Online from publication. 4 pages., Introduction of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's proposed rule, called "Requirements for additional traceability records for certain foods." Reporter notes, "The industry has been waiting for this shoe to drop for years."
5 pages., Via online magazine., Winner of the 2017 Borlaug cast communication award, Jayson Lusk, shares the three challenges he sees in effectively communicating with the general public as well as some potential solutions.
15 pages., Online via AgEconSearch., Results of a field experiment at a university cafeteria indicated that "provision of nutritional information by itself can have zero or low impact unless it synergizes with other instruments such as nutritional education, social norm provisions and nudges."
9 pages., Online via UI electronic subscription., Researchers used unique data collected from consumers, vendors, and markets in a rural region of New York State to develop an empirical model of subjective and objective measures of vendor performance to identify important factors for improved market sustainability. Results suggested four inter-related planning recommendations when considering market and public policyinterventions.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 133 Document Number: D11399
9 pages., Online via website., Results of a national survey among U.S. adults suggest that"divides in public opinion over food are encapsulated by how people assess the health effects of two kinds of food: organic and genetically modified (GM) foods. Americans' beliefs about food connect with their personal concerns about the role of food choices in their long term health and well-being."
Online from publication. 2 pages., Identification of produce items cited as problematic and acceptable by the Environmental Working Group. Article indicates that more than 99 percent of produce samples tested for these reports have residue levels that are compliant with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards (which EWG considers insufficient).
2004 Presidential address to the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society, Hyde Park, New York, June 11, 2004,, Author defined food citizenship, described four ways to practice it, suggested the role of universities in fostering it, and identified barriers to that effort.