African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
212 p., Examines writers, such as Louise Bennett, Aimé Césaire, Junot Díaz, Zora Neale Hurston, Derek Walcott, and Anthony Winkler, who engage humor to challenge representations of people of African descent within canonical Western texts and forms.
27 pages, via online journal, This study explored whether satire (an emotional blend of humor/indignation) can minimize the emotional tradeoffs researchers have documented for humorous appeals about climate change. Using a sample of U.S. young adults, we conducted a 2 (humor: present/absent) × 2 (indignation: present/absent) + 1 (control) experiment in which we manipulated a climate change segment from Jimmy Kimmel Live! Our evidence suggests that it is possible for a late-night host to affect young adults’ climate change risk perception and behavioral intentions under certain conditions. Moderation analyses indicated that avoiding humor helped close the partisan gap in risk perception between Republicans and Democrats.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C27737
255 pages., Focuses on a popular radio comedy series that was broadcast from 1931 until 1954. "The show is a rare example of a lasting national network program on rural themes."
Online via keyword search of UI Library eCatalog., Sampling of Twain's writing style in his reporting for the Sacramento Daily Union newspaper in covering horse races, the livestock show, attractions, incidents, and other activities at the California state fair in 1866.
Australia: University of Western Australia Press, Crawley.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C25274
James F. Evans Collection, Insights about life, conditions, people and perspectives in rural Australia, as reflected in selected sayings from essays, poems, Bush songs, novels, books, advertisements, rural residents and other sources. Photographs by Richard Woldendorp, widely acclaimed for his landscape photographs.