USA: Federal Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08935
Page 8 in Grace Gallup and Lucinda Crile, Bibliography on Extension Research, November 1943-1948. Library List No. 48. USDA Library, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. U.S. July 1949. Brief description of findings reported in Extension Service Circular 426. 1945. 8 pages.
Report based on data from a study among 3,757 students attending 18 institutions. Students who have chosen banking, dentistry, music and government service were found to be more conservative whereas the liberal attitudes were found among those planning on journalism, social work, law, and agriculture. The attitudes most favorable toward the college attended were found among students choosing such vocations as ministry, banking, teaching, and social service. The least favorable attitudes were indicated by the groups choosing aviation, agriculture, journalism, and music. It is possible that these unfavorable attitudes may be due in part to the inability of these 18 institutions to meet adequately the needs of students planning to enter aviation, agriculture, journalism, and music.
Page 82 in Review of Extension Research, January through December 1957. Brief description of a report by a Subcommittee of the Publications Committee, New York State College of Home Economics, New York.