13 pages., via online journal., Drawing on the increasing body of literature on policy stakeholders and the ever-growing acknowledgement that communication policy is crafted by more than just parliamentarians and formal communication regulators this paper examines the role that another set of regulators plays in communication policy: agriculture regulators. Based on a study of the United States Department of Agriculture's Rural Utilities Service (RUS), this paper explores alternative agents of communication policy. More specifically, through document analysis we examine the way in which the Rural Utilities Service has shaped rural broadband policy in the United States over the last three decades. The implications for this research are wide, as it brings another policy actor into the policy making melee, and pushes communication policy scholars to consider the role that non-traditional communication regulators play in the communication policy making process.
Marasteanu, I. Julia (author), Jaenicke, Edward C. (author), and Food and Drug Administration (formerly the Pennsylvania State University), 5100 Paint Branch Parkway # 1B056, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: CAB International, Wallingford Oxon OX10 8DE United Kingdom
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 164 Document Number: D08213
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 95 Document Number: C07489
cited reference, In: The role of extension services in national development. Lusaka, Zambia: National Council for Scientific Research, May 1984. p. 38-47
Frank, Robyn (author), John, Patricia (author), and Frank: Head, Rural Information Centers Branch, National Agricultural Library; John: Coordinator, Rural Information Center, National Agricultural Library
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 81 Document Number: C04794
Online via keyword search of UI e-catalog., Authors exmined the "forgotten history" of a scientific literature involving relationship between the media and farmers from the 1960s to date. "Farmers were once greatly valued in the media. There was a tacit agreement between members of the farming, government, and journalistic elite on the portrayal of the modern farmer figure. And yet this unity began to dissolve in the 1980s. Farmers were challenged in the public eye: awareness was raised about union struggles, doubt was cast on the cost of agricultural activities financed by society, new environmental concerns arose, promoted by journalists, and a series of health-related crises flourished in the 1990s."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 97 Document Number: C07988
James F Evans Collection; Table of Contents and Executive Summary only, The Hague: International Service for National Agricultural Research, 1991. 67 p.
In an issue located in a chronological file entitled "INTERPAKS - Newsletter" from the International Programs records of the Agricultural Communications Program, University of Illinois., From the International Programs records of the Agricultural Communications Program, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign., First-hand experience in a technical assistance program aimed at the transfer of the extension function from an established government base to a new university base, capitalizing on the university's competencies in instruction and capacities in technology development - and experience with the next-best alternative when the optimum could not be realized.
18 pages., Online via UI e-subscription, Analysis prompted the author to propose that improving legislative negotiations through alternative dispute resolution tactics - private, multiparty negotiation and mediation by a politician - could have improved the success of various food aid reform efforts in the past by working to balance stakeholder power and quell detrimental opposition tactics.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 50 Document Number: C00407
AgComm Teaching. Claude W. Gifford Collection. Beyond his materials in the ACDC collection, the Claude W. Gifford Papers, 1919-2004, are deposited in the University of Illinois Archives. Serial Number 8/3/81. Locate finding aid at https://archives.library.illinois.edu/archon/, Paper presented at the ACE/GPA public affairs workshop, National 4-H Center, Washington, D.C. area, May 22, 1980. 11 pp.