9 pages., Online via UI electronic subscription., The study involved a survey among 39 respondents from the milling industry and supermarkets, the main processors and distributors of maize products, in seven urban centres of Kenya. Identified information sources, knowledge level of biotechnology, and perceptions and preferences involving genetically modified food.
9 pages., Online via UI electronic subscription, Researchers analyzed the effectiveness of the European Union Pledge, a self-regulation initiative of leading food companies at the European level, in restricting television advertising of food and drink products high in fat, sugar or salt to children. Results indicated that effectiveness was limited by the focus on children's program and the relatively lenient nutritional criteria agreed to by signatory companies.
Chain coordination is growing in importance for those in the food industry to maintain access to global markets and competitive advantage. Information communication facilitates coordination and is seen as the glue that holds organisational chain relationships together. This paper describes how Australian food processors have been exchanging information to coordinate customers and suppliers in their chains along with changes over time. The most frequent information exchanged was to resolve problems. Operational issues were only discussed when exceptions arose and this was decreasing over time, as problems were resolved and processes improved. For the organisations studied, they were increasingly formalising processes to review progress and performance. A wide range of organisational departments were involved in communications with customers and suppliers, especially to resolve problems and develop new products. While the traditional telephone and face-to-face communication methods were the most popular, e-mails were replacing faxes. There were also moves to increasing use of reports, electronic data interchange and intranets for more well developed relationships with larger customers and suppliers. These changes in communication systems were the source of some increased satisfaction with information systems by improving timeliness and depth of information shared. However, there was perceived to be some room for further improvement.
19 pages., Online via UI e-subscription, Authors collected consumer data to understand the heterogeneity of consumer behavior and store competition in grocery shopping. Marketing research techniques were used to analyze consumers' decision processes and their preference models.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 130 Document Number: D11291
3 pages., Online from the Center for Food Integrity, Gladstone, Missouri, USA., Summary of findings from a new study focused on "The 25 most trusted brands in America" from Morning Consult. Results showed reductions in food-related food marketers in the list, among older to younger consumer segments.