Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 143 Document Number: C22030
Associated Press Worldstream, via High Beam Research. 2 pages., Describes influences of the mad cow scare, low-carb diets and other forces on the consumption of potatoes.
16 pages, via online journal, Buying local food has become an increasingly popular way for consumers to engage with those who grow their food; however, research has shown a specific audience tends to buy local food due to individual-specific barriers. To better understand what motivates consumers to buy local food the Theory of Planned Behavior was used as a way to potentially predict consumers’ behavior toward buying locally grown blueberries. Also, the variables of past experience and self-identity/moral obligation toward buying local food were introduced to the model since both variables may increase the predictability of the Theory of Planned Behavior model in certain food-related behaviors. This study used an online survey completed by 1,122 respondents, from a sample frame of all consumers in Florida. The study used a non-probability sample of an opt-in panel, and weighting procedures were applied to the data to account for coverage errors associated with using a non-probability sample. The interaction of consumers’ past experience and self-identity/moral obligation was found to help explain consumers’ intention to buy locally grown blueberries when added to the Theory of Planned Behavior. The Theory of Planned Behavior was shown to predict consumers’ intention to buy locally grown blueberries; however, their intent was better explained with the inclusion of the variables of past experience and self-identity/moral obligation toward buying local blueberries. Recommendations for future research and application include future research into other variables that may impact buying behavior and inclusion of these variables in future communication efforts focused on consumers buying and engaging with local food.
8pgs, We conducted a survey of New Jersey’s nursery industry to understand the current levels of labor shortage, how this has affected specific tasks related to the production capacity of the industry, and the actual level of mechanization. Survey results identified priority areas needing mechanization. There is a need for greater mechanization in almost all areas of nursery production to reduce the reliance on labor and or improve the efficiency of labor. Other Implications related to Extension programming on nursery mechanization are also discussed.
WIDCORP (author) and Water and Drylands Collaborative Research Program (WIDCORP).
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 183 Document Number: C36187
From Report No. 1/09. 13 pages., Summary section of a 142-page research report prepared for the Victoria Department of Primary Industries, Medlbourne, Australia.
16 pages, Climate change is impacting the ecological, social and technological aspects of urban gardens. Gardens experience threats (e.g., water scarcity) but are also responding through adaptation strategies (e.g., selecting drought-resilient plants). A synthetic overview of how urban gardens are affected by climate change and responding to climate change is unclear. Here, we systematically reviewed articles and book chapters published in the last two decades (2000–2022) to illustrate the relationship between climate change and urban gardening. From 72 documents analyzed with Nvivo Software, we found that there has been an increase in academic publications. Universities from the US (14) and Germany (9) universities are the dominant producers. Evidence shows that climate change can have negative impacts on cities, people and urban food. Suggestions on how to build the adaptation capacity of urban gardens include collecting rainwater, changing plant selection, changing planting times, applying vegetative cover on the soil and other practices. For cities, community and allotment gardens are helpful for adaptation, mitigation and resilience. This includes the capacity to regulate the microclimate, to reduce urban heat island effects and to buffer urban floods, the power to capture carbon, the ability to create social networks and other socio-environmental benefits for urban climate planning.