Jansen, Guido (author), Cila, Nazli (author), Kanis, Marije (author), and Slaats, Yanti (author)
Publication Date:
USA: Association for Computing Machinery
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 93 Document Number: D10858
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings Volume 07-12-May-2016, Pages 3091-3098. 34th annual CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI EA 2016,, San Jose, California., Vertical farming is a promising new technology for increasing crop yields per square meter. However, little research has been done so far in people's perception of this technology. The aim of this project was to gain a better understanding of consumers' attitude on small scale vertical farming at home. This was achieved by developing a prototype that uses sensor and LED technology for growing food at home and deploying it in a user study. The prototype was built to give users a genuine feeling of what it would be like to use a small scale vertical farming system. The user study showed that the attitudes towards the system were mostly positive. However, a fully autonomous system is not desirable and there are concerns regarding food safety.
Bruce, Gordana (author), Critchley, Christine (author), Dempsey, Deborah (author), Gilding, Michael (author), Hardie, Elizabeth (author), Walshe, Jarrod (author), and Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.
Research report
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 164 Document Number: C27386
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C20470
Pages 152-171 in Alan Irwin and Brian Wynne (eds.), Misunderstanding science? The public reconstruction of science and technology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. 232 pages.
Fielding, Richard (author), Lam, Wendy W.T. (author), Ho, Ella Y.Y. (author), Lam, Tai Hing (author), Hedley, Anthony J. (author), and Leung, Gabriel M. (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 143 Document Number: C22199
Fiore, M. (author), Conto, F. (author), Conte, A. (author), and Pellegrini, G. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 141 Document Number: D06291
Accessed August 6, 2015., Paper presented at the AIEAA (Associazione Italiana di Economia Agraria e Applicata) conference, Ancona, Italy, June 11.12, 2015. 14 pages.
Rutherford, Tracy (author / Texas A & M), Wingenbach, Gary J. (author / Texas A & M), Fritz, Susan (author / University of Nebraska--Lincoln), Husmann, Dann (author / University of Nebraska--Lincoln), Egger, Valerie (author / University of Nebraska--Lincoln), and Wadhwa, Preeti (author / University of Nebraska--Lincoln)
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: AgBioForum
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 177 Document Number: C30376
Hall, Clare (author), Toma, Luiza (author), Costa Madureira, Livia Maria (author), Barnes, Andrew (author), and Renwick, Alan (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 186 Document Number: D00922
Paper presented at the 131st EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) seminar, "Innovation for agricultural competitiveness and sustainability of rural areas," Prague, Czech Republic, September 18-19, 2012. 17 pages.
The aim of this paper is to present the concept of sustainable consumption, its aspects, awareness and implications for choices concerning food products. Particular attention was paid to consumer choices based on the perception of foodstuff packaging and the perception of the importance of labelling information. Empirical studies have shown that Polish consumers are increasingly more aware of the need for action on sustainable consumption, although it is not always re- fl ected in tangible activities in this area. Still for the majority of Poles it is synonymous with ecoconsumption, and engaging consumers in the concepts of sustainability is manifested e.g. in waste sorting, waste reduction, selection of organic, local products, in ecological packaging, for which they are ready to pay higher prices or search for information on sustainable products. Unfortunately, at present the scale of these activities and attitudes is still limited, thus the primary objective of the environmental, social and economic policies is to provide systematic and intensive consumer education and promote sustainable development.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 169 Document Number: C28461
7 pages., Deputy editorial page editor of the Richmond (Virginia) Times-Dispatch earns an international award for an editorial, "Government can solve the food crisis, too."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08812
Pages 95-116 in Patrick D. Murphy, The media commons: globalization and environmental discourses. United States: University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Chicago, and Springfield. 192 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 189 Document Number: D01948
Summary of a presentation at the annual conference of the Association of Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE), Annapolis, Maryland, June 14, 2012. 1 page., Dean and Director of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia, urges educational communicators to serve as strategic advisors to deans and other administrators in addressing issues and opportunities. Communicators uniquely span the range of interests of departments and colleges in which they work.