17 pages., Online via UI electronic subscription, Case study assessing the effects of the 2005 Dietary Guidelines published jointly by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. Findings suggested that release of the guidelines and related media attention increased availability and sales of whole-grain foods. Emphasized the key role of product reformulation, induced by competition among food suppliers.
19 pages., Online via UI e-subscription., Authors tested food label and information treatment effects on subjects' willingness-to-pay for organic, "natural," and conventional foods. They found large information effects, including asymmetric cross-market effects for natural and organic foods. Organic premiums increased in response to subjects' seeing the "natural" foods industry's perspective on its products.
1 page., Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of International Communication Association. Special issue article., Authors meta-analyzed 57 studies, conducted in 13 countries with a cumulative N of 42,854. Findings suggested that while pictorial warnings increased affective and some cognitive risk appraisals, they did not increase beliefs about disease risk.
9 pages., Online via UI electronic subscription., A choice experiment was used to evaluate the U.S. public's willingness to pay for egg attributes including housing system, color, size, and certifying agency. A significant difference in willingness to pay for hen housing systems was found using video information treatments describing hen housing systems. Participants were indifferent between hen housing systems when they viewed video treatments describing hen housing systems. However, they clearly preferred the cage-free system when they viewed no video treatments. "Results point towards potential public misunderstanding of the costs and benefits associated with the "cage-free" egg label designation."
1 page., September-November issue via online., Digitalisation is improving the agricultural extension system by providing services at the right time, and facilitating adoption of new agronomic practices, resulting in yield improvements and higher incomes for farming households.
Available online at www.centmapress.org, Results showed that the producers had seen a positive improvement in sales following acquisition of the regional food quality label, although they had not noticed greater interest in their products during campaigns to support awareness of the label.
11 pages., Online via UI e-subscription., This article addressed concerns that "food marketing directed at children is ubiquitous and effective, and hence is a significant contributor to childhood obesity both in the U.S. and other countries. Authors provided a review of literature about this development and public issue. As well, they offered suggestions for parents, community leaders, policy makers, and the food industry.
18 pages., Online via UI e-subscription, Investigated the extent to which extenuating factors (excluding those produced by the commercial) affected the extent to which an advertisement was both persuasive and eventually engendered persuasion. Results demonstrated that the combined pre-existing market forces had a greater impact on a commercial's ability to persuade than did the message or creativity in the advertisement itself. Foods were among the products involved in this analysis.
14pgs, As an unobservable attribute, food safety is likely to be under-provided by markets where regulatory enforcement is weak. In such settings, stimulating consumer demand for safer food can potentially encourage market actors to invest in food safety. Through a randomized trial in Kenya, we test the impact of informing consumers about which maize flour brands are most likely to comply with the regulatory standard for aflatoxin, a carcinogenic fungal byproduct. Providing information on safer brands alone does not significantly affect consumption behavior. However, when the same information is combined with a test performed on the maize flour stocked by the household, the likelihood that a safer brand is consumed 2 months later is 76% higher than in the comparison group. Our findings suggest that providing information on the relative riskiness of substitute foods could encourage consumers to make safer choices.