8 pages., via online journal., Documents fragmentation of an existing information-sharing network. Authors recommend broadening diversity in stakeholder engagement to enhance the information flow for dissemination and diffusion in practice.
Bailey, Wilfrid C. (author), Wilkinson, Kenneth P. (author), and Mississippi State University, Agricultural Experiment Station; Mississippi State University, Agricultural Experiment Station
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 44 Document Number: B05362
James F. Evans Collection, State College, MS : Mississippi State University, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1965. 14 p. (Bulletin 714)
Online via keyword search of UI Library ecatalog., Report of newspaper reading among 241 farmers in Gujarat State, India. Findings suggested that newspapers play an important part in popularizing the agricultural practices of farmers. Author recommended that sufficient space should be given to agricultural information, and it should be published on time, more understandable, interesting, acceptable to readers, and in regional-language newspapers.
5 pages, Information plays important role in agriculture development. This study investigated the nature
and extent of available agricultural information sources and information seeking patterns of farmers in Punjab Pakistan. To conduct this study, survey method was used and the population of
the study was the farmers of Punjab, the largest province of Pakistan. The sample of 60 farmers
was selected during the year 2020 by using convenient sampling technique. Furthermore, these farmers were selected from Attock, Kasur and Bahawalnagar to ensure the representation from northern, central, and southern parts of the province of Punjab. The responses of the framers were collected in the form of questionnaire and researcher used adopted descriptive statistics. Results revealed that majority 41 percent of farmers seek information to enhance
their agricultural knowledge. It was found that comparatively interpersonal channels were mostly
preferred with the 56 percent whereas mass media occupied second position with 42 percent. It was also found that numerous types of information sources such as interpersonal sources, mass media and new media were available to disseminate information related to farmers’ needs. It was also revealed that among information needs, market and weather forecast trends were on top priority ranked 1st and 2nd respectively.
Sporleder, Thomas L. (author / Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University) and Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 80 Document Number: C04611
7 Pages, Despite the outreach-building benefits of social media for Extension, it is time for Extension professionals to find new innovative ways to reach out that do not involve social media. An increasing body of research has demonstrated the harms social media use imparts on the health and well-being of those in our communities. Our future use of social media as a primary method of outreach may perpetuate these harms, requiring our best efforts to develop new methods of outreach that do not negatively affect those we serve.