Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 107 Document Number: C10135
search from AgEcon., ERI Study Paper 95-13. September 1995 10 pages; Adobe Acrobat PDF 57K bytes, In a two-period model, economists such as K.J. Arrow, A.C. Fisher, and C. Henry, have shown that when development is both indivisible and irreversible, a developer who ignores the possibility of obtaining new information about the outcome of such development will invariably underestimate the benefits of preservation and hence favor development. In this note, I extend the AFH analysis in two directions. I model the land development problem in a dynamic framework, explicitly specifying an information production function. In such a setting, I then ask and answer the question concerning when development should take place. JEL Classification: D82, Q20 Key words: development, dynamic, information, uncertainty
Forthcoming in Journal of Environmental Management
Online via AgEconSearch., Through a case analysis, authors examined factors involved in successful land circulation (i.e., transfer of land use rights whereby farmers transfer land management rights through subcontracting, leasing or other means. Communications aspects such as expanding leadership talents and use of the Internet platform were among the recommendations offered in such efforts to alleviate poverty and improve lives.
12 pages., via online journal., This study investigates the role of the different institutional actors involved in the development and implementation of land use policies in the Ethiopian Rift Valley. The work is based on interviews with key informants from different administrative levels and these results are compared to the relevant policy documents. While the constitution prescribes a participatory policy development process, our results show that in reality policies are made at the highest level and implemented in a top-down approach from the higher to the lower administrative levels. Moreover, the institutional network mainly consists of institutions that are hierarchically linked, while horizontal and diagonal relations are less common and less important. Consistently, higher level institutions are mostly involved in the development of land use policies, while the roles of lower level institutions are predominantly in the implementation thereof. This lack of participation by lower level institutions, in addition to a lack of capacity and absence of clear institutional mandates, hampers the effectiveness of land use policies. Our results also provide suggestions to improve the development, communication, and eventually the acceptability of land use policies towards sustainable land management.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: Byrnes2 Document Number: C12328
Francis C. Byrnes Collection, Pages 89-98 in Borton, Raymond E. (ed.), Selected readings to accompany getting agriculture moving. Volume 1. Agricultural Development Council, New York, NY. 526 p.