11 pages., Online from journal by open access., Researchers surveyed residents of the wildland-urban interface to determine the effects of contextual factors such as location of the forest, its primary use, wildfire history, and current fire conditions on acceptability of prescribed burning, mechanical thinning, and doing nothing.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 196 Document Number: D08042
John L. Woods Collection, Early progress report involving the Forest Resources and Technologies (FOREST) Project in Russia. Conducted by Chemonics International, Inc., Washington, D.C., with funding from the U. S. Agency for International Development. 4 pages.
August 12 issue online from organization website. 3 pages., Identifies some data sources used by firefighting professionals to track wildfires and other incidents nationwide. Advice to environmental reporters about the firefighting web of radio communications: "Respect the tough and risky job firefighters do by not interfering. Do not broadcast on these frequencies. Leave them for firefighters. Just listen."