Holder, Marla (author / Ministry of Agriculture, Belize)
Publication Date:
Belize: Department of Agricultural Extension, The University of the West Indies
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 133 Document Number: C20514
Burton Swanson Collection, pages 90-101 from "Farm-household analysis, planning and development : a systems approach" Proceedings of a Caribbean Regional Workshop
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C17112
Pages 155-170 in Gwyn E. Jones and Maurice J. Rolls (eds.), Progress in rural extension and community development, Volume 1, Extension and rural advantage in rural development. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 336 pages.
Knight, A. John (author), Somasundaram, D. (author), and Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India; Extension Education Centre, Cashew Research Station, Vridhachalam, India
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 98 Document Number: C08059
Blackwell, Mark (author) and Lacy-Hulbert, Jane (author)
Publication Date:
New Zealand
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D02421
Page 34 - Abstract of a paper presented at the International Conference of the Australasia Pacific Extension Network (APEN), Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand, August 26-28, 2013. 100 pages.
10 pages., Article # 5RIB3, via online journal., We developed a program centered on a social marketing–enhanced home energy education visit to encourage homeowner adoption of specific energy conservation measures. We randomly assigned 170 homeowners to an experimental condition that included energy education before an energy audit or a control condition that included only an energy audit. Participants in the experimental condition adopted more no-cost and low-cost one-time energy conservation changes, such as adjusting refrigerator/freezer temperatures and lowering hot water temperature. However, they did not invest more in home energy renovations or other costly changes, such as replacing inefficient appliances. We discuss implications of this experiment for enhancing effectiveness of Extension-based energy education programs.
18 pages, The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge level of farmers on basic computer literacy, social media use, and to explore which social and demographic factors affected their knowledge capacity. The study had a final sample of 176 participants from the northern, southern and central regions of Trinidad and Tobago. A survey instrument comprising of 14 multiple-choice questions with one accurate response was developed to decrease bias of farmers randomly selecting the accurate response. The questions addressed knowledge on basic computer and social media literacy. Analysis was conducted using one-way ANOVA with post-hoc testing. Results indicated that there were significant differences in farmers’ performance in the knowledge test based on characteristics such as age, education, and household use of social media and the internet. Based on the findings, minimal training in computer and social media literacy did not impede the farmers’ use of the computer or social media. These discoveries highlight the potential of extension programs using the internet and social media applications to improve communication efficiency among agricultural stakeholders within farming communities.
13 Pages, This research was conducted to assess socio-economic factors influencing adoption of conservation agriculture in Moroto District of Uganda. The socio-economic factors, the level of conservation agriculture, and the constraints faced by the farmers were assessed. A cross-sectional research design was utilised to collect data from 80 farmers (adopters and non-adopters of conservation agriculture). Purposive random sampling was applied to select seven key informants in the two sub-counties of Katikekile and Nadunget, and four villages of Nakodet, Nakwanga, Napudes and Komare. Data were collected through personal observation, interviews, focus group discussions, and structured questionnaires. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to generate descriptive and inferential statistics for quantitative data analysis. The binary probit model was used to determine the socio-economic factors influencing adoption of conservation agriculture. The findings indicate that there was a significant influence for gender (p<0.01), but a statistically significant influence for credit and extension services (p<0.05). Finally, the adoption rate of conservation agriculture is still low given the size of land dedicated to it by most farmers. Therefore, this study recommends that government and other institutions should strengthen the agricultural extension system, provide financial support and incentives, and sensitize farmers on conservation agriculture.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 95 Document Number: C07393
INTERPAKS, In: B.R. Crouch and S. Chamala (eds.), Extension education and rural development, Vol. 2, International experience in strategies for planned change. Chichester, UK: John Wiley, 1981. p. 221-235, Considers six Indian states as case studies to highlight key principles of the T&V system and its introduction into the field system. Discusses deficiencies in traditional extension services, details of the organizational structure of the T&V systems which overcome such deficiencies, and the method used to monitor and evaluate T&V extension projects.
Noronha, Raymond (author) and Spears, John S. (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C14430
Published for the World Bank, Washington, D.C., Chapter 8 in Michael M. Cernea (ed.), Putting people first: sociological variables in rural development. Oxford University Press, New York/London. 430 pages.
Ethiopia: Agricultural Research and Extension Network, Overseas Development Institute
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 136 Document Number: C20776
Burton Swanson Collection, pages 8-11, Network Paper no. 59c from "Farmer-led approaches to extension : papers presented at a workshop in the Philippines, July 1995"
Reprint provided as CD in John P. Brien, "Research contributions in agricultural extension and communication," a thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Agricultural Science, Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science, University of Queensland., Author makes some observations about agricultural extension and communication in the United States vis a vis Australia.
Stilwell, Ted (author), Van Rooyen, Johan (author), and Gouws, Leon (author)
Publication Date:
Nepal: University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, and Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D00345
Kerry Byrnes Collection, Pages 173-183 in Proceedings of the Farming Systems Research/Extension Symposium hosted by the University of Arkansas and Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, Fayetteville, Arkansas, October 9-12, 1988. Farming Systems Research Paper Series. Paper No. 17. 395 pages.
Stilwell, Ted; Van Rooyen, Johan and Gouws, Leon (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: KerryByrnes1 Document Number: D01312
Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, pages 173-183 in proceedings of farming systems research/extension symposium hosted by the University of Arkansas and Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development. Farming systems research paper series, Paper No. 17. 395 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 192 Document Number: D03129
Accompanied by a follow-up report and research proposal of May 15, 1972 (6 pages)that identifies research questions for Extension, relative to communicating with minority groups., Unpublished report, Office of Agricultural Communications, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, Urbana. 7 pages.
Golden, William G., Jr. (author) and Leader, Training and Communication, CIAT, Cali, Colombia
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 129 Document Number: C19266
Burton Swanson Collection, In: Strategies for agricultural education in developing countries : Agricultural Education Conference I. 1974 October 15. [New York] : Rockefeller Foundation, 1974. p. 238-275
USA: Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 138 Document Number: C20913
Burton Swanson Collection, pages 11-18, from "Emerging trends in agricultural and extension education", AIAEE 2001, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference, April 4-7, 2001, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 152 Document Number: C24591
Journal Title Details:
Reviewed 9 August 2006, 9 p. Paper presented at the International Agricultural and Extension Education group's 21st annual conference May 25-31, 2005, in San Antonio, TX
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C18413
Pages 213-220 in Bruce R. Crouch and Shankariah Chamala (eds.), Extension education and rural development. Volume 2. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester. 325 pages.
Daniels, Steven E. (author), Hill, George (author), Ayres, Janet (author), Haaland, Kay (author), Singletary, Loretta (author), Smith, Marilyn (author), and Smutko, Steven (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 160 Document Number: C26226
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C19803
Pages 171-178 in Burton E. Swanson, Robert P. Bentz and Andrew J. Sofranko (eds.), Improving agricultural extension: a reference manual. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 220 pages.
McAllister, Jean (author) and Merrill-Sands, Deborah (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 93 Document Number: C07079
James F. Evans Collection; Table of Contents and Summary, The Hague: International Service for National Agricultural Research, 1988. OFCOR Comparative Study Paper No. 1. 61 p.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 51 Document Number: C00487
AgComm teaching ; See ID C00478 for original, In: Williams, R.D., ed. Communication of weed science technologies in developing countries : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the International Weed Science Society and Weed Science Society of America; 1983 February 10; St. Louis, MO. Corvallis, OR : International Plant Protection Center, Oregon State University, 1983. p.117-140
Lee, Jasper S. (author) and Rankin, Ruby D. (author)
Publication Date:
International: Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, College of Agriculture and Home Economics, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 128 Document Number: C19042
Burton Swanson Collection, A compilation of abstracts for 1988-1989, Volume 4. 163 pages, Categories of abstracts summarized: administration, agriculture/natural resources, communication, community resource development, evaluation/accountability, 4-H and youth, home economics, international, personnel/staff development, volunteerism. Also in
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 147 Document Number: C23513
Survey Research Center, University of Maryland via http://poll.orspub.com/poll/ 2 pages., Responses in a statewide survey (Maryland USA) to two questions about respondents' awareness of and use of the Cooperative Extension Service.
Lichtkoppler, Frank R. (author / District Extension Specialist, Sea Grant, Ohio Cooperative Extension Service, Ohio State University, Painesville) and District Extension Specialist, Sea Grant, Ohio Cooperative Extension Service, Ohio State University, Painesville
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 75 Document Number: C03797
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 136 Document Number: C20838
Burton Swanson Collection, from "Integrating multiple landuse for a sustainable future" 15th European Seminar on Extension and Education, Wageningen International Conference Centre, The Netherlands, August 27-31, 2001
Ngoma, Hambulo (author), Mason-Wardell, Nichole M. (author), Samboko, Paul C. (author), and Hangoma, Peter (author)
Research summary
Publication Date:
Zambia: Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University, East Lansing.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 166 Document Number: D11674
4 pages., Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy, Research Paper 164., Using games, researchers tested the hypothesis that innate behavioral traits such as risk and time preferences play a role in Zambia farmers' decisions about adoption of Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices. "Given our findings that more risk-averse individuals are less likely to adopt CSA, a practice that is intended to be risk-reducing, a key policy implication is the need for a retooling of both public and private extension services to better demonstrate and educate farmers on the risk-reducing effect of CSA practices such as conservation agriculture. Moreover, if insurance and subsidies are to be used successfully to nudge adoption, extension will need to educate farmers on the structure of and mechanisms of payouts. This is important to build trust in the incentive systems.
Martin, Anna C. (author), Kaiser, Lucia L. (author), Blackburn, Mary L. (author), Metz, Diana L. (author), Smith, Dorothy (author), Donohue, Susan S. (author), Lexion, Connie (author), and Steinberg, Francene (author)
Online article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 176 Document Number: C30102
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: KerryByrnes1; Folder: CDIE File Document Number: D01343
Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, CDIE Working Paper No. 112 Case Studies of A.I.D. Farming Systems Research & Extension (FSR/E) Projects. Case Study No.6,16 pages
Steinke, Jonathan (author), van Etten, Jacob (author), Muller, Anna (author), Ortiz-Crespo, Berta (author), van de Gevel, Jeske (author), Silvestri, Silvia (author), and Priebe, Jan (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
International: Taylor and Francis
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 204 Document Number: D12480
26 pages, Agricultural extension in the Global South can benefit greatly from the use of modern information and communication technologies (ICT). Yet, despite two decades of promising experiences, this potential is not fully realized. Here, we review the relevant research literature to inform future investments into agricultural information services that harness the full potential of digital media. We describe a recently emerging innovation agenda that is, in part, a response to the eventual failure of many new agro-advisory initiatives. One important cause of failure has been a focus on pushing certain technologies, rather than responding to the particular communication challenges of potential users. To avoid such bias in designing new services, the new innovation agenda rests on two major foundations: strong user-centredness and problem-orientation. In our review, we first describe how user-centred design methods help in specifying both problems and (digital) solutions in agricultural extension. To inform responses to the communication challenges defined by that analysis, we then describe eight emerging aspects of using ICT for development, and how they can address common deficiencies of agricultural extension. Practical examples from the literature highlight the possibilities and limitations of these innovation directions. Beyond digital design, however, technological innovation requires enabling institutions.
van Schaik, Th. F.S.M. (author / Chief, Extension Department, Bureau for Food and Nutrition, The Hague) and Chief, Extension Department, Bureau for Food and Nutrition, The Hague
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 44 Document Number: B05319
cited reference, In: J.M.A. Penders, ed. Rural Extension at the Crossroads. Wageningen, The Netherlands: International Agricultural Centre, 1963. p. 228-236.
Massey, Raymond E. (author), Varner, Dave (author), and Cooperative Extension Service, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 98 Document Number: C08046
James F. Evans Collection, In: The Information Age: what it means for extension and its constituents. Columbia, MO: Cooperative Extension Service, University of Missouri, 1994. (Proceedings of a North Central Region Extension workshop for marketing and management specialists, May 24-26, 1994, St. Louis, MO.) p. 85-90.
Leones, Julie P. (author / Department of Agricultural and Research Economics, University of Arizona, Tucson)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 97 Document Number: C07923
Presented at 1993 AAEA meetings; search through volume, In: Jacquelyn Deeds and Demetria Ford, eds. Summary of Research in Extension (1992-1993). Mississippi State, MS: Department of Agricultural Education and Experimental Statistics, Mississippi State University, July 1994. p. 34
Agricultural Research and Extension Network, Overseas Development Institute
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 136 Document Number: C20772
Burton Swanson Collection, pages 14-17, Network Paper no. 59b from "Farmer-led approaches to extension : papers presented at a workshop in the Philippines, July 1995"
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: Byrnes4 Document Number: C12406
Francis C. Byrnes Collection, Presentation at the annual Conference for Agricultural Services in Foreign Areas, Washington, D.C., October 17-19, 1955. 8 p.
Kesseba, Abbas M., ed. (author / Graduate, Cairo University) and Graduate, Cairo University
Conference proceedings
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 82 Document Number: C04976
James F. Evans Collection; Includes Table of Contents, Forward, and Introduction only; Proceedings of a seminar organized by International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) on the Generation and Transfer of Technology for Poor Small Farmers; 1988 June; Korea, Boulder, CO : Westview Press, 1989. 229 p.
Koehler, C. U. (author / Zentralstelle fur Agrardokumentation und -information (ZADI))
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 86 Document Number: C05706
AGRICOLA IND 88035252; Paper presented at the "Btx-Agrar" meeting, 1986, Kiel, West Germany., In: Schiefern, Gerhard and Graumann, Ulrich, eds. Information, Beratung, Markt : Bildschirmtext in der Landwirtschaft : Vortrage der Anbietertagung "Btx-Agrar 86." Kiel, Germany : Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk, 1987. p. 57-64
6 pages, article 2TOT7, via online journal, It is not enough to simply post text in social media messages. Tweets with images garner three times more engagement, such as through likes, retweets, follows, clicks, and comments. Social media messages without accompanying visuals are a missed opportunity. This article describes 10 simple tools and accompanying techniques for creating attractive graphics and videos for use with social media: Canva, Paint, Piktochart, grayed out images, hand-drawn sketches, stock images, personal photos, PicCollage, GIFs, and Boomerang. Visuals should be copyright free and fit the content of a post. Time can be saved through repurposing existing images and videos for use in social media content.
Feakpi, Rose (author), Zinnah, Moses (author), Drafor, Ivy (author), and Compton, Julia (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 116 Document Number: C11777
Francis C. Byrnes Collection, Proceedings of the 13th annual conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Arlington, Virginia, April 3-5, 1997.
Dann, Shari L. (author), Suvedi, Murari (author), and AEE Center for Evaluative Studies, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 97 Document Number: C07930
search through volume, In: Jacquelyn Deeds and Demetria Ford, eds. Summary of Research in Extension (1992-1993). Mississippi State, MS: Department of Agricultural Education and Experimental Statistics, Mississippi State University, July 1994. p. 69
Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 138 Document Number: C20991
Burton Swanson Collection, 8 pages, Session K, from "1999 conference proceedings -- Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education", 15th Annual Conference, 21-24 March 1999, Port of Spain, Trinidad, 25-26, Tobago
AGRICOLA FNI 85007630, The concept, format, and public participation in an 8-segment, 30-minute television mini-series project on nutrition and health are briefly described. The overall project entitled "Taste", is based on dietary guidelines developed by USDA and other agencies. Several innovative evaluation methods (e.g., the use of rural stores for evaluating project effectiveness) are built into the project. A nutrition knowledge gain of up to 50% has been achieved. Topics of the project include reducing refined food intakes, increasing starch and fiber intake, and reading and understanding food labels. (wz).
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C17109
Pages 11-19 in Gwyn E. Jones and Maurice J. Rolls (eds.), Progress in rural extension and community development, Volume 1, Extension and rural advantage in rural development. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 336 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: Byrnes2 Document Number: C12391
Francis C. Byrnes Collection, Pages 230-242 in G.P. Wood and A.T. Mosher, Readings in agricultural administration, Agricultural Development Council, New York, NY. 244 p.