USA: Metcalfe Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, Office of Marine Programs, Narragansett, RI.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 167 Document Number: C27892
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C20484
Pages 223-237 in Joe Smith (ed.), The Daily Globe: environmenal change, the public and the media. Earthscan Publications Ltd., London, England. 263 pages.
Eide, Elisabeth (author) and Kunelius, Risto (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
International: Nordicom, Goteborg, Sweden.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D06849
Pages 331-338 in Elisabeth Eide and Risto Kunelius (eds.), Media meets climate: the global challenge for journalism. Nordicom, Goteborg, Sweden. 340 pages.
2 pages., Research summary via online from the North American Association for Environmental Education., Researchers interviewed 11 environmental or science journalism educators from four-year institutions and identified four common challenges: (1) keeping up with technology, (2) student interest, (3) environmental advocacy among students; and (4) lack of potential careers in the field. They suggested pre-requisites.