Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C26731
Pages 151-168 in Ulrike Grote, Arnab K. Basu and Nancy H. Chau (eds.), New frontiers in environmental and social labeling. Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. 241 pages.
Online via keyword search of UI Library eCatalog., Article about legal actions involving two television reporters who were fired from a Florida station for refusing to broadcast "what they knew and documented to be false and distorted information about Monsanto's bovine growth hormone (BGH) - a genetically engineered product that has been linked to the proliferation of breast, prostate and colon cancer cells in humans." Includes their scripts, as well as the censored version.
Online from AgEconSearch., Authors estimated losses in consumption and sales revenue resulting when expenditures for generic advertising and promotion for orange juice were cut nearly to zero, as well as estimated time required for the market to recover from the check-off strategy of nearly going dark. "The research presented here demonstrates that reductions in generic advertising are followed by losses that extend far beyond the period of little or no advertising."
Buciega Arevalo, Almudena (author), Esparcia Perez, Javier (author), and Ferrer San Antonio, Vincente (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36979
Pages 215-236 in Maria Fonte and Apostolos G. Papadopoulos (eds.), Naming food after places: food relocalisation and knowledge dynamics in rural development. Ashgate Publishing Ltd., Surrey, England. 285 pages.