Mungai, Ndungi wa (author) and Seis, Colin (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08789
Pages 223-237 in Gordon, Iain J. Prins, Herbert H.T. Squire, Geoff R. (eds.), Food production and nature conservation: conflicts and solutions. United Kingdom: Routledge, London. 348 pages.
Klimova, Alexandra (author), Rondeau, Eric (author), Andersson, Karl (author), Porras, Jari (author), Rybin, Andrei (author), and Zaslavsky, Arkady (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Elsevier Science Publishers
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 157 Document Number: D07540
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08797
Pages 255-267 in Dillon, Justin, Towards a convergence between science and environmental education: the selected works of Justin Dillon. United States: Routledge, New York City, New York, 2017. 361 pages.
Ferrie, Gina M. (author), Bettinger, Tammie L. (author), Kuhar, Christopher W. (author), Lehnhardt, Kathy (author), Apell, Peter (author), and Kasoma, Panta (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D07077
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08795
Pages 219-240 in Dillon, Justin, Towards a convergence between science and environmental education: the selected works of Justin Dillon. United States: Routledge, New York City, New York, 2017. 361 pages.
Burke, Brian J (author), Welch-Devine, Meredith (author), Gustafson, Seth (author), Heynen, Nik (author), Rice, Jennifer L. (author), Gragson, Ted L. (author), Evans, Sakura R. (author), and Nelson, Donald R. (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 153 Document Number: D06929
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 195 Document Number: D07998
John L.Woods Collection, Ring binder containing resources for planning, producing materials, and relating to media and key stakeholders. International WaterCOM Program, Chemonics International, Inc., Washington, D.C. 118 pages.
16 pages., Article # 6FEA3, via online journal., We examined how the Twin Ports Climate Conversations (TPCC), a community-based climate communication project, is influencing local climate awareness and response. A survey of TPCC participants and subsequent roundtable discussion event were used to explore program impacts, outcomes, and future directions. Results showed that the TPCC project has been effective at increasing awareness and facilitating contacts and may be leading to actions that range from information sharing to personal behavioral changes. Future directions include engaging new audiences and promoting more on-the-ground climate action. TPCC can serve as a model to help other communities start cross-sectoral climate conversations.
8 pages., Article # 5TOT6, via online journal., To determine how Extension educators can use environmental education materials to develop life skills in youths, we correlated a national environmental education curriculum developed by Project Learning Tree (PLT) to the 4-H Life Skills Wheel. Youth development professionals can use the resulting correlations to determine which life skills the various PLT activities help develop. The correlation results also provide insights regarding how PLT activities help develop head, heart, and hands skills.
Allen, John C. (author), Cordes, Sam (author), Smith, Amy M. (author), Spilker, Matt (author), Hamilton, Amber (author), and The Center for Rural Community Revitalization and Development
Research report
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C29239
Posted online at
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08865
Pages 81-99 in Ormrod, James S. (ed.), Changing our environment, changing ourselves: nature, labour, knowledge and alienation. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan UK, London. 315 pages.
Melgares, Pat (author), Hill, Steven G. (author), Clark, Terrie (author), Cable, Ted (author), and Boone, Kris (author)
Research paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 149 Document Number: C24000
25 p. Paper presented at the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists' 103rd annual meeting in Orlando, Fla. [Agricultural Communications Section].
Chang, Yuan-Yu (author), Su, Wei-Chia (author), Tang, I-Chun (author), Chang, Chun-Yen (author), and National Taiwan University
Chang Jung Christian University
Journal article
Publication Date:
Taiwan: American Society for Horticultural Science
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 16 Document Number: D10451
10 pages., Via online journal., There is a growing body of literature that explores the benefits of school gardening for children, but few studies have been conducted in Taiwan. Even fewer studies have examined which factors influence the benefits that children derive from these activities. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the benefits of school gardening for children in Taiwan and also identify the factors influencing these benefits. This study used qualitative research methods, which consisted of interviewing 43 elementary school students who had extensive experience with gardening, and used a general inductive approach to analyze the data. The study also used a quantitative approach to statistically compare gender differences, which found that there were some differences in preference for gardening between boys and girls in Taiwan. The results also identify seven benefits children can derive from school gardening, including increasing life skills, producing pleasant feelings, improving relationships and having plants as companions, acquiring new knowledge, experiencing the aroma and flavor of fruits and vegetables, improving health, and increasing connection to nature. Some of these benefits of school gardening have not been mentioned in previous studies and can be considered to be new, such as having plants as companions. Additionally, this study found 20 factors that influence the benefits of school gardening. Of these, eight were about plants, seven about activities, two about outdoor environments, and three about other participants. Most of the factors provide more than one benefit. The factors with the greatest impact have the most number of benefits that influence children and include “appearance, odor and texture,” “hands-on,” and “outdoor natural elements.” These factors help us to realize the unique characteristics of gardening, highlight the distinctiveness, and increase the indispensability of gardening activities.