the agriculture sector.
16 pages, Background
Residue-based biogas is considered as a renewable energy that should be used to improve energy security and household livelihoods in rural areas. Observational learning and word-of-mouth learning are critical in the dissemination of knowledge about agricultural technologies. Yet, scholars have little understanding of the impacts of these learning methods on farmers’ use of residue-based biogas. Using survey data from rural areas of Hubei China, this study estimates the impacts of observational learning and word-of-mouth learning from different subjects (i.e., relatives, neighbors, cadres, cooperative members, and technical instructors) on the use of residue-based biogas by farmers. Additionally, the moderating role of interpersonal trust in these relationships is explored.
Results from logistic regression models show that observational learning from technical instructors significantly increases farmers’ use of biogas. Furthermore, interpersonal trust significantly and positively influences the impact of observational learning on farmers’ decisions to use biogas. Similarly, interpersonal trust significantly and positively moderates the influence of positive word-of-mouth learning on farmers’ decision to use biogas. In contrast, a negative moderating role exists in the relationship between negative word-of-mouth learning and farmers’ decision to use biogas. These impacts are further affirmed by robustness checks.
The results presented here show that enhancing farmers’ interpersonal trust promotes the use of residue-based biogas by farmers. One important implication is that the government might promote the use of residue-based biogas by organizing technology demonstration activities, providing communication platforms, and enhancing mutual trust between farmers and relevant groups.