Online from Capital Press. 2 pages., "Several agricultural organizations have gotten language included in the pending fiscal year 2017 House Agricultural Appropriations Bill asking USDA to exempt research and promotion boards funded by grower checkoff fees from federal public records law." The language argues the change is needed to focus producers' resources on research and promotion, rather than records services.
Online via publisher website., This paper proposes a food safety traceability system based on the blockchain and the EPC Information Services and develops a prototype system.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 166 Document Number: D11675
2 pages., Online via AgriMarketing Weekly., Summary of research by The Sustainability Consortium of Farm Journal among more than 400 U.S. farmers in more than 40 states. The survey invited their perspectives on sharing data about their production practices with downstream supply chain organizations, such as food companies and retailers. Findings suggested that growers value data collection, the environment, and conservation agriculture practices on their farmers, but hold concerns about sharing farm data.
International: Two Sides North America, Inc., Chicago, Illinois.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 143 Document Number: D11534
16 pages., Online from publisher website., "This survey provides insight into how consumers around the globe view, prefer and trust paper and print, from reading for leisure or gaining information to news or marketing collateral." Findings based on a representative international survey of more than 10,700 consumers in 10 countries.
Woodard, Josua D. (author), Sherrick, Bruce J. (author), Atwood, Deborah H. (author), Blair, Robert (author), Fogel, Greg (author), Goeser, Nicholas (author), Gold, Barry (author), Lewis, Josette (author), Mattson, Carl (author), Moseley, Jim (author), O'Mara, Collin (author), Piotti, John (author), Salas, Bill (author), Scarlett, Lynn (author), Duncanson, Kristin Weeks (author), and Yoder, Fred (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 199 Document Number: D09927