24 pages., Online via UI e-subscription, Researchers examined colors and pictures of food and drinks to determine what, if any, impact these aspects have on consumer beliefs regarding important product characteristics. Findings suggested that even when very concrete verbal information is used, graphical representations had a significant and long-term effect on product beliefs and purchase intentions.
20 pages., Online via UI e-subscription, Researchers used the Theory of Reasoned Action as foundation for investigating how a firm's choices related to brand identity and country of manufacture influenced purchase decisions. Results suggested that while both affect attitudes toward purchasing a product, a positive attitude toward buying a particular brand might offset a negative attitude toward buying from a particular country. This study focused on appliance brands. The review of literature cited examples of research involving ice cream, wines, and leather products.
Brown, Mark G. (author), Lee, Jonq-Ying (author), and Research Economist, Florida Department of Citrus; Assistant Professor, Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 90 Document Number: C06458
James F. Evans Collection; Paper presented at the 1989 Commodity Advertising and Promotion Conference, In: Kinnucan, Henry W.; Thompson, Stanley R.; and Chang, Hui-Shung, eds. Commodity advertising and promotion. Ames, IA : Iowa State University Press, 1992. p. 206-221
Brown, Mark G. (author), Lee, Jong-Ying (author), and Behr, Robert M. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 30 Document Number: D10577
17 pages., via conference paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association conference, August 1990., Analysis of grocery-store scanner data suggested that consumer confusion may exist between the two products, with advertising of grapefruit juice increasing demand for both.