6pgs, Small producers won’t have the testing and control tools available to chicken-industry giants, some farmers say. That could give big producers one more advantage in a market where they already exercise a lot of control.
Online from publication., Describes a medical telementoring and telemonitoring program, Project ECHO, created by a New Mexico gastroenterologist, Dr. Sanjeev Arora. This model features connections and interactions between specialists and physicians working in rural areas and state prisons. It is now leading training nationally and globally (with the World Health Organization) to address urgent issues like vaccine hesitancy and the spread of COVID-19 in nursing homes.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12140
Online via AgriMarketing Weekly. 2 pages., Findings of a survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults commissioned by Proagrica indicated that 39% of U.S. consumers considered going vegetarian or vegan since the COVID-19 pandemic began. These attitudes were apparent in relation to both grocery shopping and eating out. Health was cited as the main reason for considering changes in diet, followed closely by the cost of meat.
USA: International Food Information Council, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12082
Online from the IFIC organization. 5 pages., "2021 food trends: from our eating and purchasing habits for food safety, COVID-19 still looms large on food decisions and health goals." Summary of findings from the 2020 Food and Health Survey conducted by IFIC.
Online from publisher., Brief report and analysis of research published by the National Academy of Sciences showing a strong positive relationship between meatpacking plants and local community transmission. "...the risk of excess death primarily came from large meatpacking plants operated by industry giants." Communities that shut down slaughterhouses reduced spread.
Online via journal website. 3 pages., "History is repeating itself," according to the research head of an ancestry organization which recently analyzed pandemic ads published decades apart - influenza outbreak (1918) and COVID-19 pandemic (current).
4 pages, Online subscription. 4 pages., Summary of grocery shopping patterns during the first 10 months of 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic began in the U.S.
Online from publication. 2 pages., Author reported on a presentation at the West Coast Produce Exposition. The speaker observed, "I think we've got a wild ride for the foreseeable future here, and noted that consumers will continue to order groceries online, and the "click and collect" model may have staing power through the crisis and beyond."
Online from publisher. 2 pages., Describes how agricultural journalists in the Congo are continuing media coverage in all corners of their national territory, even in the midst of the fight against COVID-19.