Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 102 Document Number: D10893
Online from "Rural Blog" of the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, University of Kentucky, Lexington.3 pages., Features a reporter's use of computer-assisted reporting skills to examine deaths of unbuckled drivers in Virginia, especially those in rural areas. Findings emphasize unbuckled drivers of pickup trucks.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 151 Document Number: D10052
3 pages., Correspondence via email., Recommends that agricultural communications students take course work to learn how to do statistical tests and interpret the results of others' research.
Bonnen, James T. (author / Michigan State University)
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 91 Document Number: C06626
Bonnen; Paper presented to the Conference on Rural Data Needs : the Role of Public Universities; 1989 March 29-31; Lexington, KY, East Lansing, MI : Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University, 1989. 23 p. (Staff paper no. 89-62)
Buse, Rueben C. (author), Driscoll, James L., eds. (author), and Buse: Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; Driscoll: Research and Development, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, USDA, Kansas City, MO
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 90 Document Number: C06498
Contains Table of Contents only; See C06499-C06505 for individual chapters; James F. Evans Collection, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press. 1992. 458 p.
Ferguson, Bruce G. (author), Morales, Helda (author), Chung, Kimberly (author), Nigh, Ron (author), and El Colegio de la Frontera Sur
Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social
Michigan State University
Online journal article
Publication Date:
Mexico: Taylor & Francis
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 109 Document Number: D10984
21 pages, 21 pages, We explore potential and limitations for agroecological scaling through formal education, using the LabVida school gardens program in Chiapas, Mexico as a case study. Through LabVida training, educators gained an appreciation of agroecology and learned to apply agroecological practices, although their understanding of agroecological principles and scientific process remained limited. The greatest program impact was on educators’ eating habits, and their perception of the value of local knowledge and its relevance to school work. The case study demonstrates the potential of garden and food-system work to leverage institutional resources in ways that can improve educational outcomes, including agroecological literacy. Increased awareness of agroecology and the value of local knowledge may intersect with other drivers of scaling, including markets, organizational fabric, and policy.
Breakwell, Glynis M. (author) and Barnett, Julie (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D07369
Pages 80-101 in Nick Pidgeon, Roger E. Kasperson and Paul Slovic (eds.), The social amplification of risk. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 448 pages.
11 pages., Via online journal article, OBJECTIVES: To examine the impact of social media influencer marketing of foods (healthy and unhealthy) on children’s food intake.
METHODS: In a between-subjects design, 176 children (9–11 years, mean 10.5 ± 0.7 years) were randomly assigned to view mock Instagram profiles of 2 popular YouTube video bloggers (influencers). Profiles featured images of the influencers with unhealthy snacks (participants: n = 58), healthy snacks (n = 59), or nonfood products (n = 59). Subsequently, participants’ ad libitum intake of unhealthy snacks, healthy snacks, and overall intake (combined intake of healthy and unhealthy snacks) were measured.
RESULTS: Children who viewed influencers with unhealthy snacks had significantly increased overall intake (448.3 kilocalories [kcals]; P = .001), and significantly increased intake of unhealthy snacks specifically (388.8 kcals; P = .001), compared with children who viewed influencers with nonfood products (357.1 and 292.2 kcals, respectively). Viewing influencers with healthy snacks did not significantly affect intake.
CONCLUSIONS: Popular social media influencer promotion of food affects children’s food intake. Influencer marketing of unhealthy foods increased children’s immediate food intake, whereas the equivalent marketing of healthy foods had no effect. Increasing the promotion of healthy foods on social media may not be an effective strategy to encourage healthy dietary behaviors in children. More research is needed to understand the impact of digital food marketing and inform appropriate policy action.