Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 121 Document Number: D11090
Online from Inside Climate News. 4 pages., Examines coverage of the environment by the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal. Includes needs, trends, concerns.
Article examines relations between journalists and environmental nongovernmental organization. As well, it identifies barriers to in-depth, balance, and accurate news coverage of environmental issues and events in these former Soviet republics.
8 pages., Online via UIUC Library electronic subscription., The author of this commentary argued that environmental journalism offers a conceptual model and guide to action for all journalists in the "post-truth" and "post-fact" era. "Since the specialism was formed in the 1960s, environmental journalists have reported on politically partisan issues where facts are contested, expertise is challenged, and uncertainty is heightened. To deal with these and other challenges, environmental journalism ... has reassessed and reconfigured the foundational journalistic concept of objectivity. The specialism has come to view objectivity as the implementation of a transparent method, as the pluralistic search for consensus, and, most importantly, as trained judgment."
Online from organization website. 2 pages., Describes steps being taken or planned for governance of SEJ, membership diversity, representation, allyship, and funding in the interest of achieving racial equality within SEJ and in the news industry at large.
3 pages., Online via publication website., A Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) meteorologist comments on reactions she gets from viewers, listeners, and readers in her coverage of natural disasters, climate, and related weather topics.