13 pages, Dry cow management practices influence on health, welfare and milk production of cows. Poor farmer–cow relationship and negative attitudes of the farmer on humane practices will reduce cow welfare and overall productivity. In this study, farmers’ attitudes on key dry cow management practices and welfare were observed using a questionnaire in a face to face interview with forty dairy farmers in Kandy District, Sri Lanka. Collected data were statistically analyzed using SPSS version 23.0. The majority of the farmers were men (77.5%), whereas small-scale farming (87.5%) with part-time involvement (72.5%) were noticed. Critical risk factors of dry cow welfare such as no higher satisfaction about the industry (74.3%), poor awareness on concept of animal welfare (10%), hoof caring (42.5%), inspection of teats (10%), and deworming (30%) were identified. Male farmers were better than females in welfare-friendly attitudes for health (P = 0.033) and calving management (P = 0.018). Part-time farmers also had a significant impact on welfare positive attitudes towards calving and health management practices (P = 0.038, P = 0.013 respectively). Considerable percentage of farmers were uncertain on (Health management – 10.8%, Housing management – 18.8%, Feeding management – 15.0%, and Calving management – 5.6%) welfare-friendly routine. Hence, we suggest, further improvement to positive welfare attitudes towards dry cow management should be targeted via proper knowledge dissemination and education programs.
20 pages, Organic agriculture has the potential to improve the environmental performance of U.S. agriculture, supporting increasing food demand and diversification of food consumption while improving the quality of ecosystems. Organic growers are challenged by a lack of Cooperative Extension agent support as agents have not served organic growers to the same extent as conventional growers nationwide. Rogers’ (2003) diffusion of innovations theory guided our phenomenological inquiry to explore (a) what agents experienced while supporting organic growers, and (b) how agents experienced providing support to organic growers in north Georgia. According to participants, the essence of the support offered to organic growers was an uneven bridge. Agents were willing to provide growers with the resources to support organic production; however, they lacked theoretical and empirical knowledge regarding organic agricultural production that would enable them to establish stronger relationships with growers. Findings from the study and the uneven bridge metaphor led to an original model to assist Extension agents in better serving the organic agricultural community.
Bruhn, Christine M. (author / Cooperative Extension Consumer Food Marketing Specialists, Center for Consumer Research, University of California, Davis, CA)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 92 Document Number: C06779
biotechnology; food safety, AGRICOLA FNI 92001478, Surveys and workshops emphasize that education is the key to public understanding and proper evaluation of biotechnology (original)
Fishel, F. (author / University of Missouri, Columbia)
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 104 Document Number: C09077
1998 National Extension Technology Conference. June 14-17, 1998 . St. Louis, MO. 2 p. http://outreach.missouri.edu/netc98/manuscripts/ppa_cd-rom_fishel.html
Fitzpatrick, Jacki A. (author), Smith, Thomas A. (author), Williamson, Sally A. (author), and Department of Family and Child Development, Auburn University, Auburn University, AL
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Minneapolis, MN : The National Council on Family Relations.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 92 Document Number: C06754
5 pages, Farmers face unique occupational and interpersonal stressors that increase risk for poor physical and mental health outcomes. To educate farmers and their families about these risks, one state’s Family and Consumer Sciences faculty partnered with Agriculture and Natural Resources faculty with input from county agents to develop a series of online educational programs that were delivered as part of the state Agricultural Enhancement Program. Twenty-eight participants completed the pilot project and feedback surveys. Lessons learned include the need to have speakers from farming backgrounds, incorporate health topics that emphasize the connection with farming, and to include engaging visuals.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 105 Document Number: C09106
1998 National Extension Technology Conference. June 14-17, 1998 . St. Louis, MO. 3 p. http://outreach.missouri.edu/netc98/manuscripts/evaluating_internet_education_.htm
11 pages, This research aims to examine the relation between farmer organization and welfare using Propensity Score Matching approach. Numerous prior studies have demonstrated that farmers’ involvement in a producer group significantly affects their income levels, efficiency rates, and the adoption of cutting-edge agricultural technologies. However, there have been few studies on salt farming in Madura Island, despite its status as a primary salt producer in Indonesia. This study focused on examining how the participation of salt farmers in farmer groups, specifically known as the “Traditional Salt Business Group” (or Kelompok Usaha Garam Rakyat [KUGAR] in Indonesian), impacts their agricultural income. In this study, the researchers examined primary data collected through interviews with 115 traditional salt farmers on Madura Island, East Java, Indonesia. Logistic regression analysis revealed three independent variables affecting the decisions of salt farmers, specifically farmer’s latest level of education, salt production in the last season, and the number of their family members. Then, employing a Propensity Score Matching (PSM) approach, the study showed a significant income disparity between salt farmers who were KUGAR members and those who are not. Moreover, the level of education emerged as a key determinant influencing salt farmers’ decisions to join KUGAR. Furthermore, the Indonesian government could intervene by encouraging younger salt farmers to join the producer groups to realize benefits, including improvements in the well-being of salt farmers.
17 pages., via online journal article, The Sustainable Forestry and African American Land Retention
Program (SFLR) was launched in 2012 to increase adoption of sustainable forestry practices among African American landowners in
the southeastern United States to prevent land loss, increase forest
health, and build economic assets. One of its main goals was to
build communication networks through which African American
landowners could obtain and share information about forestry practices and landowner assistance programs independent of public agencies. To measure and examine the growth of these communication
networks over a three-year period (2014-2017), we conducted 87
interviews with landowners (24 of whom were interviewed multiple
times), SFLR personnel, and Federal and State staff members in
North Carolina. We used complementary methods of data gathering
and analysis, including social network analysis and qualitative analysis. Our results showed expanding communication networks will be
sustained independently of the program over time, although there is
still a heavy reliance on program personnel.
Leising, James (author), Scanlon, Dennis C. (author), Shinn, Glen C. (author), Sutphin, Dean (author), and Head of Agricultural Education, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; Director of academic Programs, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; Agricultural Education, University of California, Davis, CA; Agricultural Education, Penn State University, University Park, PA
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Agricultural Education Magazine, Inc., Henry, IL 61537
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 99 Document Number: C08343
Day, D. (author / University of Missouri - Columbia), Redelfs, M. (author / University of Missouri - Columbia), Byers, A. (author / University of Nebraska), Bomash, W. (author / University of Missouri), and Brekke, R. (author / Iowa State University)
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 105 Document Number: C09100
1998 National Extension Technology Conference. June 14-17, 1998 . St. Louis, MO. 4 p. http://outreach.missouri.edu/netc98/manuscripts/day-redelfs-buyers.html
Anderson, K. (author), Mrozek, E. (author), and North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 93 Document Number: C06925
AGRICOLA IND 91023383, In: Zazueta, Fedro S., ed. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computers in Agricultural Extension Programs; 1990 January 31 - February 1; Grosvenor Resort Hotel, Disney World Village, Lake Buenavista, FL. Gainesville, FL : Florida Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, [1990]. p. 687-692
Allen, C.E. (author / Dean, College of Agriculture, University of Minnesota)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 94 Document Number: C07197
AGRICOLA IND 89038987, In: Grain legumes as alternative crops : a symposium sponsored by the Center for Alternative Crops and Products, University of Minnesota, July 23-24, 1987. St. Paul, MN : Center for Alternative Crops and Products, 1987. p. 1-6
Barbieri, Kirk E. (author / Software Development Manager, Agricultural Information Services, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA) and Software Development Manager, Agricultural Information Services, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 74 Document Number: C03659
James F. Evans Collection; See C03651 for original; AGRICOLA IND 91052225, In: Zazueta, Fedro S., and Bottcher, A.B. (Del), eds. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computers in Agricultural Extension Programs; 1988 February 10-11; Lake Buenavista (Orlando), FL. Gainesville, FL : University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, 1988. Vol. 2, p. 487-492
Bruening, Thomas H. (author), Larson, Ginger (author), Bruce, Jacklyn A. (author), and Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education
Publication Date:
South Africa
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 185 Document Number: D00430
Pages 313-321 proceedings of the 25th annual meeting of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education in San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 24-28, 2009.
8 pages, The National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization (NAITCO) is a professional network of state and territory Agriculture in the Classroom programs. Its purpose is to provide national leadership in promoting agricultural literacy with the vision that “agriculture is valued by all” (National Agriculture in the Classroom, Citation2023c, Vision, para. 2). The organization grew out of a task force formed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 1981 (National Agriculture in the Classroom, Citation2023e). Agricultural literacy is not a new concept. In the late 1980s, the National Research Council of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences established the Agricultural Education in Secondary Schools Committee to examine the status and forecast the future of agricultural education. The impetuses behind this research were the many forces identified by the Council that were challenging American agriculture and education.
4 pages, Educators use school gardens to incorporate science, technology, engineering, and math programming into their curricula. Extension agents are called on to assist with planning and long-term support of these gardens, often working with educators who have no horticultural experience. University of Georgia Extension's school garden team created a multitiered approach to serving these gardeners while ensuring efficient use of Extension agents' time and resources. This approach includes a beginning-steps publication, hands-on garden training, and school garden associations. The result is more sustainable school gardens with limited frustration on the parts of school gardeners and Extension agents.
6 pages, What happens when volunteers disengage from an Extension program? What steps should Extension professionals take to fill a vacated role? There is a robust amount of research regarding best retention practices once volunteers are plugged into a program. However, there is a gap in current volunteer literature regarding practical applications to prepare existing volunteers to take on new roles. Incorporating proven strategies through practical applications would allow Extension professionals to address volunteer disengagement before it happens. Extension professionals can consider 10 steps to develop a succession plan to address volunteer disengagement.
Golden, W. G. (author) and Sirinayake, D.W. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: Byrnes1 Document Number: C12147
Francis C. Byrnes Collection, Presented at the International Rice Research Conference, International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines. 13 p.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 142 Document Number: D11531
5 pages., Retrieved April 4, 2020, from the Campus Explorer website., Identified selected agricultural communications and journalism education programs at U.S. colleges and universities.
Ingram, Dewayne L. (author), Israel, Glenn D. (author), and Israel: Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; Ingram: Professor and Chair, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Madison, WI : Extension Journal.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 92 Document Number: C06752