Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 180 Document Number: C36193
Retrieved 04/10/2011, 10 pages., "Forthcoming in Connected for Development: Information Kiosks and Sustainability, UNICT Task Force and Digital Partners, edited by Akhtar Badshah, Sarbuland Khan and Maria Garrido."
Kenny, Charles (author) and Best, Michael L. (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36721
Pages 177-205 in Tim Unwin (ed.), ICT4D: Information and Communication Technology for Development. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. 386 pages.
Singh, Amit (author) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 160 Document Number: C26291
6 pages., Case study of an information distribution service providing farmers and traders with access to market and technical information on crops and other commodities with which they deal in the form of a newspaper, magazines, short message service by mobile phone, and web services.
Online via, Article deals with the role of information and communication technologies and the related infrastructure to induce innovations for sustainable rural development." Authors examined the role of social innovation to create a new demand for products, services, and organizational models for farm and rural enterprises.
Annual listing of the largest communications agencies whose clients sell products and services within the agricultural industry and/or the rural lifestyle market.
Via December 2017 issue of Agri Marketing magazine. Entitled Annual Marketing Services Guide 2018., Annual directory of companies, marketing services, agencies, agricultural and trade print, broadcast, e-business/associations, National Agri Marketing Association(NAMA)chapters and members, and Canadian Agri Marketing Association (CAMA)chapters.
Print copy from publisher by subscription. 154 pages., Annual directory and guide including sections: companies, marketing services, agencies, agricultural publications, broadcast, e-business associations, telephone directory, National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) directory, and Canadian Agri-Marketing Association (CAMA) directory.
Sane, Ibou (author) and Traore, Mamadou Balla (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36373
Pages 107-118 in Ineke Buskens and Anne Webb (eds.), African women and ICTs: investigating technology, gender and empowerment. Zed Books Ltd., London, UK. 222 pages.
Online from publisher. 3 pages., Highlights and cited reactions to a 10-year plan, "New Era for Smarter Food Safety," from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Four key elements: tech-enabled traceability, smarter tools and approaches for prevention and outbreak response, new business models (such as e-commerce) and retail food modernization, and food safety culture.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D02159
Pages 62-71 in Blessing M. Maumbe (ed.), E-agriculture and e-government for global policy development: implications and future directions. Information Science Reference, Hershey, Pennsylvania. 321 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 111 Document Number: C10770
Journal Title Details:
2 pages
Outlook 2000 - New Directions, Future Market, Conference sponsored by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Feb. 29 - Mar. 2, 2000. Canberra, Australia
Baker, Lauri M. (author), Boyer, Cheryl R. (author), Peterson, Hikaru Hanawa (author), King, Audrey E.H. (author), and Kansas State University
University of Minnesota, St. Paul
Journal article
Publication Date:
United States: American Society for Horticultural Science
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 11 Document Number: D10334
8 pages., Via online journal., Online, direct selling (ODS) has become the leading way that people acquire goods, with Amazon (Seattle, WA) being the largest online vendor in the United States. This study sought to determine if horticultural businesses were engaging in ODS with Amazon, ebay, and other websites. Researchers examined the ODS activity of 498 businesses using quantitative content analysis methods, and found that 93 horticultural industry businesses were conducting some form of ODS through their websites, but only four offered products on Amazon. Results indicate that ODS remains an untapped marketplace for the horticultural industry, particularly for small, rural businesses.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 114 Document Number: C11463
Journal Title Details:
PowerPoint presentations
Presentation at the Conference sponsored by Agricultural and Environmental Communications Alumni Group, University of Illinois, at Urbana, Illinois. October 27, 2000.
Ernst, Stanley C. (author) and Tucker, Mark (author)
Conference proceedings
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 116 Document Number: C11977
Journal Title Details:
13 pages
The document is available in electronic or paper format, Paper presented to the Research Special Interest Group, 2001 ACE/NETC Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 28 July- 01 August 2001
Compact disk, plus introductory and discussant comments in print form
Publication Date:
International: Research Special Interest Group of the International Association of Agricultural Communicators in Education (ACE)
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 194 Document Number: C17949
332 p., This proceeding contains 15 pages and discussant comments presented at the ACE conference in Kansas City, Missouri, June 13-16, 2003. Table of contents lists the papers, each of which is entered as a separate document in the ACDC collection.
O'Farrell, Clare (author / FAO Communication for Development Group)
Publication Date:
International: Communication for Development Group, Extension, Education and Communication Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 180 Document Number: C36203
12 pages., via online journal., The increasing use of internet, especially the proliferation of social networks has offered companies of all sectors the opportunity to keep in contact with their consumers; getting their feedbacks and complains on a daily basis and even to create short online chains enabling consumers to buy their products. This trend is found to be rather limited in the case of food products. The main objective of this article is to deal with consumer’s perceptions towards the potential use of social media to create online short supply chains for food. Projective techniques (Sentence completion tasks) have been used in this study. As, they allow researchers to uncover motivations, emotions and beliefs that drive consumer’s perception and behavior which may not be detected by straightforward questioning. The findings of this study have allowed to obtain insight into those aspects that consumers regard as opportunities or barriers of such potential short food chains. The main aspect is to put food enterprises in the picture about what is going on in consumer’s mind. This might open new possibilities for food businesses to develop a new short food chain.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 117 Document Number: C13011
Journal Title Details:
2 pages
RIRDC completed projects in 1999-2000:human capital, communications and information systems, Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation (RIRDC), Barton, ACT, Australia, 2000
Online from publication. 1 page., Brief review of research reports indicated that beef demand has remained strong to date, online ordering for both groceries and meat ordering is likely here to stay, and positive consumer perceptions of beef increased during the pandemic.
Knight Ridder Tribune Business News via ProQuest. 2 pages., Summarizes results in Pennsylvania of a U.S Department of Agriculture survey among farmers about their adoption and use of computers and the Internet.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 160 Document Number: C26293
10 pages., Case study of TARAhaat, an e-business "created to bring the benefits of the Internet to India's rural population." The title combines an Indian NGO intiative (Technology and Action for Rural Alternatives, TARA) with "haat" (meaning a village bazaar).
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C29804
Pages 163-179 in Adam Lindgreen and Martin K. Hingley (eds.), The new cultures of food: marketing opportunities from ethnic, religious and cultural diversity. Gower Publishing Limited, Surrey, England. 319 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 117 Document Number: C13014
Journal Title Details:
2 pages
RIRDC completed projects in 1999-2000:human capital, communications and information systems, Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation (RIRDC), Barton, ACT, Australia, 2000
Razak, N.A. (author), Aziz, J. (author), Hashim, F. (author), Amir, Z. (author), and Zulkifli, S.H. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 180 Document Number: C36226
Retrieved 03/21/2011, Pages 278-283 in H. Fujita and J. Sasaki (eds.), Selected topics in education and educational technology, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) international conference on education and educational technology, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan, October 4-8, 2010.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D02160
Pages 73-92 in Blessing M. Maumbe (ed.), E-agriculture and e-government for global policy development: implications and future directions. Information Science Reference, Hershey, Pennsylvania. 321 pages.
19 pages., via online journal., Agricultural e‐commerce clusters are new phenomena that have emerged in rural China. In examining the case of Shuyang County in Jiangsu Province, this paper puts forward an integrated model revealing the formation mechanism of agricultural e‐commerce clusters. The paper shows that the formation of agricultural e‐commerce clusters involves four processes of technology introduction, technology diffusion, quality crisis, and industrial agglomeration based on elements such as industry bases, e‐commerce platforms, network facilities, logistics services, entrepreneurial talent, local government, and market demand. Rural social networks and imitation behaviors promote technology diffusion by reducing the cost of technology introduction, and industrial agglomeration is found in the economies showing a deepening of labor divisions and geographic agglomeration. Throughout the formation process, a quality crisis may occur due to a race to the bottom and the opportunistic behaviors of local farmers. This work suggests that regional e‐commerce development is a systematic project. Governments of developing countries should not only realize the positive impacts of e‐commerce for the development of the agricultural industry but also recognize the premise and logic of how e‐commerce can play a prominent role.
Examines issues of connectivity, language and content of the internet. Concludes that "in reality the internet concentrates economic activity and power more narrowly in one group. As a result there is a real risk that we are moving towards a two-tier technology society that perpetuates the old distinctions between North and South."
Esfahani, Latifeh Pour Mohammad Badher (author), Asadiyeh, Zahra Shojaei (author), and Faculty of Engineering, University of Shahrekord, Shahrekord, Iran
School of Agriculture, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran
conference papers
Publication Date:
International: IEEE - Inst. Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 163 Document Number: D08177
Article number 5454875, pp. 3528-3531, 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE2009; Nanjing; China; 26 December 2009 through 28 December 2009; Category numberE3887; Code 80401