Quraishi, M.A. (author / Secretary, Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, India) and Secretary, Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, India
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 43 Document Number: B05048
James F. Evans Collection, A multi-market model of technological change in food production is used to simulate the long-run income distributional implications of differential diffusion of currently available wheat technologies in Pakistan. The results indicate that a research agenda emphasizing technologies suited to Pakistan's favored production environments would enhance overall production without compromising inter-group equity. It is found that when commodity prices are market determined, net consuming households are the major beneficiaries of technological change. However, in the more common situation of government intervention in markets for staple foods, net producing households are the principal beneficiaries of change. (original)
11 pages, Food, waste, and food waste are embroiled in a wide array of political and moral debates in the United States today. These debates are staged across a range of scales and sites—from individual decisions made in front of refrigerators and compost bins to public deliberations on the U.S. Senate and House floors. They often manifest as a moral panic inspiring a range of Americans at seemingly opposed ends of the political spectrum. This article contrasts three distinct sites where food waste is moralized, with the aim of deconstructing connections between discarded food and consumer ethics. In doing so, we argue that across the contemporary American social strata, food waste reduction efforts enfold taken-for-granted ideas of moral justice, or theodicy, that foreground individual responsibility and, as a result, obfuscate broader systemic issues of food inequality perpetuated by late stage capitalism.
Risius, Antje (author), Hamm, Ulrich (author), and University of Kassel, Faculty of Organic Agriculture, Food and Agricultural Marketing, Steinstr.19, Witzenhausen, Germany
Journal article
Publication Date:
Germany: Elsevier Ltd.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 162 Document Number: D08138
Rodekohr, Janet I. (author) and University of Wisconsin, Agricultural Journalism Department
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 27 Document Number: B02687
#329, Harold Swanson Collection. Eugene A. Kroupa Collection., Thesis, master of science in agricultural journalism, Agricultural Journalism Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 112 pages.
"This study used semi-structured interviews to examine the attitudes and values of Peruvian coca growers toward coca leaf and cocaine basic paste (CBP) consumption and its distribution. The Ss of the study were 186 coca growers (aged 20-54 yrs) from Peruvian jungle valleys who are involved in illegal commercialization of coca leaf and cocaine paste production. Data collected in 1994 reveal that growers consider coca leaf to be a most profitable product and a unique opportunity to improve their quality of life. Although growers acknowledge that a problem exists among local users, they do not assume any responbility for CBP consumption and dissemination in rural areas. This leads to the conclusion that awareness of a CBP consumption problem is not enough for growers to stop drug production; they need consistent training in social values, as well as support in legal and economic alternatives."
Saleem, M. Tahir (author), Bertilsson, G.O.B. (author), Arnott, G.W. (author), and National Fertilizer Development Centre, Planning and Development Division
Journal article
Publication Date:
Pakistan: Elsevier
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: Box 170 Document Number: D07766
Sassenrath, G.F. (author), Halloran, J.M. (author), Archer, D. (author), Raper, R.L. (author), Hendrickson, J. (author), Vadas, P. (author), and Hanson, J. (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 183 Document Number: C37236
Schulze, Birgit (author) and Deimel, Ingke (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 201 Document Number: D11715
Paper presented at the 22nd Annual International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) World Forum and Symposium, June 10-14, 2012, Shanghai, China. 14 pages., Authors analyzed the level of agreement of German citizens with the positions of animal rights, consumer protection, and farmer lobby groups and how this agreement or disagreement affects citizens' future meat consumption. Survey findings indicated that the intention to reduce meat consumption is only indirectly influenced by media frames generated by lobby groups. Behavioral control and subjective norm represented the most important direct influencing factors. However, the moral and economic pressure frme have a strong impact on attitude toward meat consumption.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 97 Document Number: C07787
cited reference, The Hague: International Service for National Agricultural Research, October 1990. 10 p. (ISNAR Linkages Discussion Paper No. 8)., This paper focuses on the links between rice research and extension in the Matara District of Sri Lanka. Various formal linkage mechanisms were set up when the training and visit system of extension was implemented nationwide, including regional technical working groups, research-extension dialogues, bi-weekly training, and the use of subject-matter officers as liaison between research and extension. These mechanisms improved the links but could not overcome the poor communication and great social distance between researchers and extension workers. After World Bank project funding ended, the mechanisms could not be fully sustained. (original)
Shalaby, M.Y. (author), Baig, M.B. (author), Al-Shaya (author), and Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, King Saud University, P O Box 2460, Riyadh 11451, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08184
Sloan, Margaret F. (author), Trull, Laura (author), Malomba, Maureen (author), Akerson, Emily (author), Atwood, Kelly (author), and Eaton, Melody (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Sagamore-Venture Publishing Inc.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 208 Document Number: D13249
17 pages, Much of the press on the pandemic has been focused on urban environments where the virus was quick to spread and the numbers of cases are high. Beyond the greater risk for COVID-19-related health complications, rural populations are particularly susceptible to disruptions in the economic infrastructure of their communities. This study explores the impacts of COVID-19 on rural communities and the responses of nonprofit and other community infrastructures. Using a strengths-based approach and mixed methods design, this qualitative research asked rural residents and nonprofit leaders about their needs, challenges, and assets as a result of COVID-19. Themes relative to access, interdependence, and community emerged from a priori categories. The research offers implications for both nonprofit education and rural nonprofit leadership.
Specht, Kathrin (author), Zoll, Felix (author), Schumann, Henrike (author), Bela, Julia (author), Kachel, Julia (author), and Robischon, Marcel (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 99 Document Number: D10870
Via online. 27 pages., Global challenges such as climate change, increasing urbanization and a lack of transparency of food chains, have led to the development of innovative urban food production approaches, such as rooftop greenhouses, vertical farms, indoor farms, aquaponics as well as production sites for edible insects or micro-algae. Those approaches are still at an early stage of development and partly unknown among the public. The aim of our study was to identify the perception of sustainability, social acceptability and ethical aspects of these new approaches and products in urban food production. We conducted 19 qualitative expert interviews and applied qualitative content analysis. Our results revealed that major perceived benefits are educational effects, revaluation of city districts, efficient resource use, exploitation of new protein sources or strengthening of local economies. Major perceived conflicts concern negative side-effects, legal constraints or high investment costs. The extracted acceptance factors deal significantly with the “unknown”. A lack of understanding of the new approaches, uncertainty about their benefits, concerns about health risks, a lack of familiarity with the food products, and ethical doubts about animal welfare represent possible barriers. We conclude that adaptation of the unsuitable regulatory framework, which discourages investors, is an important first step to foster dissemination of the urban food production approaches.
7pgs, Agricultural subsidies are an important factor for influencing food production and therefore
part of a food system that is seen as neither healthy nor sustainable. Here we analyse options
for reforming agricultural subsidies in line with health and climate-change objectives on one
side, and economic objectives on the other. Using an integrated modelling framework
including economic, environmental, and health assessments, we find that on a global scale
several reform options could lead to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and improvements in population health without reductions in economic welfare. Those include a repurposing of up to half of agricultural subsidies to support the production of foods with beneficial
health and environmental characteristics, including fruits, vegetables, and other horticultural
products, and combining such repurposing with a more equal distribution of subsidy payments globally. The findings suggest that reforming agricultural subsidy schemes based on
health and climate-change objectives can be economically feasible and contribute to transitions towards healthy and sustainable food systems
16 pages., via online journal., The expanding critical literature on Urban Agriculture (UA) makes links between the withdrawal of state services and the institutionalisation of volunteering, while observing that challenging funding landscapes can foster competitive environments between third-sector organisations. Where these organisations are forced to compete for survival at the expense of collaboration, their ability to collectively upscale and expand beneficial activities can be compromised. This paper focuses on a lottery-funded UA project and draws predominantly on observations and interviews held with project staff and growing group volunteers. Research conducted in Wythenshawe, Manchester (UK), highlights difficulties experienced by organisations attempting to function in an environment disfigured by depletion, illustrating conflicts that can arise between community groups and charitable organisations competing for space and resources. Inter-organisational dynamics are considered at two scales: at the grassroots level between growing groups, and at a structural level between project partners. In a landscape scarred by local authority cutbacks and restructures, a dearth of funding opportunities and increasingly precarious employment, external initiatives can be met with suspicion or hostility, particularly when viewed as superfluous interventions. The resulting ‘siege mentality’ reflects the need for organisational self-preservation but perhaps paradoxically results in groups with similar goals and complementary ideologies working against each other rather than in cooperation.
Susanty, A. (author), Bakhtiar, A. (author), Suliantoro, H. (author), Manalu, Christoper (author), and Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
conference papers
Publication Date:
Indonesia: IEEE Computer Society
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 163 Document Number: D08174
Article number 7797845 pp. 104-108, 2016 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2016; Bali; Indonesia; 4 December 2016 through 7 December 2016; Category numberCFP16IEI-ART; Code 125655