Wildman, Paul (author) and Blomely, Bilyana (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C16751
Chapter 9 in Sohail Inayatullah and Susan Leggett, Transforming communication: technology, sustainability, and future generations. Praeger, Westport, Connecticut. 200 pages.
Williams, David L. (author / Iowa State University) and Muchena, Olivia N. (author / University of Zimbabwe)
Publication Date:
Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 132 Document Number: C19944
Burton Swanson Collection, 8 pages; from "Proceedings seventh annual meeting of the assocation for international agricultural and extension education"Riverfront Holiday Inn, St. Louis, Missouri, March 28-30, 1991
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08705
Pages 240-249 in Gordon Wilson, Pamela Furniss and Richard Kimbowa (eds.), Environment, development and sustainability: perspectives and cases from around the world. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England. 290 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 78 Document Number: C04373
INTERPAKS Collection, Bloemfontein, South Africa : Research Institute for Education Planning, University of the Orange Free State, 1986. 293 p. (Ph D dissertation)
Zeng, Douglas Zhihua (author / World Bank) and Wang, Shuilin (author)
Research report
Publication Date:
China: The World Bank
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 124 Document Number: D11231
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4223. 36 pages., Analysis of some strengths, weakenesses, opportunities and challenges of China's knowledge economy in the areas of economic incentives and institutional regimes, human capital, innovation systems, and information infrastructures.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C25306
Pages 68-101 in Stephen B. Brush and Doreen Stabinsky (eds.), Valuing local knowledge: indigenous people and intellectual property rights. Island Press, Washington, D.C. 337 pages.
8 pages, Only 30% of households inBairro Boroma(Boromaneighborhood) have a regular proteinintake, mainly due to the lack of a proper cold chain. We analyzed the level of knowledge about alocal dried meat calledchinkui, examining the relationship between this knowledge and its valuefor strengthening local food security. Through surveys ofBairro Boromagoat herders (n=23) about“chinkuiawareness” and passive observation ofchinkuipreparation (n=5) from local biotype goats,we found thatchinkuiwas known to most goat herders (91.3%), but was used only irregularly, mainlybecause knowledge transmission has decreased over time. From passive observation, we foundthat the amount of dried meat obtained from an animal rarely exceeded a yield of 10% and itsperformance and safety depended on weather conditions and the absence of other animals in thearea of preparation. It is, therefore, recommended to strengthen initiatives to increase the amount ofchinkui, based on local knowledge, so as to enhance its frequency of consumption and the possibilityof using it as a sustainable alternative source of protein
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 149 Document Number: D06732
Pages 107-119 in Martin Schonfeld (ed.), Global ethics on climate change: the planetary crisis and philosophical alternatives. Routledge, London, England., Observes that "we are fixated on an evolutionary backwater that cannot provide us with a sustainable way of thinking or living." Emphasizes the value of a "mannered approach to a social cosmos," based on ancestral climate wisdom.
Emphasizes the value of a "mannered approach to a social cosmos."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D09317
Online from Goldman Environmental Foundation. 2 pages., "In a country with growing socioeconomic inequality and human rights violations, Berta Caceres (d. 2016) rallied the indigenous Lenca people of Honduras and waged a grassroots campaign that successfully pressured the world's largest dam builder to pull out of the Agua Zarca Dam."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D01204
Pages 185-197 in Chris Reij and Ann Waters-Bayer (eds.), Farmer innovation in Africa: a source of inspiration for agricultural development. Earthscan Publications, Ltd., London, England. 362 pages., Features farmer innovators on Traveling Seminars and Farmers' Fora (field days involving local innovators).
In an issue located in a chronological file entitled "INTERPAKS - Newsletter" from the International Programs records of the Agricultural Communications Program, University of Illinois., From the International Programs records of the Agricultural Communications Program, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign., Summary of a research report by Constance M. McCorkle, Robert H. Brandstetter, and Gail D. McClure, "A case study on farmer innovations and communication in Niger," Academy for Educational Development, Washington, D.C., 1988.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 158 Document Number: C25822
Proceedings of the Cooperative Research Centres Association 12th annual conference, May 16-18, 2007, in Perth, Western Australia. 1 page., Features a presentation by Professor Anil Gupta, professor of entrepreneurship at the Indian Institute of Management.
3 pages., Online via "Reflections: Farm and Food History" from Farms.com Ltd. Originally published in the New York Sun newspaper, October 23, 1919., Sixteen rules and formulas (prose and poems) "more or less recognized by amateur weather prophets," as presented in the New York Sun newspaper.
Environment and Development Organization News and Networking, Asia Edition., Announces formation of the Centre for Alternative Agricultural Media (CAAM) to "focus on farmer friendly communication system." Explains that alternative agricultural media emphasize the need for farmer-friendly ideologies and practices in agricultural research and communication. Example cited: farm journals "published by the farmers and pens to farmers' hands." CAAM web site: http://www.farmedia.org
Retrieved June 28, 2006, Cautions about this term. "The concept of IPRs is tied to a neo-liberal worldview that says that everything in the world - material goods, creative works, even DNA - can and should be privatised."
Environment and Development Organization News and Networking, Asia Edition., Describes the KNOWNETInitiative, an effort to promote sharing of local knowledge through the Internet. Information about the Initiative can be found at: http://www.knownet.org