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2. Impacts of distance education on agricultural performance and household income: micro-evidence from peri-urban districts in Beijing
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Guo, Jianxin (author), Jin, Songqing (author), Chen, Lei (author), and Zhao, Jichun (author)
- Format:
- Online journal article
- Publication Date:
- 2018-10-30
- Published:
- Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 12 Document Number: D10422
- Journal Title:
- Sustainability
- Journal Title Details:
- 10(11)
- Notes:
- 19 pages., Article 3945, Via online journal., Information communication technology (ICT) has changed the traditional agricultural extension service mode worldwide. This paper examines the effects of the Rural Distance Education Project (RDEP) on the household income, agricultural productivity, and off-farm employment of farmers in peri-urban areas in Beijing. Using the survey data of 783 randomly selected farm households from 54 villages in three Beijing peri-urban districts in 2014, and the propensity score matching method (PSM), we find that the RDEP has a significant and positive effect on agricultural productivity and input use. Meanwhile, the program’s effects are heterogeneous across districts and households. For example, the RDEP has significant impacts on several outcome indicators, such as agricultural labor productivity (at a 5% level of significance), agricultural land productivity (at a 10% level), and input use intensity (at a 1% level) in Tongzhou (an agriculturally more important district, with a more intensive RDEP usage), but none of these effects is significant in Pinggu district. Furthermore, the RDEP is found to have bigger, and statistically more significant effects, for households with junior high school education than for those with either lower or higher than junior high school education. Furthermore, the RDEP is more effective for households with more assets than those with fewer assets. These results point toward the importance of using a rural distance education program as an effective extension service, and the need to take community and individual characteristics into account in the implementation and design of future programs.
3. Linking small-scale farmers to the durum wheat value chain in Ethiopia: Assessing the effects on production and wellbeing
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Hermann, Raoul (author), Ciani, Federico (author), Burchi, Franchesco (author), and Biggeri, Mario (author)
- Format:
- Journal article
- Publication Date:
- 2018-08-01
- Published:
- International: Elsevier
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 204 Document Number: D12457
- Journal Title:
- Food Policy
- Journal Title Details:
- Vol. 79
- Notes:
- 15 pages, Food security and agricultural-led industrialisation are pivotal development objectives in Ethiopia. One of the main challenges this country faces is increasing agricultural productivity by integrating smallholder farmers into a high-value agricultural commodity supply chain. This paper examines an integrated project—the Agricultural Value Chains Project in Oromia (AVCPO)—that aims to improve the livelihoods of smallholders in the Bale Zone by involving them in the production of high-quality durum wheat and linking them to the pasta industry via farmers’ cooperatives. Using primary data collected in 2014 and retrospective information, this paper investigates the AVCPO’s effects on the quantity of cereal production, the share of cereals that have been sold through cooperatives, food security, and education. In order to account for potential violations of the exclusion restriction assumption, an instrumental variable approach is applied, together with three additional estimation strategies. The results suggest that the project has had a large and positive effect on gross and net values of cereal production per hectare, as well as on the share of production sold to pasta makers through cooperatives. These benefits accrue equally to land-rich and land-poor farmers. Furthermore, our analysis suggests that the AVCPO has improved educational outcomes and reduced food insecurity, without affecting crop rotation practices. Overall, our findings point to the effectiveness of the project. Before replicating or scaling up this intervention, however, it is necessary to understand how to better involve poorer farmers and which adjustments are needed if the areas selected have a lower potential than Bale Zone.
4. Plastic packaging faces uncertain path after pandemic
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Karst, Tom (author)
- Format:
- Online article
- Publication Date:
- 2021-08-09
- Published:
- USA: The Packer
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 207 Document Number: D13028
- Notes:
- 3 pages
5. Farmer field school and farmer knowledge acquisition in rice production: Experimental evaluation in China
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Mingliang Guo (author), Xiangping Jia (author), Jikun Huang (author), Kumar, Krishna (author), Burger, Nicholas E. (author), and Center for Resources, Environment and Food Security, China Agricultural University center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences RAND
- Format:
- Journal article
- Publication Date:
- 2015
- Published:
- Elsevier
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 16 Document Number: D10463
- Journal Title:
- Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
- Journal Title Details:
- 209: 100-107
- Notes:
- 8 pages., Via online journal., We collaborate with the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) and conduct a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to examine the effects of farmer field schools (FFS) on the knowledge acquisition by farmers in rice production in Anhui, China. The intensification of China’s agricultural production has raised widespread environmental concerns. Lack of advisory services to increase awareness and knowledge has been found to be the primary constraint to improving farming and environmental outcomes. However, training millions of small farmers is a significant challenge. To impart the knowledge of sustainable and low-carbon farm management, the MOA recently piloted a FFS program through its public extension system. A participatory approach to rural advisory services, FFS was initiated by the Food and Agriculture Organization during the late 1980s in Asia, and at present is being practiced in more than 90 developing countries. However, the effectiveness of the FFS program has not been conclusively demonstrated, and the results of previous impact evaluations have varied greatly according to evaluation methods. A major drawback of previous studies has been selective participation in the program, leading to biased estimates of program effects. We use an RCT to overcome these problems. The results are heterogeneous: FFS effectively improved farmers’ knowledge of pest management and agro-environment; however, we find no effects on nutrient management and cultivation knowledge. Furthermore, the effects were smaller for female and old participants. Being a “best-design” approach of agricultural extension initiated by FAO, FFS faces challenges to be “best-fit” in China, where urbanization and agricultural transformation are emerging.
6. Utilising farm-level panel data to estimate climate change impacts and adaptation potentials
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Quddoos, Abdul (author), Salhofer, Klaus (author), and Morawetz, Ulrich B. (author)
- Format:
- Journal article
- Publication Date:
- 2022-04-24
- Published:
- United States: Agricultural Economics Society, The
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 205 Document Number: D12571
- Journal Title:
- Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Journal Title Details:
- online
- Notes:
- 25pgs, We combine farm accounting data with high-resolution meteorological data, and climate scenarios to estimate climate change impacts and adaptation potentials at the farm level. To do so, we adapt the seminal model of Moore and Lobell (2014) who applied panel data econometrics to data aggregated from the farm to the regional (subnational) level. We discuss and empirically investigate the advantages and challenges of applying such models to farm-level data, including issues of endogeneity of explanatory variables, heterogeneity of farm responses to weather shocks, measurement errors in meteorological variables, and aggregation bias. Empirical investigations into these issues reveal that endogeneity due to measurement errors in temperature and precipitation variables, as well as heterogeneous responses of farms toward climate change may be problematic. Moreover, depending on how data are aggregated, results differ substantially compared to farm-level analysis. Based on data from Austria and two climate scenarios (Effective Measures and High Emission) for 2040, we estimate that the profits of farms will decline, on average, by 4.4% (Effective Measures) and 10% (High Emission). Adaptation options help to considerably ameliorate the adverse situation under both scenarios. Our results reinforce the need for mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
7. Can medium-scale farms support smallholder commercialisation and improve welfare? evidence from nigeria
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Saweda O. Liverpool-Tasie, Lenis (author), Salim Nuhu, Ahmed (author), Awokuse, Titus (author), Jayne, Thomas (author), Muyanga, Milu (author), Aromolaran, Adebayo (author), and Adelaja, Adesoji (author)
- Format:
- Journal article
- Publication Date:
- 2022-04-19
- Published:
- United States: Wiley Online
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 205 Document Number: D12576
- Journal Title:
- Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Journal Title Details:
- Online
- Notes:
- 27pgs, In spite of mounting evidence about the growth of medium-scale farms (MSFs) across Africa, there is limited empirical evidence on their impact on neighbouring small-scale farms (SSFs). We examine the relationships between MSFs and SSFs, with particular focus on the specific mechanisms driving potential spillover effects. First, we develop a theoretical model explaining two propagating mechanisms: learning effects (training) and cost effects (reduced transactions cost). An empirical application to data from Nigeria shows that SSFs with training from MSFs tend to use higher levels of modern inputs (have higher productivity), and receive higher prices and income. The results also show that purchasing inputs from MSFs reduces the costs of accessing modern inputs and is associated with higher inorganic fertiliser use by SSFs. Our results suggest that the benefits of receiving training and purchasing inputs from MSFs are particularly important for very small-scale producers, operating less than 1 hectare of land. This implies that policies which promote the efficient operation of MSFs and encourage their interaction with SSFs can be an effective mechanism for improving the productivity and welfare of smallholder farms, hence reducing their vulnerability to extreme poverty.