Kenney, Naomi (author) and De la O Campos, Ana Paula (author)
summary report
Publication Date:
International: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 30 Document Number: D10571
5 pages., via website, FAO., This introduction to a Legal Paper involves a legal assessment tool for gender-equitable land tenure that was developed by the Gender and Land Rights Database of FAO. 5 pages.
Author examines potentials for bias in coverage efforts of farm media, as reflected in a Trade Talk activity at the annual meeting of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C26737
Pages 197-215 in Mary E. Pettenger (ed.), The social constructioin of climate change: power, knowledge, norms, discourses. Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hampshire, England. 255 pages.
Dasgupta, Siddhartha (author) and Devadoss, Stephen (author)
Research paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 109 Document Number: C10330
Journal Title Details:
17 pages
This paper is selected for Western Agricultural Economics Association 1997 Annual Meeting, July13-16, 1997, Reno/Sparks, Nevada
13-16, 1997, Reno/Sparks, Nevada
Staff Papers of University of Idaho
Okiror , J. J. (author), Twanza, B. (author), Orum, B. (author), Ebanyat, P. (author), Kule, E. B. (author), Tegbaru, A. (author), and Ayesiga, C. (author)
journal articles
Publication Date:
Academic Journals
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D12402
12 pages, There is growing interest in gender analysis and value chain analysis as tools for ensuring equitable participation in agricultural commodity markets. This study examined the gender factors that influence the patterns and levels of participation by women and men in grain value chains in Uganda. Data were collected from six districts in three regions of Uganda using qualitative gender tools. Findings show that marked division of labour along gender-lines happens at postharvest handling stages where threshing and winnowing is mostly done by women while men supervise storage and also control marketing and incomes. Division of labour is due to socio-cultural ascriptions to the sexes at community level with women having to work for longer hours than their male counterparts. Groundnuts were regarded as women’s crop while soya beans were for men. Regional variations were not significant but there were marked behavioral differences between the poorer and richer households across entire value chains from production to marketing with the poor exercising more caution during marketing to spread risks to the next harvest while the rich preferred one-time bulk sales. Specific interventions are needed to upgrade women participation in grain-legume businesses and scale-up labour saving post-harvest technologies especially draught animals, threshers, tarpaulins and hullers to ease drudgery on women and increase men’s participation.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C19597
Pages 7-25 in Karen Gwinn Wilkins, Redeveloping communication for social change: theory, practice, and power. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., Lanham, Maryland. 216 pages.