Clark, E. Ann (author), Lehman, Hugh (author), Weise, Stephan F. (author), and Lehman: Department of Philosophy, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada; Clark and Weise: Department of Crop Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 96 Document Number: C07622
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 97 Document Number: C07816
James F. Evans Collection, see C07805 for original, In: Walter J. Armbruster and John E. Lenz, eds. Commodity promotion policy in a global economy: proceedings of a symposium, October 22-23, 1992, Arlington, Virginia. Oak Brook, IL: Farm Foundation, 1993. p. 119-125.
5 pages, Sugarcane industry is at second position after textile industry in Pakistan. By the export of refined sugar, it plays a significant role in the economy of the country. Public and private sectors extension field staff work with sugarcane growers to improve their per acre yield. The research was conducted to compare and identify the services provided by those two sectors. A total of 150 respondents were selected randomly and interviewed to collect data through a structured interview schedule. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS). It was revealed that private sector provided commodity services such as improved sugarcane seed more than the public sector. However, public sector provided agriculture machinery on subsidized basis whereas private sector did not have any of such facility but was ahead in providing the advocacy services, arranging trainings/workshops, paying farm/home visits, organizing method demonstrations and arranging agricultural fares (Kissan Mellas) for farmers due to better funding. However, Agri. Helpline calls system of public sector was found more effective.
Schulze, Birgit (author) and Deimel, Ingke (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 201 Document Number: D11715
Paper presented at the 22nd Annual International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) World Forum and Symposium, June 10-14, 2012, Shanghai, China. 14 pages., Authors analyzed the level of agreement of German citizens with the positions of animal rights, consumer protection, and farmer lobby groups and how this agreement or disagreement affects citizens' future meat consumption. Survey findings indicated that the intention to reduce meat consumption is only indirectly influenced by media frames generated by lobby groups. Behavioral control and subjective norm represented the most important direct influencing factors. However, the moral and economic pressure frme have a strong impact on attitude toward meat consumption.
International: MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 114 Document Number: D11015
Chapter in NBER book: Adam B. Jaffe, Josh Lerner and Scott Stern (eds.), Innovation policy and the economy, volume 6, pages 67-90., Author examines sources of consumer surplus that are likely to exist due to the types of sites being used online and points to research that quantifies the consumer gains from use of the Internet. ... Reports that the Internet increases price competition so that consumers pay less for products and improves daily life by increasing the variety, quality and availability of products and information. These gains are particularly useful to people with high transactions costs (busy, rural) and uninformed people. By allowing consumers in rural or sparsely populated areas to share tastes which might be rare in the local population, it particularly benefits consumers who might have more difficulty physically interacting with people of their tastes.