Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 197 Document Number: D09485
Truffle Media Networks LLC, Indianapolis, Indiana. 1 page., Article provides a link to presentations at the fifth National Institute for Animal Health Antiobiotic Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia.
International: University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, and Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D00338
Kerry Byrnes Collection, Pages 85-102 in Proceedings of the Farming Systems Research and Extension Symposium hosted by the University of Arkansas and Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, Fayetteville, Arkansas, October 9-12, 1988. Farming Systems Research Paper Series, Paper No. 17. 395 pages.
Aslin, Heather (author), Andrew, Jennifer (author), Breckwoldt, Roland (author), Crombie, Alastair (author), Kelly, Dana (author), Holmes, Tanya (author), and Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Australian Government, Barton, ACT.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C27016
Executive summary posted at; full report posted at, RIRDC Publication No. 05-105.
Via online access. 7 pages., Examines the elements of an "honest vision for the future with a shared language that accurately describes our world." Size of farm is not the key indicator, the author argues.
5 PAGES., Released in late 2020, the Center Pivot Fertigation Calculator is designed to help producers make more precise fertilizer applications by assisting in calculating liquid fertilizer flow rate and injection pump settings needed to fertigate through a center pivot irrigation system. The Clemson Drip Fertigation Calculator is designed to help South Carolina vegetable producers make more precise fertilizer applications through drip irrigation systems.
After producers started using the center pivot and drip fertigation calculators, Zack Snipes, assistant program leader for the Clemson Cooperative Extension Service horticulture team and area horticulture agent, noted many were beginning to ask what they should do if using a greenhouse-grade solid fertilizer and putting it into a solution. In response, Rob Last, area horticulture agent, built a spreadsheet that became the basis for the Liquid Fertilizer Solution Calculator.
“We have created a system that provides quick calculations and is really easy to use,” Last said. “Anyone who has questions about these calculators can contact me or Zack and we’ll help them.”
Phase II, The ability of peasant farmers in the third world to monitor environmental occurrences around them has often been ignored. This study looks at Nigerian farmers' perception of pests and pesticides and determines the relevance of such knowledge as an input to efforts to devise effective integrated pest management strategies. Farmers in Kabba area of Kwara State, Nigeria were extensively interviewed and the following findings were highlighted: they had a deep knowledge of all insect, animal and fungi pests; could identify each pest, know their breeding cycles and their general behaviour characteristics; were able to make a relatively accurate assessment of damage caused by pests; and developed an indigenous integrated pest management strategy. Due to massive pest damage in the last few years, and strenuous advertisement by the Ministry of Agriculture, many farmers are now turning to chemical pesticides for solution to the pest problem. Prognosis of future trends in pesticide usage among farmers reveal the likely danger of farmers becoming pesticide-dependent with the consequent possibilities of human poisoning and eventually aggravating the pest problem. (original)
Aurelie, Toillier (author), Baudoin, Alice (author), and Chia, Eduardo (author)
Publication Date:
Burkina Faso
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 132 Document Number: D11346
Paper presented during the 11th European International Farming System Association (IFSA) Symposium, "Farming systems facing global challenges: capacities and strategies," April 1-4, 2014, in Berlin, Germany. 11 pages in proceedings, The study involved "learning regime" as the set of mechanisms that are triggers for and lead to the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, allowing the head of the farm to improve production and management methods. Authors identified four types of regimes, calling into question the assumption of homogeneity of farmers' capabilities to change their routines to acquire new skills. Findings prompted suggestion that creating spaces for exchanges between producers who are at common stages of development or have similar problems, leveraging specific know-how of different ethnic groups and inter-cultural exchanges, and facilitating access to existing information in a given territory seem to be some of the many possible ways of strengthening existing dynamics of learning.
Babu, V.K. (author), Singh, Y.P. (author), and Department of Agriculture Extension, R.B.S. College, Bichpuri, Agra; Department of Agriculture Extension, R.B.S. College, Bichpuri, Agra
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 45 Document Number: B05520
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 130 Document Number: C19361
In "Agricultural technology for developing nations : farm mechanization alternatives for 1-10 hectare farms. Proceedings. Special International Conference. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign May 23-24, 1978", Burton Swanson Collection, pp 53-59
National Association of Farm Broadcasters Archives, University of Illinois. NAFB Publications Series No. 8/3/88. Box No. 5. Contact or Documentation Center
Bamberry, Geoff (author), Dunn, Tony (author), Lamont, Annette (author), and Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Australian Government, Barton, ACT.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C27013
Executive summary posted at; full report posted at, RIRDC Publication No. 97-030. 165 pages.
Bandong, J.P. (author), de la Cruz, C.G. (author), Goodell, G.E. (author), Kenmore, P.E. (author), Litsinger, J.A. (author), and Lumaban, M.D. (author)
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 95 Document Number: C07432
INTERPAKS, In: Report of an exploratory workshop on the role of anthropologists and other social scientists in interdisciplinary teams developing improved food production technology. Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines: International Rice Research Institute, 1982. p. 25-41., Describes how the interdisciplinary team formed by IRRI in 1978 to test and improve IRRI's integrated insect pest management (IPM) technology for farmers tilling small irrigated plots in Southeast Asia developed the technology from an initial Western orientation to its present form. Shows how IPM was tested in two projects in Central Luzon, each comprising five villages - one project "top down", the other "bottom up". Also describes how IPM was introduced in a control area with no attempt to organize farmers. Evaluates only the interdisciplinary research conducted in the "bottom up" villages where the project was the most successful.
Barbosa, Mariza (author), Junior, Raimundo Gomes (author), Strauss, John (author), Teixeira, Sonia (author), Thomas, Duncan (author), and Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, CA; EMBRAPA-SEP, Brasilia, Brazil; EMBRAPA Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Arroz e Fejao (CNPAF), Goiania, Brazil; Yale University, New Haven, CT; EMBRAPA-SEP, Brasilia, Brazil
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 87 Document Number: C05924
This paper explores reduced form determinants of the adoption of certain technologies by upland rice and soybean farmers in the Center-West region of Brazil. We merge community level data on the availability and quality of publicly provided infrastructure, principally extension, to the farm level data containing information on farmer human capital as well as land quantity and quality. By using community level measures of availability and quality of extension, we avoid problems of endogeneity of farm level measures of extension use. We find positive impacts of farmer education on the diffusion process, in accordance with other studies. We also isolate effects of the quality in regional extension investment as measured by the average experience of technical extension staff. These results indicate that investments in human capital of extension workers does have a payoff in terms of farmer adoption of improved cultivation practices.
Barbour, Bruce (author), Govindasamy, Ramu (author), Italia, John (author), Decongelio, Marc (author), Anderson, Karen (author), and Rutgers State University
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C27430
Posted at
13pgs, With a focus on journalistic discourse, this paper argues for a re-envisioning of food-system communication that takes non-human animals into account as stakeholders in systems that commodify them. This is especially urgent in light of the global pandemic, which has laid bare the vulnerability to crisis inherent in animal-based food production. As a case study to illustrate the need for a just and non-human inclusive orientation to food-systems communication, the paper performs a qualitative rhetorical examination, of a series of articles in major U.S. news sources in May of 2020, a few months into the economic shutdown in the U.S. in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. At that time, millions of pigs were brutally killed on U.S. farms due to the impossibility of killing them in slaughterhouses overrun with COVID-19 outbreaks. The analysis finds that media reporting legitimated violence against pigs by framing narratives from industry perspectives, deflecting agency for violence away from farmers, presenting pigs as willing victims, masking violence through euphemism, objectifying pigs and ignoring their sentience, and uncritically propagating industry rhetoric about “humane” farming. Through these representations, it is argued, the media failed in their responsibility to present the viewpoints of all sentient beings affected by the crisis; in other words, all stakeholders. The methodology merges a textually- oriented approach to critical discourse analysis (CDA) with social critique informed by critical animal studies (CAS), and the essay concludes with recommendations for journalists and other food-system communicators, which should be possible to implement even given the current capitalist, industry-influenced media environment and the demonstrated ruthlessness of animal industries in silencing voices inimical to their profitmaking.
Barcellos, Gilsa Helena (author) and Ferreira, Simone Batista (author)
Publication Date:
Uruguay: World Rainforest Movement
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C27801
Posted online at http://, 59 pp., Impacts of eucalyptus monocultures on indigenous and Quilombola women in the State of Espirito Santo.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36956
Posted at, Pages 40-43 in Strengthening people-led development: a joint effort of local communities, NGOs and donors to redefine participation. 56 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C25759
346 pages., Experiences of Dr. Jo Ann Burkholder and associates in trying to alert the scientific and general public to dangers posed by a toxic dinoflagellate, Pfiesteria. Confinement swine operations involved in polluting water systems.
Barungi, M. (author), Ngongola, D.H. (author), Edriss, A. (author), Mugisha, J. (author), Waithaka, M. (author), and Tukahirwa, J. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 187 Document Number: D00976
Poster presented at the International Association of Agricultural Economists triennial conference, Foz do Iguacu, Brazile, August 18-24, 2012. 2 pages.
Barwale, R. (author), Char, M. (author), Deshpande, S. (author), Sharma, M.K. (author), and Zehr, U.B. (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C29835
Pages 365-386 in Dominique Brossard, James Shanahan and T. Clint Nesbitt (eds.), The media, the public and agricultural biotechnology. CAB International, Oxon, U.K. 405 pages.
Basran, Gurcharn S. (author), Capener, Harold R. (author), and Department of Sociology, University of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada; Department of Rural Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 45 Document Number: B05531
Bates, Ronald O. (author), Ferry, Elizabeth (author), Guthrie, Thomas (author), May, Gerald (author), Rozeboom, Dale (author), and Siegford, Janice (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 140 Document Number: D06114
Batte, Marvin (author), Arnholt, Michael (author), Prochaska, Steve (author), and Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, Ohio State Univeresity, Columbus.
Research report
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 148 Document Number: C23656
"The case study farmers appear to derive more value from information gathering technologies (e.g., yield monitors and mapping) than from variable rate application technologies."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 186 Document Number: D00921
Paper presented at the 131st EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) seminar, "Innovation for agricultural competitiveness and sustainability of rural areas," Prague, Czech Republic, September 18-19, 2012. 19 pages.
Baxter, Mary (author), Irwin, Robert (author), and Stoneman, Don (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 191 Document Number: D02902
The Canadian Journalism Project, Ottawa,Canada. 1 page., Summary of reporters' approach to an award-winning investigation of the contract operations of Pigeon King International.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 173 Document Number: C29304
Presented to the Midwest Sociological Society. 12 pages., "It is believed that this is the first time these five stages of diffusion (awareness, information, evaluation, trial and adoption) have been tested empirically." Involves use of 2,4-D herbicide for field weed control.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 173 Document Number: C29305
Presented at the seminars on "Adopting new products: the influence of individuals and groups" at Gould House, New York, and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 10 pages., Involved use of 2,4-D weed chemical and antibiotics for livestock.
Bebbington, Anthony (author) and Rhoades, Robert (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C35847
Pages 296-307 in D. Michael Warren, L. Jan Slikkerveer and David Brokensha (eds.), The cultural dimension of development: indigenous knowledge systems. Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd., London, England. 582 pages.
See abstract in file folder for Document No. D06143., Abstract of poster presentation at North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture conference, Athens, Georgia, June 16-20, 2015.
"More than a year after an undercover video campaign revealed animal welfare issues at Fair Oaks Farms, experts say there are important lessons to be learned." Article describes the event and includes sections about principles of crisis communication, tracking animal activists, and tips for hiring employees.
Beer, J. (author / Investigator, Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Training, Turrialba, Costa Rica) and Investigator, Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Training, Turrialba, Costa Rica
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 54 Document Number: C01046
Phase 2; Evans, In: Moeller, G.H. and Seal, D.T., eds., Technology transfer in forestry : proceedings of a meeting of the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations, subject group s608; 1983 25 July - 1 August. London : Great Britain Forestry Commission, 1984. (Forestry Commission Bulletin No. 61) p. 43-46.
Behe, B.K. (author), Bowen, K.L. (author), Westra, L.S. (author), and Department of Philosophy, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4; College of Agriculture, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
Journal article
Publication Date:
Canada: Guelph, Ontario: University of Guelph
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 96 Document Number: C07565
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 178 Document Number: C30729
Paper presented at Tropentag 2010, Conference on International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development, Zurich, Switzerland, September 14-16, 2010. 1 page.
traditional knowledge, Evans, cited reference, Although inter-cropping (IC) is widely practiced in rank that practical small -- scale agricultural and agricultural research scientist have not systematically explored. The rationale for and have rarely attempted to improve it. Instead, they have concentrated on planting crops computer stands an extension advice has been to replace. IC with peer strands. This has reduced the impact of the research and extension activities. A review of East Africa experience from the 1930s, considers reasons for the research concentration on Pier stand planting and reveals two phases one formal experiments on IC were carried out. Despite generally favorable results, neither of these lead to, including IC an extension, advised to farmers. IC can contribute to one more of five, and objectives of small-scale farmers, but the standard design of agronomic experiments at best of takes account of only one of these, so that benefits are underestimated the erroneous policy conclusions drawn the paper advocates, enter alia, bolted disciplinary research for small-scale agriculture and active participation by farmers themselves.
Ben-Othmen, Marie Asma (author) and Ostapchuk, Mariia (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 32 Document Number: D10583
16 pages., Paper presented at the 172nd European Association of Agricultural Economists Seminar,"Agricultural policy for the environment or environmental policy for agriculture?" Brussels, Belgium, May 28-29, 2019., via database., Results of this study indicate that environmental consideration is not the key factor behind farmers' preference involving land restoration programs. The financial component remains the main incentive.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 138 Document Number: D05737
"Blog Stories on Extension." Online via the website of AgroInsight, Ghent, Belgium. 2 pages., Example of negative results from a top-down approach to Extension teaching.
Bentley, Jeffery W. (author), Nuruzzaman, Mostafa (author), Nawaz, Qazi Wadud (author), and Haque, Md. Rariqul (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C24698
Pages 115-123 in Paul Van Mele, Ahmad Salahuddin and Noel P. Magor (eds.), Innovations in rural extension: case studies from Bangladesh. CABI Publishing, Oxfordshire, England. 307 pages.