Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 182 Document Number: C36984
5 pages., Describes process and outcomes of a four-day workshop in Bangladesh involving representatives of several organizations that have been actively involved in the farmer-led approach.
Authors describe a workshop approach to helping participants gain skill in gathering information about field experiences and sharing them by various means.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 182 Document Number: C36962
9 pages., Describes outcomes of two workshops aimed at documenting and analyzing the experiences gained in building multi-stakeholder partnership in implementing 12 DURAS-funded projects.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 131 Document Number: D11317
6 pages., Pages 37-42 in 27th annual meeting of the Caribbean Food Crops Society. Dominica, Volume 27., Authors recall some aspects of agricultural information before analyzing the problems of this information sector, the importance of which sometimes is unrecognized by agricultural administrators, researchers, extensionists, and producers. Perspectives for the development and better management and use of information resources are proposed through the use of new information technologies (databases, microcomputers, software, agricultural thesauruses, CD-ROMs, etc.), networks, and the sharing of resources through cooperation at local, regional, and international levels."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08804
Pages 61-83 in Debra A. Reid, Interpreting agriculture at museums and historic sites. United States: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., Lanham, Maryland. 265 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 173 Document Number: C29245
Via KCET and "Documenting the Face of America" web site. 3 pages., Announcement and summary of a documentary about "the legendary group of New Deal-sponsored photographers who traversed the country in the 1930s and early 1940s to capture some of the most iconic images in history."
Ruter, Dorine (author) and Piepenstock, Anne (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C29018
Posted at, Pages 26-29 in Annamarie Matthess and Christian Kreutz, Participatory web - new potentials of ICT in rural areas, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische, Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany. 41 pages.
Arnold, Michael A. (author), Meyer, Mary H. (author), Rhodus, Tim (author), Barton, Susan S. (author), and Texas A&M University
University of Minnesota
The Ohio State University
University of Delaware
Journal article
Publication Date:
United States: American Society for Horticultural Science
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 16 Document Number: D10444
6 pages., Via online journal., Based on a survey of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS), membership need was identified for an online peer review system to validate innovation and recognize excellence in science-based teaching and extension scholarship for promotion and tenure purposes. This system would also provide a clearinghouse for instructional materials of merit for use in classrooms, laboratories, and outreach education, which fall outside the parameters of the three academic journals of ASHS. It was determined HortTechnology already provided a valued outlet for peer review of manuscript style teaching and extension scholarship; however, a need was identified for a mechanism to provide peer review of instructional materials which did not conform to a traditional manuscript format. Herein we describe the process that led to the development and launch of HortIM™, a new peer review system for teaching and extension instructional materials. An online peer review process for juried assessment of instructional materials such as articles, bulletins, case studies, fact sheets, instructional videos, teaching modules, and laboratory exercises was developed. A beta test of initial solicited materials in each category was piloted resulting in an initial database of these scholarly materials. This activity culminated in an initial opening of the system for submissions in Fall 2016. This article documents the development of HortIM™, including the submission and review process.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 182 Document Number: C36985
5 pages., Describes process and outcomes of a four-day workshop in Orissa, India, involving representatives of several organizations that have been actively involved in the farmer-led approach.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 182 Document Number: C36986
3 pages., Describes process and outcomes of workshops in the Philippines and Nepal involving representatives of several organizations that have been actively involved in the farmer-led approach.
Tam, D.M. (author), Valls, J. (author), and Asian Institute of Technology, Environmental Sanitation Information Center, Bangkok, Thailand; Asian Institute of Technology, Environmental Sanitation Information Center, Bangkok, Thailand
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 52 Document Number: C00612
Aerial photographs of farms over time (1939, 1962, 1968 and 1995 in this case example) help reveal reasons for yield variability and help guide farmers in making decisions.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 198 Document Number: D09742
NCR-90 Collection, Office of agricultural communications and extension education NCR-90 research report. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Page 2.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08807
Pages 203-212 in Debra A. Reid, Interpreting agriculture at museums and historic sites. United States: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., Lanham, Maryland. 265 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 175 Document Number: C29819
Independent Study HCD 598. 29 pages., Development, services, marketing efforts, contributions and outlook concerning this international resource and service for communications related to agriculture.
AGRICOLA IND 92017546; Presented at the VIII World Congress of IAALD, May, 1990, Budapest, Hungary, In 1979 the Danish Veterinary and Agricultural Documentation Center was founded as a research project and was financed by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Danish Agricultural and Veterinary Research Council. In 1984 the Center became permanently financed on the national budget. The Center has the following objectives: to function as the Danish AGRIS input center; to supply qualified on-line searching in international agricultural clients, research institutions and students; to teach on-line searching techniques; and to supply document delivery for search customers. During the past 10 years the Documentation Center has become an important part of the information network in Denmark. Demonstrations of on-line searching are a natural part of the regular library information course at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University because the Center is a department of the library. The placement of the Documentation center is a great help for scientists at the University who are starting new projects. Master's degree students are offered a free on-line search for use in writing their thesis. Research institutions belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture, food science and drug companies, and private veterinaries are some of the Center's most frequent users outside of the University. The Danish Veterinary and Agricultural Library supplies close to 50% of the literature ordered based on the on-line searches. The remainder is obtained through AGLINET (original)
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08820
Pages 487-509 in Rob Roggema (ed.), Agriculture in an urbanizing society volume one: proceedings of the sixth AESOP conference on sustainable food planning. United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 549 pages.
AGRICOLA IND 92047817; presented at IAALD Symposium on "Advances in Information Technology", September, 1991, Beltsville, MD, Since 1985 the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research has been involved in the production of a collection of its research reports on CD-ROM. This has involved the conversion of thousands of documents to machine-readable text and scanned images. This paper briefly outlines the history of the project from its inception to current status. Particular attention is paid to key factors that have impacted the design and production of the collection, with special emphasis on the ways in which this information can be put to use by those contemplating similar conversions. (original)
Viera-Gallo, Jose Antonio (author / Member, International Documentation and Communication Center (IDOC), Rome, Italy) and Member, International Documentation and Communication Center (IDOC), Rome, Italy
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 78 Document Number: C04356
Haendler, Harald (author), Laux, Wolfrudolf (author), and Haendler: Dokumentationsstelle der Universitat Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany; Laux: Dokumentationsstelle fur Phytomedizin der Biologischen, Bundesanstalt fur Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Berlin (West), Germany
Journal article
English with French / German / Spanish summary
Publication Date:
Netherlands: Wageningen, Netherlands : The Association.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 84 Document Number: C05266
Evans, James F. (author), Prabha, Chandra (author), and Prabha: Graduate research assistant in agricultural communication, University of Illinois; Evans: Professor of Agricultural Communications, University of Illinois
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 79 Document Number: C04451
Pan, Shu-Chun (author), Wang, Xian-Fu (author), and Chinese Academy of agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China.; Chinese Academy of agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China.
Journal article
English with French / Spanish summary
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 84 Document Number: C05203
This paper describes the present status and development of the Chinese agricultural documentation and information systems and the core role of the National AGRIS Center played in promoting the development of the systems. The emphasis has been placed in coordinating and establishing the agricultural databases, computer searching systems, information transmitting systems and international cooperations in China. It points out that the common strategic task facing all the developing countries in the establishment of national agricultural databases in each country and selectively contribute the valuable data to the international agricultural databases for information resources sharing of the world. Digitizing of Chinese characters for establishing the Chinese agricultural databases, the techniques of development and use in dealing the Chinese charactes as well as the technical line adopted for the construction of the Chinses agricultural databases have been also disucssed.
14 pages., via online journal., The preservation, management, and sharing of indigenous knowledge is crucial for social
and economic development in rural Africa. The high rate of illiteracy (print-based) in
rural Africa and the exclusion of indigenous knowledge from Western education add to
the information gap experienced in rural Africa. Other challenges facing oral cultures are
the disappearance of traditional knowledge and skills due to memory loss or death of
elders and the deliberate or inadvertent destruction of indigenous knowledge. The
rapidly increasing use of social media and mobile technologies creates opportunities to
form local and international partnerships that can facilitate the process of creating,
managing, preserving, and sharing of knowledge and skills that are unique to
communities in Africa. This article proposes the use of social media and mobile
technologies (cell phones) in the creation, preservation, and dissemination of indigenous
knowledge and discusses the role of libraries in the integration of social media
technologies with older media that employ audio and audiovisual equipment to reach a
wider audience.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 117 Document Number: C12879
Papers presented at the 12th Annual Convention and Conference of the Society for Information Science, Hyderabad, India, January 28-30, 1993., Chapter 1 in P.C. Bose and H.C. Jain (eds.), Information management for rural development. Shipra Publications, Delhi, India. 159 p.
8pgs, This paper addresses the impulse to render systemic food systems issues into stories in light of ongoing challenges such as food scares, food fraud, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Such stories about food systems are seen as embodying the ideal of supply chain transparency currently in vogue and regarded as key to solving food system inequities by shedding light on them. Read in the context of documentary cinematic unveilings of unethical production practices, transparency initiatives of various types, particularly those dependent on the real-time, crypto-ensured storytelling of blockchain and digital twinning technology, would seem to provide a new model of indexicality, a new contract with social reality. However, such tracing systems and the questions they raise instead describe the way in which food—and the land, people and animals who are involved in its production—becomes fodder for various power plays.