22 pages., via online journal., The community engagement professional (CEP) plays a critical role in engaging faculty, staff, and students with communities. In order to do this in the most effective way, this essay advocates
for CEPs to become familiar with the Cooperative Extension system and develop competency for engaging Extension personnel, even when those personnel are not a part of the CEP’s home institution. The essay extends the work of Dostilio et al. (2017) on preliminary competencies for the community engagement professional by identifying additional competencies, organized as knowledge, skill, and dispositions, that can help CEPs work with the Cooperative Extension system to maximize engagement opportunities for faculty, staff, and students. This essay also includes ideas for implementing competency training for CEPs. Conclusions include thoughts on preparing the community engagement professional to learn and collaborate with Cooperative Extension to enrich the academic experience and benefit the communities they serve.
Bachtel, Douglas C. (author), Whiteside, Jerry E. (author), and Extension Personnel and Staff Development Specialist, Resource Development, University of Georgia; Extension Rural Sociology, Resource Development, University of Georgia
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 75 Document Number: C03921
Bailey, L.H. (author) and Bailey, Ethel Zoe (author)
Publication Date:
International: Mason Printing Corporation, Ithaca, New York.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C15137
Contains 6,005 biographical entries. Includes a directory of journals devoted to agriculture and rural life. Each entry includes title, name of editor, frequency, subscription price, year founded, and city of publication.
Bakesha, Susan (author), Nakafeero, Angela (author), and Okello, Dorothy (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36374
Pages 143-153 in Ineke Buskens and Anne Webb (eds.), African women and ICTs: investigating technology, gender and empowerment. Zed Books Ltd., London, UK. 222 pages.
See article in page 6 of the 75th Anniversary Issue (Doc. No. D09286), Article in special 75th Anniversary issue of Delta Farm Press. Author is a long-time columnist of the magazine.