Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 131 Document Number: D11333
Online from the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. 22 pages., Report of a national online survey among a representative sample of 18- to 37-year old residents in the United States. Invited information about science topics and other related and unrelated content areas, then build a picture of science relevance and connection from the full pattern of survey responses. "...this investigation represents a crucial first step toward a more data-driven, audience-centric approach to doing public engagement with and for young adults - an approach that is necessary and appropriate for the 21st century."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 196 Document Number: D08034
John L. Woods Collection, Involves Rebuilding Afghanistan’s Agricultural Market Program (RAMP). Project of Chemonics International, Inc., Washington, D. C., funded by the U. S. Agency for International Development, Washington, D. C. 6 pages.
Hill, Jackie (author), Mobly, Mallory (author), and McKim, Billy R. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 138 Document Number: D05795
Paper presented in the Agricultural Communications Section of the annual conference of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists, Atlanta, Georgia, January 31-February 1, 2015. 22 pages.