Retrieved June 16, 2006, 3 pages., Discusses information-related issues associated with criticism of Coca-Cola Company on the free online encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C22492
Agricultural Publishers Association Record, Jan 1, 1922 - Jul 1, 1922, Series No. 8/3/80, Box 4, University of Illinois Archives., Presented at the annual meeting of the American Agricultural Editors Association, Chicago, Illinois, May 15, 1922. 7 pages., Discusses his view of relationships among editors, advertising departments of farm papers, and advertising agencies.
Online from Capital Press. 2 pages., "Several agricultural organizations have gotten language included in the pending fiscal year 2017 House Agricultural Appropriations Bill asking USDA to exempt research and promotion boards funded by grower checkoff fees from federal public records law." The language argues the change is needed to focus producers' resources on research and promotion, rather than records services.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D02377
Pages 139-162 in Louise Phillips, Anabella Carvalho and Julie Doyle (eds.), Citizen voices: performing public participation in science and environmental communication. Intellect, Bristol, UK. 231 pages.