18 pages, Government interventions in the agricultural sector have been historically justified by the existence of an income disparity between farmers and non-farmers. However, recent studies have found that such disparity is disappearing over time, particularly in the United States. This work offers the first longitudinal systematic assessment on the average income disparity between farm and non-farm units in the European Union, differentiating between old and new Member States. Using the EU-SILC dataset, both broad (having some farm income) and narrow (living mainly on agriculture) farm households are compared with a general sample of non-farm households and a more restricted sample of self-employed non-farm households. To control for household observable characteristics and time-constant unobserved factors, we use a fixed effects regression. Results suggest that the farm/non-farm income disparity has disappeared in the European Union unless we compare narrow farm households with all non-farm households: in this case, the former are more likely to be better off than the latter. A limited income disparity is found only in the case of new Member States for broad farm households only. Results are used to draw policy implications regarding the role of CAP in supporting farm income.
Wallander, Steven (author), Smith, David (author), Bowman, Maria (author), and Claassen, Roger (author)
Research report
Publication Date:
USA: Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12143
Economic Information Bulletin Number 222. 33 pages., This report detailed how cover crops are managed on corn, cotton, soybean, and wheat fields in the United States. "These surveys reveal that there are many different approaches to using cover crops."
17 pages., via online journal, Calls for improved targeting of conservation resources are increasingly common. However, arguments for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of agricultural conservation programs through proactive targeting are often tempered by questions regarding political feasibility. Such questions rest on an assumption that there will be resistance to these approaches, whether from farmers, farm groups, or elected officials, yet there is little research-based evidence supporting that assumption. Analysis of data on Iowa farmers’ attitudes toward targeted conservation indicates that most farmers support targeted approaches. Specific factors associated with endorsement of targeted approaches include awareness of agriculture's environmental impacts, belief that farmers should address water quality problems, having experienced significant soil erosion, belief that extreme weather will become more common, participation in the Conservation Reserve Program, and belief that farmers who have natural resource issues are less likely to seek conservation assistance. Concerns about government intrusion were negative predictors of support for targeted approaches.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 12 Document Number: D10399
2 pages., Via online. Statement endorsed by media participants at the Media Round Table Dialogue on Agriculture Investment in Ghana, September 13, 2017, in Accra, Ghana., Offering three recommendations to the government of Ghana, government agencies, civil society, development partners and donors for supporting a proactive media network.