Summarizes a presentation by Alice Blinn, associate editor of Ladies Home Journal, at the recent AAACE conference, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Cites advice from Professor Burrit, director of extension in New York during her early days: "Give people 85 percent of what they want and not more than 15 percent of what you think they should have." (p. 3)
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 192 Document Number: D03056
Via 1 page., New television show aired by In Country Television via Dish Network and DirecTV. Funded from Risk Management Agency of the U. S. Department of Agriculture.
Udoh, Bridget O (author / Louisiana State University)
Publication Date:
Nigeria: Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 138 Document Number: C21005
Burton Swanson Collection, 8 pages, Session P, from "1999 conference proceedings -- Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education", 15th Annual Conference, 21-24 March 1999, Port of Spain, Trinidad, 25-26, Tobago
Bharadwaj, L.K. (author), Wilkening, E.A. (author), and Dept. of Rural Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Dept. of Rural Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 4 Document Number: B00393
22 pages., This study assessed the accessibility to nutrition education sources and level of knowledge on soya bean products as alternative/cheap source of protein by rural women. Multistage sampling procedure was utilized in selecting 234 respondents in the study area. Interview schedule and focus group discussion was used to collect information from the rural women. Data was analysed through descriptive statistics (percentages, frequencies and means) and inferential statistics (Analysis of variance). The results showed that the women had access to nutrition education on soya beans mostly through; family and friends (x̅= 0.82), local health centres (x̅= 0.78), radio (x̅= 0.80) and television (x̅= 0.71) programmes. The women had overall ‘below average’ knowledge on the products. There was no significant difference in the knowledge scores of the women across the three products (soya milk, iru and cake) (F= 0.167, p≥ 0.05). The result of the bivariate analysis indicated that local health centres (P = 0.035) and Women in Agriculture (P = 0.019) were nutrition education sources whose accessibility had a significant relationship with the level of soya bean product knowledge of the rural women. There is an urgent need for an aggressive campaign on the soya product nutrition education programme in order to increase the knowledge of this important and cheap protein source.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 167 Document Number: C27971
Presented at the 24th annual conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education at EARTH University, Costa Rica, March 9-15, 2008. 13 pages.