4 pages., Online via Directory of Open Access Documents (DOAJ)., In interviews, "...a group of 'conservation-minded' Illinois farmers revealed that while they are not necessarily familiar with the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy (NLRS), they are concerned with nutrient loss and are taking steps to address those concerns." However, authors observed that added efforts may be required to encourage adoption of the best management practices recommended by the strategy. The study also identified information sources farmers trust in making such decisions.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D09061
James E. Grunig Collection, Pages 3-46 in Moss, D., MacManus, T., and Verčič, D. (eds.), Public relations research: An international perspective. London: International Thomson Business Press. 39 pages.
Byrnes, Kerry J. (author) and Rural Sociological Society
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: KerryByrnes2 Document Number: D01191
Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, Paper submitted for the Annual Meeting of th Rural Sociological Society, 58 pages., Agricultural research aimed at developing alternative agricultural production technologies for the small farmer in developing countries typically does not adequately take into consideration the range of factors in the farmer's social environment, which may operate to facilitate or constrain the decisions which the farmer makes about the technology to be employed in his farming operation.
14 pages., Via online journal., Green technology is the means of improving towards the rising environmental concern. The implication of green fertilizer technology (GFT) is the need for the modern development of environmentally friendly technology, also to increase the production level among all the agriculture crops. It is especially needed for paddy production, as it has always been considered as an important commodity because it is the main staple food for the nation. Paddy production in Malaysia using GFT allows for sustainable development and boosts the yield. Nevertheless, the adoption rate of GFT is unsatisfactory in most of the developing countries, including in Malaysia. The fact that the cost of production is considerably higher results in low-level perception regarding the adoption of GFT. Hence, the integration of communication and technology factors could become one of the main elements for the further development of the paddy sector in Malaysia. The overall objective of this research study will identify the factors that determine paddy farmer's adoption decision on GFT in Malaysia. To do so, a literature review was compiled on the topic of agriculture innovation-based adoption decision theories such as Diffusion of innovation (DOI), Theory of reasoned action (TRA), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Technology acceptance model (TAM) and communication channels to study paddy farmers' adoption decision of GFT. The results of the review revealed that this framework highlights adoption as an intricate behavior, interweaving aspects such as communication channels, socio-psychological and innovation attribute considerations. The conceptual framework illuminates the decision towards adoption as a self-motivated process, assumes a composite interaction among groups of variables coming from two different theories. The combination of DOI, TRA, TPB, TAM and communication channels overcome some limitations that arise when the only theory is used to examine the adoption decision among paddy farmers in Malaysia. Correspondingly, there has been limited empirical research done on the decision of adoption toward GFT use among paddy farmers in Malaysia.
Babu, V.K. (author), Singh, Y.P. (author), and Department of Agriculture Extension, R.B.S. College, Bichpuri, Agra; Department of Agriculture Extension, R.B.S. College, Bichpuri, Agra
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 45 Document Number: B05520
Woods, John L. (author), Siddiqi, Hafiz G.A. (author), Rahman, M. Saifur (author), Ali, A.M.M. Shawkat (author), Ahmad, Munshi Siddique (author), and Siddiqi, Feisal (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 195 Document Number: D07958
John L. Woods Collection, Report by the International Program for Agricultural Knowledge Systems (INTERPAKS), College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, Urbana, in association with Rahman Rahman Huq and Company, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Funds provided by the World Bank, the executing agency for United Nations Development Programme Project BGD/85/029. 238 pages.
Center for Governmental Studies, Auburn University, Alabama.
Research report
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 148 Document Number: C23859
25 pages., Results of a survey to appraise the awareness, opinions and attitudes held by Alabama residents regarding agriculture, the environment and the quality of rural life in Alabama.
USA: Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08957
Page 16 in Lucinda Crile, Findings from studies of bulletins, news stories, and circular letters. Extension Service Circular 488. Revision of Extension Service Circular 461, which it supersedes. May 1953. 24 pages. Summary of research reported by the National Fertilizer Association, Inc., Washington, D.C. 1929. 38 pages.
Anderson, M.A. (author), Cairns, L.E. (author), Heady, E.O. (author), and Baum, E.L. (author)
Research summary
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 1 Document Number: B00090
AgComm Teaching. Review of Extension Research 1946/47-1956, Extension Service Circular 506, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, Iowa State College, Ames. Special Report 16. 36 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C22404
Master of Science thesis, Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois, Urbana. 221 pages.
Master of Science thesis, Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois, Urbana. 176 pages.
Sethu, Rao, M.S. (author / University of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Agricultural Extension, Bangalore) and University of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Agricultural Extension, Bangalore
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 52 Document Number: C00665
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C21598
Pages 99-134 in Susan L. Senecah (ed.), The Environmental Communication Yearbook. Volume 1. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey. 267 pages.
Akeredolu, Mercy (author), Ilesanmi, Ibiyemi (author), Otterpohl, Ralf (author), and Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE).
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 150 Document Number: C24218
Retrieved June 17, 2006, Pages 1-11 in proceedings of the AIAEE conference in Clearwater Beach, Florida, May 14-17, 2006.
17 pages, The purpose of the study was to design a device for the dissolution of fertilizers for agricultural use in an automatic and environmentally sustainable way to facilitate the work of farmers. To achieve this goal, an outdated blade design was used, which generates turbulent and laminar flows thanks to the angle of inclination of its blades. In tests, the combination of these two flows gave a better result compared to laminar and turbulent flows separately. The best results were achieved by varying the spin and speed, the time between spins, and the rest time. The time it would take to dissolve the mixture was drastically reduced if it were conducted in the traditional way (manually) or compared with commercial mixers. In conclusion, the technique used for the dissolution of agricultural minerals is more effective and reduces time, energy, and effort. This was able to reduce the time necessary to dissolve the fertilizer by 93 percent compared to doing it manually and by 66 percent compared to using commercial mixers, in a solution of 100 L of water per 100 kg of ammonium sulfate.
Ganeswar, S. (author), Satapathy, C. (author), and Department of Extension Education, College of Agriculture, Bhubaneswar, India; Department of Extension Education, College of Agriculture, Bhubaneswar, India
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 43 Document Number: B05088
Marsh, Sally (author) and Barrett, Galina (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 119 Document Number: C13473
7 p., APEN (Australasia Pacific Extension Network) 2001 International Conference, Oct 3-5,2001 at Univ. of Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: Byrnes2 Document Number: C12368
Francis C. Byrnes Collection, Chapter 23 in Borton, Raymond E. (ed.), Case studies to accompany Getting Agriculture Moving. Agricultural Development Council, New York, NY. 1967. 302 p.
Leagans, J. Paul (author), Singh, Raghubar (author), and Head, Department of Agricultural Extension, Jat Agricultural College, Baraut U.P., India; Chairman, Graduate Program Extension-Adult Education, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 45 Document Number: B05492
James F. Evans Collection, Ithaca, NY : Department of Education, Cornell University, 1967. 29 p. (Cornell International Agricultural Development Mimeograph 24)
Choudhary, B.N. (author), Prasad, C. (author), and District Training Officer, Pusa, Bihar, India; Assistant Director, General Education, I.C.A.R., New Delhi, India
Journal article
Publication Date:
India: The Fertiliser Association of India, New Delhi, India
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 42 Document Number: B04914
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 44 Document Number: B05305
Evans, cited reference, [s.l.]: Mississippi State College, 1956. 11 p. (Research Project P 57-1 AE, in cooperation with the Tennessee Valley Authority)
Njoku, Jude E. (author / Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 90 Document Number: C06439
James F. Evans Collection, Morrilton, AR : Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, 1990. 17 p. (African Rural Social Science Series, Research Report Number 10)
21 pages., Via online journal., This project is an examination of how strategies for innovation in fertilizer application are communicated to agricultural communities. Specifically, this project examines the 4R Nutrient Stewardship Program‒a public communication campaign seeking to encourage the use of specific strategies, tools, and best practices in fertilizer application. The campaign is advanced by the Fertilizer Institute, an industry trade association, and targets local agricultural communities within the United States. To understand how this campaign functions to encourage adoption of innovative fertilizer application behaviors, this project draws on the principles of diffusion of innovations theory as well as established concepts within public relations, including issues management.
13 pages, In Ghana, groundwater, accessed through wells and boreholes, is generally unregulated and may be contaminated with pollutants including excess nitrates from agricultural chemical fertilizers. Yet, studies estimating how clean groundwater is valued are not available in Ghana. In addition, some research suggests that the pre-experiment information provided to survey respondents affects their valuation of an identical outcome. This paper estimates smallholder farmers’ preferences for groundwater protection using pre-experiment information focused on one of two outcomes: environment or health. The double-bounded contingent valuation (DBCV) approach is used to estimate willingness to pay (WTP) to protect groundwater quality. The estimation accounts for shift and anchoring effects, which are common issues with the DBCV method. The mean WTP from the health (environmental) information subsample is about US$19 (US$17) per acre, and the values are significantly different between the information conditions. The findings shed light on the importance of using precise information in eliciting WTP in a developing country setting.
7 pages, The application of balanced fertilizers is essential to produce highquality broccoli. A field experiment was conducted to find an appropriate fertilizer management practice for broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. ‘Italica’) that can generate higher yield and quality. The experiment comprised 24 treatment combinations with six fertilizer management practices, i.e., T1: control. T2: cow dung at 10 t ha-1. T3: chicken manure at 10 t ha-1. T4: recommended NPK dose. T5: cow dung at 5 t ha-1 + 50% of the recommended NPK dose. T6: chicken manure at 5 t ha-1 + 50% of the recommended NPK dose. The highest plant height (60.00 cm) occurred in response to T6, the highest stem length (22.25 cm) in T4, and the maximum number of leaves per plant (22.00) in T4 and T6 treatments. Maximum fresh leaf weight per plant (609 g), stem diameter (3.98 cm), curd diameter (16.63 cm), and individual curd weight (494.50 g) occurred in response to the T5 treatment. The optimum yield (25.78 t ha-1) of broccoli can be obtained by application of cow dung (5 t ha-1) with a recommended dose of 50% inorganic fertilizer NPK (T5). Maximum TSS value (10.54%) occurred in response to T3, which was statistically similar to the effect of T6 (10.52%). Vitamin C content (80.77 mg 100 g-1) became significantly high in response to the T4 treatment (100% recommended dose of NPK). Minimum vitamin C content (53.84 mg 100 g-1) occurred in the control treatment (T1). Applying cow dung at 5 t ha-1 in addition to the 50% recommended dose of NPK fertilizers (T5) led to superior yield values in broccoli.
Korsching, Peter F. (author), Kremer, Kathy S. (author), Carolan, Michael (author), Gasteyer, Stephen (author), Tirmizi, S. Noor (author), Peter, Gregory (author), and Tong, Pingsheng (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 149 Document Number: C23976
Green, D.A.G. (author), Ng'ong'ola, D.H. (author), and Green: Senior Lecturer, University of Wales; Ng'ong'ola: Senior Lecturer, Agricultural Economics, University of Malawi
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 93 Document Number: C06978
Moremedi, Gagoitsiwe (author / Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 97 Document Number: C07912
summary of MA thesis; search through volume, In: Jacquelyn Deeds and Demetria Ford, eds. Summary of Research in Extension (1992-1993). Mississippi State, MS: Department of Agricultural Education and Experimental Statistics, Mississippi State University, July 1994. p. 11
The objective of this document is to provide a point of departure for discussing, defining, and outlining the latter area of inquiry, namely, small farmer fertilizer purchasing behavior., Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, Questionnaire on development of small farmer fertilizer purchasing behavior. 20 pages., The concept of fertilizer purchasing behavior may be usefully defined as referring to those activities in which farmers engage as a means for effecting or facilitating the purchase of fertilizer.
Miruts, GebreEgziabher (author) and Abay, Fetien (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D01208
Pages 234-247 in Waters-Bayer (eds.), Farmer innovation in Africa: a source of inspiration for agricultural development. Earthscan Publications, Ltd., London, England. 362 pages.
Widdershoven, T.M. (author / Fertilizer Advisory Development and Information Network for Asia and the Pacific) and Fertilizer Advisory Development and Information Network for Asia and the Pacific
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 78 Document Number: C04364
International: Metcalfe Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, Office of Marine Programs, Narragansett, RI.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 167 Document Number: C27893
Premasudha, B.G. (author), Leena, H.U. (author), and Department of Master of Computer Application, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, Karnataka, India
conference papers
Publication Date:
India: Springer Verlag
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 163 Document Number: D08147
1st International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology, ICDECT 2016; Lavasa City, Pune; India; 10 March 2016 through 11 March 2016; Code 180309