11 pages., via online journal., Youth cherish technology, efficiency and innovations and accommodate entrepreneurial risks. The objectives of this study were to show the beneficial use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in agriculture among the youth in Kenya, assessed ICT application and commonly used tools, experienced challenges, impacts and suggested future ICT use. Beneficial ICT applications were exemplified by ‘Mkulima Young Champions’ who led digital initiatives, drew youth into farming, helped them learn among themselves, and traded and overcame agricultural challenges. Using radio, short message services (SMS) and social media, they discussed agricultural topics and shared successes. Mkulima Young's Facebook was vibrant. The youth posted photographs and videos, asked questions, discussed issues and interacted. Most of the youth obtained information from the internet, hence the internet was the best platform to market and promote agriculture to the youth. They used internet and social media to obtain production technologies, market information and for information sharing. Most commonly used tools were MS Office and spreadsheets for record keeping. Voice messages and SMS assisted timely accessing of market prices, reaching clients, sharing production information and money transactions. The ICT content should be relevant to targeted youth, valuable, localized and dependable. The ICT-savvy youth operated intensive, efficient and profitable farms, producing diverse and branded products for niche markets. The youth transformed the community use and access to ICTs and influenced community economic status. Smart phone technology will revolutionize access to and use of ICTs. YouTube, Twitter and WhatsApp should be expanded and widely popularized among the youth.
20 pages., Online via UI e-subscription, Researcher examined the attitude reactions to trust among coworkers and between employees and management. Results provided support for the relationship between a climate of trust and group cohesion.
Authors identify challenges and potentials for using new information technologies, such as the Internet, to help jobseekers in rural labour markets find employment. Social networks and telephone helplines were found to be used most at present.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 183 Document Number: C37306
See C37280 for original, Page 27 in Fred Myers, Running the gamut: writings of Fred Myers, journalist and 50-year members, American Agricultural Editors' Association. Fred Myers, publishers, Florence, Alabama. 125 pages.
3 pages., Via online journal., Increased global trade coupled with diversified employment opportunities demand college graduates possessing well-developed professional skills. Recent survey results identified the importance of professional skills among candidates seeking employment, with communication being recognized as the most important skill or quality when selecting candidates. The ability to work within a team structure, solve complex problems, and organize and prioritize work also ranked high among industry employment needs. Despite a rigorous focus on discipline-oriented knowledge and skills, development of professional skills in students of horticulture may be overlooked or not fully developed. Teaching methods can be modified to incorporate development of professional skills and discipline-oriented knowledge to enhance student employment preparedness and directly address industry needs.
Shalaby, M.Y. (author), Baig, M.B. (author), Al-Shaya (author), and Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, King Saud University, P O Box 2460, Riyadh 11451, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08184
19 pages., via online journal., This article discusses how to involve rural youths not in employment, education, or training (or NEETs) in agriculture. A Portuguese network-based project called Terra Nostra, carried out
from 2013 to 2015 to engage and train NEETs in ecoagriculture activities, was examined to address this issue. The study focused on three aspects: a reanalysis of Terra Nostra’s final report, based
on the bioecological model, targeting typical problems with NEETs’ involvement and how the project aimed to overcome them; the lessons learned from the project according to the literature; and the state of the art regarding identical social interventions with NEETs in Portugal and the rest of Europe. A major conclusion stemming from the analysis is that similar projects
will need to address the limitations of employment public services in reaching out to rural NEETs and the state’s excessive protectionism of the sector.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 145 Document Number: D06553
Online via Ovid.com. Abstract of dissertation for PhD from the University of Idaho. 1 page., Responding department heads reported no difficulty in recruiting and retaining agricultural communicators. No geographic pattern was apparent in difficulty of recruiting. Tenure was perceived not necessary for agricultural communicators to interact successfully with faculty in academic units. There was no strong support for tenure within agricultural communication departments by department heads.
USA: Science Research Associates, Chicago, Illinois.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D01364
Occupational Monographs - 4. Compiled from materials secured through Northwestern University in cooperation with the Illinois Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration (WPA). 48 pages.
7 p., The increasing use of computers on the farm raises the question of whether these new skills will be valued in off-farm employment. Data suggests that computers are used predominantly for a single group of tasks that may not develop the "systems skills" that are becoming increasingly important in off-farm employment.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12116
Online from the website of the Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona. 3 pages., Author describes four things for reporters to keep in mind as context when covering jobs in the energy sector of society.
Zagonel, Anissa (author), Baker, Lauri M. (author), King, Audrey E.H. (author), and Kansas State University
Oklahoma State University
Association for Communication Excellence
Journal article
Publication Date:
United States: New Prairie Press
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 15 Document Number: D10433
15 pages., Via online journal., Investment of employees in a brand can lead to greater public understanding and positive impressions of a brand by external stakeholders. However, this can be challenging in public organizations with multiple brand segments and a large number of employees spread across great distance with limited funds for marketing. While previous work has looked at Extension agents, faculty, and volunteers’ brand perceptions, no studies have looked at communication services employees’ investment in the brand. The purpose of this qualitative study was to discover how well employees in a university and Extension printing and mail entity understood the Extension brand and their investment in the brand. Research questions that guided this study were: 1) What perceptions and investment do communication services employees have in the Extension brand? And 2) what are employees’ perceptions of the organization’s branding and marketing efforts? Each of the 18 interviews included a series of questions focusing on employees’ story related to Extension and employees’ thoughts on branding and marketing efforts. Results in this study with communication services employees indicate these employees are not invested in the brand with the majority having little to no understanding of the mission of Extension. This contradicts previous research with employees in other brand segments of Extension. Implications of this work include a need for training on the Extension mission for communication services employees, a shift in culture to encourage investment in the brand, and inclusion of all Extension employees in the mission of Extension.
37 pages., Online via publisher as a link in the newsletter., Responses to an online compensation survey during 2020 among members of the professional organization.