12 pages, This paper addresses consumer trust in organic food in order to find out which aspects increase and decrease trust and which trust expectations consumers have. The aim is to strengthen consumer trust on the basis of the findings and to develop trust-building measures. To this end, ten focus groups with German consumers were conducted online in February 2021 and evaluated using content analysis. The results show that there is a predominant lack of trust in organic food. This is based in particular on the fact that organic production is often doubted and there are from the consumer’s point of view too many organic labels. This can be attributed not only to a lack of knowledge on the part of consumers, but also to a lack of transparency within the organic sector and in relation to organic food. Results from the consumer's point of view show that the possibility of control, information and transparency are relevant for trust in organic food and the development of knowledge about organic food can positively influence this trust.
Stockamp, Ashley (author) and Oklahoma State University
Publication Date:
Ann Arbor: ProQuest
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 16 Document Number: D10466
108 pages., ISBN: 9781124211367, Via Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global., Scope and method of study. The purpose of this study was to determine the professional development and curriculum needs of Oklahoma secondary agricultural education teachers as related to teaching agricultural communications. A qualitative study was conducted through a semi-structured focus group interview. The interview took place at a teacher training and included 19 participating teachers.
Findings and conclusions. A majority of the participating teachers had fewer than five year experience as secondary agricultural education teachers and in teaching agricultural communications The participants expressed a need for better teaching resources and curriculum in agricultural communications. The teachers said a database should be available to help the teachers develop their lesson plans and prepare for the agricultural communications career development event. Workshops for students were mentioned as a way to improve performance in the agricultural communications career development event. Based on these findings, the researcher concluded the universities need to assist in developing appropriate agricultural communications materials for secondary agricultural education. Prospective teachers also should be given training in agricultural communications during post-secondary education. Students at the secondary level should be given more opportunities to attend workshops in all areas of agricultural communications. More research should be conducted on the needs of secondary agricultural education students in agricultural communications as well as into the effects of improved materials for current secondary agricultural education teachers. This study should be repeated with different professional groups including agricultural communications faculty, agricultural education faculty, and pre-service students in agricultural education. The CIMC curriculum was improved in 2009 to address some of the issues presented by participating teachers.
21 pages, This article reconsiders the concept of `alternative media', and describes a set of alternative media projects produced over six years in and around migrant farm worker camps in southern California. The media projects described here (small-format videos within marginalized labor communities), challenge assumptions about `alternative media' on three levels - as a theoretical concept, as media practice and as a political project. The article argues the need to attend to the complex spatial and institutional contexts that inflect and complicate any local alternative media project. This examination of how the lived spaces of the migrant camps are both avowed and effaced by local residents and contractors underscores the tortured logic of the region. The study reveals not just how the landed status quo organizes workers lives as parts of its `scenic' landscape. It also describes how indigenous `Mixteco' labor organizers simultaneously work to exploit and resist the same conditions. Occupying semi-public contact-zones and no-man's lands (legally ambiguous spaces), provides migrants with a material beach-head from which to claim other rights that have more legal teeth (including fair labor, health and safety, and civil rights laws). Compared to the conventional video forms the producers/researchers set out to produce, these practices suggested that migrants' unauthorized occupation of space is a consequential form of `alternative media' in its own right; a transnational community response to policies of globalization and `free-trade'.
9 pages., Via online journal., Surgical piglet castration without pain relief has been banned in organic farming in the EU since the beginning of 2012. Alternative methods therefore need to be implemented that improve animal welfare and solve the underlying problem of boar taint. This paper explores German organic consumers' preferences for piglet castration without pain relief and three alternative methods. In an innovative approach using a multi-criteria decision making procedure, qualitative data from focus group discussions were compared with quantitative results from Vickrey auctions. Overall, participants preferred all alternatives to castration without pain relief. Different aspects influenced willingness-to-pay for the methods. Animal welfare was important for the evaluation of castration without pain relief and castration with anesthesia. Food safety played a major role for willingness-to-pay for immunocastration, while taste and, to some extent, animal welfare were dominant factors for fattening of boars. These differences should be considered when communicating the alternatives.
Oesterreicher, Shelby (author), Lundy, Lisa K. (author), Rumble, Joy (author), Telg, Ricky W. (author), and University of Florida
The Ohio State University
Journal article
Publication Date:
United States: New Prairie Press
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 152 Document Number: D10157
15 pages, via online journal article, Millennial consumers are stepping into important roles as decision makers and consumers. A knowledge and communication gap exists between cattle producers and consumers this knowledge seeking generation. This study focused on collegiate millennials' perceptions of locally produced beef. The research design was qualitative in nature using focus groups. Participants associated the beef industry and beef products with the environment, management practices, treatment of animals, human health concerns, retail, experience with the beef industry, experience with beef, and transparency. Results of this study showed participants had minimal knowledge of the industry and relatively negative perceptions of the industry and beef products. Participants were skeptical of communication materials promotion beef and expressed particular distrust toward video messages. Participants revealed a knowledge and communication gap between producers and consumers
McCallum, David B. (author) and Anderson, Laurel (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C18301
Pages 237-262 in Roger E. Kasperson and Pieter Jan M. Stallen (eds.), Communicating risks to the public: international perspectives. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 481 pages.
de Barcellos, Marcia D. (author), Kügler, Jens O. (author), Grunert, Klaus G. (author), Wezemael, Lynn Van (author), Pérez-Cueto, Federico J.A. (author), Ueland, Øydis (author), and Verbeke, Wim (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Europe: Elsevier
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 162 Document Number: D07965
McLeod-Morin, Ashley (author), Beattie, Peyton (author), Rampold, Shelli (author), Telg, Ricky W. (author), and Association for Communication Excellence (ACE)
University of Florida
Online journal article
Publication Date:
United States: New Prairie Press
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 131 Document Number: D11307
14 pages., via online journal, This study explored the social media follower engagement of a campaign with the intention to inform Florida residents about mosquito-related topics, specifically mosquito control. Engagement rates were compared between social media content type and content frames. Text graphics without characters were the most engaged content type, while the personal responsibility frame was the most engaged frame. The social media campaign examined in this study had overall low engagement rates, which could have been attributed to factors outside the scope of this study. Future recommendations for research should determine what factors most contribute to the engagement of social media content. In-depth focus groups should also be conducted to test the frames and messages used in this study. Practitioners should consider using the personal responsibility frame when communicating with the public about mosquito-related topics. Furthermore, practitioners should also apply the use of authoritative figures when designing a campaign similar to the one in this study after determining what authoritative figures effectively resonate with the intended audience.
18 pages, Adaptation of the agricultural sector to climate change is crucial to avoid food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa. Farmers’ perception of climate change is a crucial element in adaptation process. The aim of this study was (i) to compare farmers’ perception of climate change with actual weather data recorded in central Mali, (ii) to identify changes in agricultural practices implemented by farmers to adapt to climate change, and (iii) to investigate the link between farmers’ perception of climate change and implementation of adaptation practices. Focus group discussions and individual surveys were conducted to identify climate-related changes perceived by farmers and agricultural adaptation strategies they consider relevant to cope with these changes. A majority (>50%) of farmers perceived an increase in temperature, decrease in rainfall, shortening of growing season, early cessation of rainfall, and increase in the frequency of dry spells at the beginning of the growing season. In line with farmers’ perception, analysis of climate data indicated (i) an increase in mean annual temperature and minimum growing season temperature and (ii) a decrease in total rainfall. Farmers’ perception of early cessation of rainfall and more-frequent drought periods were not detected by climate data analysis. To cope with the decrease in rainfall and late start of the growing season, farmers used drought-tolerant cultivars and implemented water-saving technologies. Despite a perceived warming, no specific adaptation to heat stress was mentioned by farmers. We found evidence of a link between farmers’ perception of climate change and the implementation of some adaptation options. Our study highlights the need for a dialogue between farmers and researchers to develop new strategies to compensate for the expected negative impacts of heat stress on agricultural productivity.
Dickrell, Peter A. (author) and McCracken, Vicki A. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 93 Document Number: C07076
James F. Evans Collection; Highlights and Table of Contents, Pullman, WA : IMPACT Center, College of Agricultural and Home Economics, Washington State University, [1987]. Information Series no. 14. 43 p., U.S. consumers' past acceptance of food technologies (microwaves, artificial sweeteners, etc.) and their current decision-making process were examined in this study in order to assess potential acceptance and usage of irradiation foods. Benefits of food irradiation are explained.
Telg, Ricky (author), Irani, Tracy (author), and Meyers, Courtney (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 158 Document Number: C25856
Presented at the 2007 ACE/NETC conference sponsored by the International Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE) and the National Extension Technology Conference (NETC) in Albuquerque, New Mexico on June 16-19, 2007. 23 pages.
Dickrell, Peter A. (author), McCracken, Vicki A. (author), and Department of Agricultural Economics, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 94 Document Number: C07196
food irradiation; food safety, James F. Evans Collection, Pullman, WA : College of Agriculture and Home Economics Research Center, Washington State University, 1989. (Research Bulletin No. XB1014) 14 p., The history of food irradiation is explained. The description of and results from a focus group study of consumer attitudes about food irradiation are presented.
15 pages, via online journal article, Okja is a fictional Netflix original film that was released in 2017. Okja features a “super pig” that is owned by the large, agricultural company Mirando Corporation. Okja is raised by a young girl, Mija, and her grandfather in the South Korean mountains. The film climaxes when Mija and the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) narrowly save Okja and a smuggled piglet from the slaughter process. The purpose of this study was to understand how college students responded to the film. The viewers of this film included students who were majoring in a field within the agricultural college (COA) at Texas Tech University as well as students who were majoring in a field outside of agriculture (NCOA). Emergent themes from this focus group study identified the film as overdramatized and that the film misrepresented food production. Previous knowledge and experiences impacted how viewers perceived the film with COA students indicating that Okja was portrayed more like a pet than as a food animal. Both COA and NCOA students indicated that their food purchasing decisions would not be affected by viewing the film. Findings suggested that entertainment films may not be an effective method for changing public opinion of agriculture and food production. Transparency in agriculture through real-life and real-time activities in a documentary style may serve a greater role in improving public opinion of food and agricultural production practices and industries.Findings from this study serve as an indicator of the role entertainment films play in swaying public opinion of food and agriculture.
33pgs, Spumante wines produced in Sicily region (southern Italy) have sensorial characteristics significantly different from those produced in other Italian regions, because of the great differences of terroir. Offering a product included in a coherent and consistent context allows consumers to differentiate in the marketplace. The aim of this study is to propose solutions for Sicilian wineries for positioning Sicilian Spumante in the market, based on empirical data. Moreover, it was investigated whether a positive experience in a context consistent with the Sicilian sparkling wines could influence consumers’ consumption intentions. A blind sensory test was performed by 146 expert wine tasters. Opinions regarding sensorial quality, value, and suitable selling place for all wines tasted were investigated. Out-of-context and in-context preferences were analyzed. Development of the unipolar model to describe the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) process was attempted. Findings contribute to experiential marketing actions for other iconic wines and wine regions.
20 pages, via online journal, Purpose: This paper demystifies the processes, methodologies and outputs of three co-design projects, identifying how and to what extent are aims and principles of the multi-actor approach realised and upheld in the field. Implications from the cases for participatory principles are discussed.
Design/Methodology/approach: A detailed ethnographic account is presented of three multi-actor co-design cases, supporting diverse readers’ interpretations and learnings.
Findings: Three paradoxes were identifiable from the multi-actor processes: (1) outputs can be orphaned when they lack strong identifiers and affiliations with discrete professional communities outside of the co-design team; (2) combining diverse knowledges co-design can generate outputs that are new and strange (rather than familiar and acceptable) to end-users; (3) for Responsible Research and Innovation, co-creating interventions that are challenging (rather than popular) to society may be required.
Practical implications: Awareness of dynamics and paradoxes arising in the implementation of multi-actor co-design supports enhanced facilitation of processes and impacts of outcomes. Together, the paradoxes highlight the critical importance of communications and engagement initiatives across diverse communities in the aftermath of co-design efforts.
Theoretical implications: Although co-design processes are case-dependent, reflexive accounts of how they play out contribute to the body of knowledge of how co-design may be better understood. The cases in this paper identify paradoxes with implications for principles and theory of multi-actor co-design.
Originality/Value: This paper presents a detailed account of three unique co-design processes. Practical and theoretical implications of the cases are identified.
16 pages., via online journal., While previous research into understandings of climate change has usually examined general public perceptions, this study offers an audience-specific departure point. This article analyses how Swedish farmers perceive climate change and how they jointly shape their understandings. The agricultural sector is of special interest because it both contributes to and is directly affected by climate change. Through focus group discussions with Swedish farmers, this study finds that (1) farmers relate to and understand climate change through their own experiences, (2) climate change is understood either as a natural process subject to little or no human influence or as anthropogenic and (3) various communication tools contribute to the formation of natural and anthropogenic climate change frames. The article ends by discussing frame resonance and frame clash in public understanding of climate change and by comparing potential similarities and differences in how various segments of the public make sense of climate change.
23pgs, While the three-part mission of the land-grant university has been a pivotal component of agriculture and natural resources in the U.S., the land-grant mission is not always well understood by all audiences, including faculty members who are the key deliverers of the land-grant mission. As such, it is important to understand how faculty members view the land-grant brand identity. A series of focus groups were conducted with tenure and non-tenure track faculty members at [university]. Faculty members’ perceptions of the university’s brand came out in four themes: overall description of the brand identity, connections to [City], university values, and increased emphasis on research. How faculty members conceptualized the land-grant mission presented two themes: aware but uninformed about the land-grant mission (subthemes: concerns about public awareness and stakeholder priorities, and unawareness of Extension) and having varying definitions of the land-grant mission (subthemes: land-grant is about the land, the land-grant mission is for more than agriculture, the land-grant is successful when serving the state, the land-grant mission is intended to improve society, and the land-grant mission is delivering equal opportunity education). Recommendations for universities included providing faculty members with a full understanding of the land-grant missions and ensuring students are taught about the land-grant mission. Future research was recommended to assess perceptions of faculty members at other land-grant universities and perceptions of non-faculty audiences such as students and external stakeholders. A quantitative survey was also recommended to provide a more generalizable view of faculty perceptions of the brand of land-grant universities.
Place, Nick T. (author) and Dragon, Steffany L. (author)
Publication Date:
Costa Rica
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 152 Document Number: C24579
Journal Title Details:
Reviewed 9 August 2006, 11 p. Paper presented at the International Agricultural and Extension Education group's 21st annual conference May 25-31, 2005, in San Antonio, TX
Telg, Ricky W. (author), Lundy, Lisa (author), Wandersee, Cassie (author), Mukhtar, Saqib (author), Smith, David (author), Stokes, Phillip (author), and University of Florida
Kansas State University
Texas A&M University
Journal article
Publication Date:
United States: New Prairie Press
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 1 Document Number: D10163
14 pages; Article 5, via online journal article, The Cattle and Climate Conversations Workshop for Cooperative Extension and Natural Resources Conservation Service, the last activity funded through a multi-regional United States Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA NIFA) grant, took place in October 2016 in Denver, Colorado, for Extension and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) representatives in the Southwest and Mountain West who work extensively with cattle producers. The purpose of this study was to identify how Extension agents and NRCS personnel in this workshop viewed the issue of “trust,” as it relates to communicating the topic of climate change to cattle producers. Three focus groups, comprised of 29 attendees of the workshop, were conducted simultaneously at the end of the conference. Specific themes about trust included the politically charged nature of climate change, climate change data manipulation, negativity of media surrounding climate change, weathercasters getting predictions wrong, agriculture getting a “black eye” with the public, and participants’ relationships with cattle producers. Findings indicate varying levels of distrust, related to sources of information and influence on the topic of climate change, greatly impact how and whether Extension Service and NRCS employees actually talk “climate change” to cattle producers. Based on the study’s findings, it is recommended that for Extension and NRCS employees to talk about controversial issues, like climate change, it is important to create relationships with clients. In addition, communication and education professionals working with cattle producers should avoid politicizing the topic of climate change if they want climate-related programs to be accepted.
Askelson, Natoshia M. (author), Golembiewsk, Elizabeth H. (author), Meier, Cristian L. (author), Smith, Rosamond (author), Montgomery, Doris (author), Lillehoj, Catherine J. (author), and Wilson, Suzy (author)
Online journal article
Publication Date:
SAGE Journals
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 18 Document Number: D10525
11 pages., via online journal., Pick a better snack™, a multicomponent social marketing intervention to promote fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption, develops children’s ability to ask their parents for F&V. This study’s purpose was to understand this “pester power” from the child’s perspective. Pester power is leveraging children’s ability to convince their parents to purchase items in the store that they normally would not have considered buying. Focus groups were conducted with third-grade program participants (n = 30) and involved a traditional discussion format, a drawing activity, and role-playing. Most of the communication participants described involved straightforward requests, although a few children described behaviors such as whining. Most reported their parents responded affirmatively to requests, and some described a positive emotional response from parents. Parent denials were typically related to concerns about cost or the child not eating the item after purchase. Findings pointed to high self-efficacy and response efficacy among these children, although role-playing of effective asking strategies and addressing reasons why parents deny requests could enhance the program. Social marketing efforts including children should consider how pester power may play a role in moving adult behavior.
Schultz, Ann (author / Iowa State University) and Integrated Farm and Livestock Management Demonstration Program, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 135 Document Number: C20643
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D00802
Review of an event at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 18-21, 2010. 14 pages. Via Prolinnova Europe.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 180 Document Number: C36211
Section 3 in Don Richardson and Lynnita Paisley (eds.), The first mile of connectivity, Communication for Development, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. Via online. 15 pages.
Camacho-Villa, Tania Carolina (author), Almekinders, Conny (author), Hellin, Jon (author), Martinez-Cruz, Tania Eulalia (author), Rendon-Medel, Roberto (author), and International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, Mexico, D.F.
Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
University of Bonn, Germany
Online journal article
Publication Date:
Mexico: Taylor & Francis
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 108 Document Number: D10955
17 pages, via online journal, Purpose: Little is known about effective ways to operationalize agricultural innovation processes. We use the MasAgro program in Mexico (which aims to increase maize and wheat productivity, profitability and sustainability), and the experiences of middle level ‘hub managers’, to understand how innovation processes occur in heterogeneous and changing contexts. Design/methodology/approach: We use a comparative case study analysis involving research tools such as documentary review, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and reflection workshops with key actors. Findings: Our research shows how a program, that initially had a relatively narrow technology focus, evolved towards an innovation system approach. The adaptive management of such a process was in response to context-specific challenges and opportunities. In the heterogeneous context of Mexico this results in diverse ways of operationalization at the hub level, leading to different collaborating partners and technology portfolios. Practical implications: MasAgro experiences merit analysis in the light of national public efforts to transform agricultural advisory services and accommodate pluralistic agricultural extension approaches in Latin America. Such efforts need long-term coherent macro level visions, frameworks and support, while the serendipitous nature of the process requires meso-level implementers to respond and adapt to and move the innovation process forward. Originality/value: This paper contributes to the debate on how to operationalize large programs by showing that the innovation support arrangements enacted in the field should allow for diversity and have a degree of flexibility to accommodate heterogeneous demands from farmers in different contexts as well as continuous changes in the politico- institutional environment.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 180 Document Number: C36212
Section 2 in Don Richardson and Lynnita Paisley (eds.), The first mile of connectivity, Communication for Development, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. Via online. 7 pages.
Kreps, Lyle (author / Director of Research, Successful Farming magazine, Des Moines, IA) and Director of Research, Successful Farming magazine, Des Moines, IA
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 54 Document Number: C01107
4 pages, Sustaining farm profitability has been challenging for North Carolina smallholder farmers facing
market failure. Small farms earning between $10,000 or less and $50,000 annually in net farm income need alternative practices that will make them more profitable. This study assesses North Carolina small farmers’ understanding and attitudes towards value-added agriculture. We conducted farmer focus group interviews and analyzed the data using Qualitative Data Analysis Miner Lite. We found that the main drivers of value-added agriculture include improving on-farm profitability, product expansion, and market growth. High production costs and lack of government assistance are some of the factors limiting value-added participation.
Ginsburg, Ariel (author) and Morales, Dionisia (author)
Research report
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D09344
Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE). 7 pages., Report of a research project conducted through the ACE Grant Project 2016.
Butler, Lorna Michael (author), Murray, Helene (author), and Murray: Coordinator, Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN; Butler: Extension Anthropologist, Washington State University, Puyallup, WA
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 97 Document Number: C08026
search through journal, Research and extension personnel are beginning to look for new strategies to involve more farmers and the non-farm public in their programs. Two approaches we have used are whole farm case studies (WFCS) and focus groups. WFCS in Oregon and Washington led to several research and educational programming ideas that are currently being pursued in both states. A focus group to study water quality, nitrate leaching and farming practices in Skagit County, Washington is one outcome of the WFCS process. It is made up of 16 people, including farmers, university personnel, members of environmental groups, and government representatives. We review these two complementary participatory strategies for systems-oriented sustainable agriculture research and education programs. Both have been very useful for building problem-solving partnerships between the land-grant universities and agricultural and environmental constituents in our area. Noteworthy outcomes include: complementary applied on-farm and experiment station research; farming systems analysis; public education; new linkages with environmental and agricultural interest groups; additional grant funds to address identifies priority issues; and interdisciplinary teams that cut across the biological and social sciences and include diverse citizen representation. (original)
Chan, Mimi W. (author), Chapman, Karen M. (author), and Foods and Nutrition, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 97 Document Number: C07903
James F. Evans Collection, Ham, Mimeographed, 1994. 1 p. Presented at the Society for Nutrition Education, Portland, OR, July 16-20, 1994., Because attitudes about a topic can diminish the effectiveness of informational materials, previously identified attitudes concerning calcium intake were explored through focus group interviews. The purpose of this study was to clarify women's attitudes and behaviors toward calcium-related topics and nutrition education materials. Participants were recruited through Cooperative Extension Service, a church group, and the University of Illinois. Although four focus groups of 6-7 participants were planned, each group consisted of 2-6 women. All focus groups followed the same format, lasting for 1 to 1 1/2 hours; questions progressed from the general to more specific. Preliminary questions were directed at determining women's attitudes, interest, behavior, knowledge, and lifestyle. As the focus group interviews progressed, questions became more specific in assessing the nutrition education materials for readability, attractiveness, usefulness, age-appropriateness, and validity. Discussions also included whether dietary behavior change occurred as a result of educational materials, motivation to take materials home, and general use of materials. The focus group format allowed for in-depth discussions on the topics and provided rationale based on age and background knowledge. Motivating factors included prior interest in the topic and length of the materials. Many women mentioned that their busy lifestyles restricted them from reading long brochures. Younger women tended to underestimate the older women's ability to read smaller print size. Most importantly, neither younger nor older women felt that osteoporosis was a problem that their age group needed to address. Lastly, knowledge level of the general public was overestimated by one focus group comprised of graduate students. This study emphasized that women's attitudes about calcium intake and osteoporosis need to be addressed if nutrition education materials are to be effective.