USA: The Center for Good Integrity. Gladstone, Missouri.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 30 Document Number: D10561
3 pages., Online from the Center for Food Integrity, Gladstone, Missouri., Features research results indicating that public conversation about the environment is growing and so is the scrutiny applied to consumption of natural resources. Information source urges producers to engage more actively.
11 pages., Online via publisher., Examined people's perceptions of their connection to nature as well as their ideas about what constitutes natural and unnatural environments. Results showed that even though the majority of the participants considered themselves part of nature (76.9%), natural environments were largely described as places absent from any human interference.
Garcia, Claude A. (author), Sasvilaakso, Sini (author), Verburg, Rene W. (author), Gutierrez, Victoria (author), Wilson, Sarah J. (author), Krug, Cornelia B. (author), Sassen, Marieke (author), Robinson, Brian E. (author), Moersberger, Hannah (author), Naimi, Babak (author), Rhemtulia, Jeanine M. (author), Dessard, Helene (author), Gond, Valery (author), Vermeulen, Cedric (author), Trolliet, Franck (author), Oszwald, Johan (author), Quetier, Fabien (author), Pietsch, Stephan A. (author), Bastin, Jean-Francois (author), Dray, Anne (author), Araujo, Miguel (author), Ghazoul, Jaboury (author), and Waeber, Patrick O. (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 201 Document Number: D11697
12 pages., Authors note no clear evidence that global efforts against forest loss, fragmentation,and degradation of land use are working. As key reason, they point to apparent ineffectiveness in involving all stakeholders involved. "Forest transitions are social and behavioral before they are ecological. Decision makers need to integrate better representations of people's agency in their mental models. ... Games can help decision makers in all of these tasks."
Marques, Andreia (author), Kamali, Farahnaz Pashaei (author), Asveld, Lotte (author), Osseweijer, Patricia (author), Silveira, Jose Maria F. J. de (author), and Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Unicamp Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Online journal article
Publication Date:
Netherlands: Elsevier
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 124 Document Number: D11216
16 pages, via online journal, Sugarcane expansion in Brazil during the 2000s was partly restricted by several discussions about the sustainability aspects of its cultivation. These discussions were mainly based on surveys that sometimes use highly aggregated data not including local perspectives and particularities, and sometimes used case studies with small samples which, while listening to local perspectives, cannot be considered representative of the whole sector. This work aims at filling this gap by considering both the perceptions of the local community, which add primary data on impact, and a large sample, to increase the research representativeness. To do so, we present the results of 353 interviews, covering 33 municipalities in five states of the Center-South region of Brazil (the largest cultivation area in the country). The results show that the expansion of biofuels has generated conflict mostly related to environmental and social issues, although there is good acceptance of the sugarcane mills in general. Our conclusions point to the importance of including local voices for a deeper understanding of the advantages and limitations of the expansion of biofuels.
15 pages, This paper studies Chinese grape growers’ time discounting and its implications for the adoption of technology that can reduce the negative effects of increasing precipitation. Using primary data collected in Xinjiang Province, we undertook a contingent valuation of rain covers that protect fruit from rain and estimated a discounted utility model using these data. Using a hierarchical Bayesian approach, we find that local grape growers discount the future very heavily, with a discount rate of 0.17 per year, which is almost four times higher than the Chinese market interest rate. Farmers also tend to underestimate the benefits of adopting covers, with their purchase decisions appearing to largely depend on their past actual losses rather than future anticipated losses. These findings have broader implications for policies promoting proactive adaptation in response to likely increased rainfall in the region. Targeting farmers who give lower weight to events far off in the future and understanding that many farmers may tend only to make adoption decisions that have strong short-term benefits could improve the efficacy of climate policies that target agricultural technologies.
Online via keyword search of UI Library eCatalog., Overview of mass media strengths and weaknesses, in terms of how educators might help improve the natural symbiosis between science and journalism, with focus on reproduction and child development-hormone-mimicking pollutants such as pesticides in agriculture.