Agricultural Communications faculty (author / University of Illinois)
Project files
Publication Date:
International: Office of Agricultural Communications, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, Urbana
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D10031
The project file is maintained in records of the Agricultural Communications Program, University of Illinois > "International" section > "PACE" file folder., This project file describes formation and early activities involving the International Project in Agricultural Communications Education (PACE) at the University of Illinois. This initiative is built upon growing need and potential for home-country, university-based academic programs focused on journalism and communications related to agriculture.
Agricultural Communications faculty (author / University of Illinois)
Project files
Publication Date:
International: Office of Agricultural Communications, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, Urbana
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D10042
The project file is maintained in records of the Agricultural Communications Program,ACES College, University of Illinois > "International" section > "Philippines - UPLB" file folder., This project file describes collaborative initiatives of the University of Illinois in planning and proposing an international program for agricultural communications education in Southeast Asia.
Agricultural Communications faculty (author / University of Illinois)
Project files
Publication Date:
Pakistan: Office of Agricultural Communications, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, Urbana
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D10034
The project file is maintained in records of the Agricultural Communications Program, University of Illinois > "International" section > "Pakistan - TIPAN" file folder., This project file describes formation and early activities of the Office of Agricultural Communications, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois participation in the Northwest Frontier Province in Pakistan. This $15.2 million project, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, was a collaborative effort with the Northwest Frontier Province Agricultural University. Agricultural communications faculty and staff members were involved in several initiatives, including development of courses and curricula, a learning resources center, and a continuing education center.
Axinn, George H. (author / Department of Resource Development, Michigan State University) and Department of Resource Development, Michigan State University
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 72 Document Number: C03372
James F. Evans Collection; Axinn, This paper presents some of the basic trends, issues, and questions regarding the last four decades of international development cooperation in agriculture. The impact of technical cooperation tends to account for only a small proportion of change; the bulk of the variance being caused by internal, rather than external, forces and events. The paper reviews both multilateral and bilateral technical cooperation and then illustrates with the case of U.S. universities in international technical cooperation. It goes on to question the difference between "development" and "merely change", and asks who are the real beneficiaries: Finally, the paper suggests the following factors affecting continuity and change as forces to be analyzed with respect to any attempt at technical cooperation: biological, physical, cultural, social, economic, administrative, political, and diplomatic. The world experience of the past four decades confirms that without consideration of such a human ecology of continuity and change, well-meaning interventions in international technical cooperation are likely to have unintended consequences for both "donors" and recipients". (author)
James F. Evans Collection; Adapted from a presentation at the Symposium for Research in Agricultural and Extension Education; 1992 May; Columbus, OH. The symposium presentation was based on author's USDA publication, Cooperative extension roles and relationships for a new era : a new interdependence model and evaluation synthesis to foster work with other agencies and organizations. Springfield, VA : National Technical Information Service, 1990.
Bentz, Robert P. (author), Evans, James F. (author), Fliegel, Frederick (author), Lancaster, F. Wilfrid (author), Malone, Violet M. (author), Santas, John W. (author), Swanson, Burton E., chair (author), and Woodis, Raymond A. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 123 Document Number: D11181
Transferred from the "INTERPAKS Administration" file maintained in International Program records of the Agricultural Communications Program, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois., 28 pages., Proposal to Title XII Representative William N. Thompson from the International Extension Committee, College of Agriculture, of faculty members representing five fields of study: Library and Information Science, Agricultural Communications, Rural Sociology, Extension Administration and Education, and Agricultural Education. This document includes the proposal and a report from an external consultant with experience involving the Land Tenure Center at the University of Wisconsin.