Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 51 Document Number: C00487
AgComm teaching ; See ID C00478 for original, In: Williams, R.D., ed. Communication of weed science technologies in developing countries : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the International Weed Science Society and Weed Science Society of America; 1983 February 10; St. Louis, MO. Corvallis, OR : International Plant Protection Center, Oregon State University, 1983. p.117-140
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 119 Document Number: C13474
8 p., APEN (Australasia Pacific Extension Network) 2001 International Conference, Oct 3-5,2001 at Univ. of Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
5 pages., via online journal, The growth of community gardens has created new opportunities for urban Extension personnel at a time when staffing resources continue to decline. To serve the integrated pest management (IPM) needs of community gardening populations, Extension educators in two urban counties developed an on-site program involving a demonstration kit and planning protocol that Extension educators, program staff, and master gardener volunteers can use to teach IPM. The program provides practical, research-based information to community gardeners, allows Extension to maintain a presence in urban centers, and provides outreach to audiences who may not have used Extension resources historically.
Basinger, Michael L. (author), Aagard, Steven D. (author), and Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 185 Document Number: D00414
Abstract of article in proceedings of the annual meeting of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education in Windhoek, Namibia, July 3-7, 2011.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 112 Document Number: C10977
Journal Title Details:
16 pages
Papers by the recipients of awards in 1981, Paul A. Funk Recognition Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, College of Agriculture Special Publication 64, June, 1982
Bauske, Ellen M. (author), Bachman, Gary R. (author), Bradley, Lucy (author), Jeannette, Karen (author), O’Connor, Alison Stoven (author), and Bennett, Pamela J. (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: American Society for Horticultural Science
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 208 Document Number: D13261
4 pages, Communication is a critical issue for consumer horticulture specialists and extension agents. They must communicate effectively with the public interested in gardening, with Extension Master Gardener (EMG) volunteers and with other scientists. A workshop was held at the Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science on 22 July 2013 in Palm Desert, CA, with the intent of sharing tips and techniques that facilitated consumer horticulture and EMG programming. Presentations focused on communication. One program leader reported on the North Carolina Master Gardener web site, which integrates an online volunteer management system (VMS) with widely available web tools to create one-stop shopping for people who want to volunteer, get help from volunteers, or support volunteers at both the county and state level. Another program used the state VMS to house videos providing continuing education (CE) training required for EMG volunteers. This training is available 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. Agents created the videos by recording live presentations with widely available, screen capture software and a microphone. Features that make the social media site Pinterest a strong tool for gathering together focused programming resources and professional collaboration were outlined. Finally, the use of a compact, subirrigated gardening system that uses peat-based potting mix was suggested as a means to simplify communication with new urban gardeners and address their unique gardening issues.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 132 Document Number: C20091
11 pages; from Creating a Climate for Change : Extension in Australasia, Australasia-Pacific Extension Network (APEN), National Forum 26-27 October 2000, Melbourne, Australia