9 pages., Online via UI e-subscription., Author explored dual pressures on the U.S.Forest Service, based on changing culture of the home organization and external environmental factors involving topics such as forest plans, timber sales, oil and gas leases, and grazing permits on public land. Described approaches and experiences of the Forest Service, which as among the first federal agencies to institutionalize dispute resolution procedures formally and did so on its own initiative.
16 pages., via online journal., The goal of this study was to evaluate a radio program as a source of agricultural information and examine the relationship between specific socioeconomic characteristics and listenership. The findings revealed that half of the farmers listen to the radio program, while older farmers are more likely to be listeners. Moreover, there are no significant differences between listeners and nonlisteners with respect to education level. More focus should be given to mountainous and less favored areas where more traditional information sources prevail. It is strongly recommended that the broadcast be sustained and improved based on farmers' suggestions and be regularly assessed.
9 pages., Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is an important regional food source, providing food and income to over 30 million farmers, processors, and traders in Nigeria. Extension programs support awareness and interest in new technologies; they facilitate the adoption and adaptation of new approaches to crop production, post-harvest processing, and marketing. Extension can be understood as an intermediary or catalyst in the dissemination of information to rural farmers. This study analyzed the effect of cassava farmers’ exposure to extension on a broad measure of cassava technology adoption, while considering the influence of some individual and farm characteristics as control variables. Data were obtained from personal interviews with sample of 952 households conducted in southern Nigeria. Results show a relationship between extension exposure and technology adoption. Farmer-to-farmer interaction played the greatest role in diffusion of the technologies. Interactions with extension agents were low, suggesting that adoption of improved technologies could be enhanced by improved regular contact with extension information. The results underscore the importance of farmer-to-farmer interaction processes that often overshadow extension assistance in supporting and guiding the use of production technology. The conclusions consider some implications for 21st century extension.
14 pages., Article #:3FEA9, via online journal., This article reports on a study to determine which information sources organic growers use to inform farming practices by conducting in-depth semi-structured interviews with 23 organic farmers across 17 North Carolina counties. Effective information sources included: networking, agricultural organizations, universities, conferences, Extension, Web resources, personal experience, books, organic buyers/certifiers, and consultants. Results suggest that grower-to-grower networking is a highly effective information-seeking behavior for organic growers. Recommendations for Extension personnel include reshaping educational programing for organic growers to include peer-to-peer information sharing, as well as increased investment to graduate and undergraduate programs that train future Extension agents in organic production approaches.
Worthington, Thomas A. (author), Andradi-Brown, Dominic A. (author), Bhargava, Radhika (author), Buelow, Christina (author), Bunting, Pete (author), Duncan, Clare (author), Fatoyinbo, Lola (author), Friess, Daniel A. (author), Goldberg, Liza (author), Hilarides, Lambert (author), Lagomasino, David (author), Landis, Emily (author), Longley-Wood, Kate (author), Lovelock, Catherine E. (author), Murray, Nicholas J. (author), Narayan, Siddharth (author), Rosenqvist, Ake (author), Sievers, Michael (author), Simard, Marc (author), Thomas, Nathan (author), van Eijk, Pieter (author), Zganjar, Chris (author), and Spalding, Mark (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 201 Document Number: D11696
27 pages., Authors provide an overview of recent and forthcoming global datasets and explore the challenges of translating these new analyses into policy action and on-the-ground conservation of mangrove forests. They describe a new platform for visualizing and disseminating these datasets to the global science community and other audiences - and they highlight future directions and collaborations.
Available online at www.centmapress.org, Describes the type of information regarding food shared on Twitter and what kind of network is established between Twitter users in those cases when the #food in question is associated to a geographical area. Findings highlighted differences between the two networks surveyed, both with regard to the actors involved and to the way in which they share information on Twitter.