Includes an organizational chart showing the extension editor's linkages with Extension administration, specialists, contact mediums, organized groups and residents of West Virginia.
Whiting, Larry R. (author / Agricultural Communication, Ohio State University)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 144 Document Number: C22334
Acceptance speech for Professional Award of the International Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE) at the annual conference, San Antonio, Texas, June 2005. 2 pages., Identifies some contemporary issues involving agricultural communications programs (academic and communications support) in land-grant universities.
"We have an ample supply of investigators, but there is a shortage of readable and responsible interpreters, men who can effectively play mediator between specialist and layman."
"The agricultural college editors stand at a very strategic point in the field of agricultural leadership. Through them the productive research of our laboratories may become articulate. As interpreters, they are liaison officers between the scientist and the farmer. The future of agriculture depends largely upon the quality of this interpretative process."
Brief summary of a talk by W. P. Kirkwood, University of Minnesota, at 1931 AAACE convention, Corvallis, Oregon.. American Association of Agricultural College Editors.
Reports results of a national survey among experiment station editors about their present information organization and their suggestions about how they would like their present setup changed for more efficient operation. Seventy-eight percent cast their vote for a coordinated setup (involving agricultural research, extension and possibly resident instruction). Fifty-four percent of respondents operated currently in a coordinated setup and like it; 24 percent operated in a decentralized arrangement but wanted to change.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 7 Document Number: D09984
This abstract of a conference paper is maintained in ACDC storage as Document Number D09983, From the files of the Agricultural Communications Program, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Pages 4-24 in Workshop on communications linkages between national programs and international agricultural organizations. Cali, Colombia, April 14-18,1986.
Evans, James F. (author / University of Illinois, Office of Agricultural Communication and Extension Education) and University of Illinois, Office of Agricultural Communication and Extension Education
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 66 Document Number: C02622
James F. Evans Collection, Mimeographed, 1980. 7 p. (Paper presented to a conference of regional publicity officers; 1980 February 21; New South Wales Department of Agriculture, Sydney, Australia)
Author observes that agricultural college editors have an inferiority complex. "I am firmly convinced that the general level of the output of the editorial offices is far higher than that of many of the other departments with which you work."