"Theatre can reveal to development workers both villagers' problems and their capacity to analyse such programs." Also: "the main obstacle to development is not ignorance or apathy but structural limits on villagers' access to resources, information and power."
12 pages., Agriculture play significant role towards sustainability of developing nations’ economy particularly Nigeria by providing abundant raw materials required by the industry, as well as ensures food security and a healthy nation. This study examines the challenges of accessing agricultural information sources and services by farmers in Edu Local Government Area of Kwara State. Survey method was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprise of 16066 from which 78 farmers of the study area were selected using stratified random sampling and purposive sampling procedure. From the copies of questionnaires administered only 60 were duly completed and returned. Frequency and percentages were used in analyzing data collected. The findings from the study showed that information needs of farmers among others include application of improve techniques, irrigation management, seeds prices, farm wild fire management and prevention, purchase and use of fertilizer, government blueprint on agriculture, and meteorology information need of farmers in Edu Local Government . The findings further revealed that poor communication system, absence of library and information centre, absence of extension agents, insufficient knowledge on marketing of farm produce , insufficient credit facilities, insufficient information on government policies, insufficient fund were the challenges faced by farmers in accessing agricultural information sources and services. The study recommended among others that central facility providing and disseminating information on agricultural related services should be created in the study area that would be accessible to all farmers in order to meet their information needs.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C37096
See C37095 for original, Pages 23-50 in Harry K. Schwarzweller and Thomas A. Lyson (eds.), Research in rural sociology and development: sustaining agriculture and rural communities. Volume 6. JAI Press Inc., Greenwich, Connecticut. 270 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: KerryByrnes2 Document Number: D01241
Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, Outreach Division, International Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle Shoals, Alabama,34 pages., This report describes in a very brief manner several program underway in Mali that have a direct bearing on the development of a market for an indigenously available phosphate, namely, Tilemsi PR.