Delmar Hatesohl Collection, Companion articles here. The first presents this poem inviting patience and wisdom in addressing the prices the farmer is receiving, as compared with prices of other things people buy. The follow-up letter to the editor suggested that whoever penned it was "preying" on ignorance and appealing to emotionalism.
USA: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C22610
Butler, James R.A. (author), Darbas, Toni (author), Addison, Jane (author), Bohensky, Erin L. (author), Carter, Lucy (author), Cosijn, Michaela (author), Maru, Yiheyis T. (author), Stone-Jovicich, Samantha (author), Williams, Liana J. (author), and Rodriguez, Luis C. (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
International: CSIRO Publishing, Clayton South, Victoria, Australia
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 18 Document Number: D10513
217 pages., Pages 109-129 in Heinz Schandl and Lain Walker (eds.), Social science and sustainability. CSIRO Publishing, Clayton South, Victoria,Australia. 2017. 217 pages.
Markenson, Steve (author / Food Marketing Institute)
Research summary
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 201 Document Number: D11751
Food Marketing Institute, Arlington, Virginia. 3 pages., Author notes increases in online food shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic, adding that it brings higher consumer expectations for transparency, compared with in-store shopping. Summarizes results of a mid-March national consumer survey. The report found that 69% of omnichannel shoppers - those who buy both online and in-store - want more information about a product when shopping online compared to in phsical tores.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 130 Document Number: D11291
3 pages., Online from the Center for Food Integrity, Gladstone, Missouri, USA., Summary of findings from a new study focused on "The 25 most trusted brands in America" from Morning Consult. Results showed reductions in food-related food marketers in the list, among older to younger consumer segments.